Give me your preferred redpill Youtube channel.
Give me your preferred redpill Youtube channel
Other urls found in this thread:
The Amazing Atheist
Pewdiepie obviously.
rusell brand vlog
Varg Vikernes...but it's more ironpill though.
John green and his brother
The Golden One, honestly. I find him very agreeable.
Golden one
Black Pigeon Speaks
>Red Pill
Pick one.
Black Pidgeon Speaks
Dude, no. Everyone has a line. I think "Genocide of everyone who's see an anime." is mine.
The nigger pegion
I like QuQuMedia. He talks about ethics in gaming journalism
>I think "Genocide of everyone who's see an anime." is mine.
When did he say that? I think I would have heard it before.
Murdoch Murdoch
PragerU. Cucked YT is censoring their videos on Islam.
Tim Wise biggest red pill around
Redpilled highly intelligent German.
You'll never understand.
This is baby's first redpill
There is no bluer pill than organized religion
Please, faggot. True Christianity is a redpill your throat is too small to swallow.
the young turks
Boldly goes beyond the boundaries for all of us.
Reality Calls
The Golden One
Millennial Woes
Thulean Perspective
Dont underestimate this. Watch all of his videos and listen closely.
He's one of the legit insiders
And he's funny as fuck
>hurr durr get rid of the Secret Service because they like whores and booze and drugs
>replace them with Marines
Also why the fuck does he dress like a gay goth rock bass player now?
laci green
Steven is pretty based, even though I feel like he holds back his hate for minorities.
The young Turks?
Wew lad, that's a blue-pilled as it gets, unless you're viewing it as satire.
I actually used to like them and had a T-shit. They were pretty decent but really went downhill the past year/2.
I burned my shirt. No need for it anymore.
Styx is max comfy
Also, listening to Dr. Peterson's videos changed my perception on Christianity
Lectures >>>> faggot pundits babbling for 15 minutes
Anyone with a Youtube channel is a fucking loser and anyone who watches Youtube is a fucking loser, too.
I try to keep away from the echo chamber ones. You know, the ones who try to imitate InternetAristocrat by having a figure represent them. A pidgeon, an Akkadian emperor, a dog, a skull, a cartoon man. They're all the same. Watch one video and you've watched them all. Wow, so hard roasting a feminazi with retarded ideas. They are literally leafyishere literally with literally politics instead
The only two that can be considered red pilled are Varg and Razorfist. First for comfy ASMR, the second for comedy.
Sargon of Akkad
The only two that I watch that is
>Genocide of everyone who's see an anime
That's the best idea I've ever heard.
Tommy Sotomayor.
Styxhexenhammer and TommyNC2010
The Young Turks or Secular Talk
Afraid your feefees might get hurt Chang?
nice try ming lao
black pilled
>True Christianity is a redpill your throat is too small to swallow.
Swallow the dick of my belief says the christfag
No thanks sense we both equally shitpost on the internet says the atheist
No get hanged for your heresy
You only hate us because of the fedora meme?
No i just hate you because your not in my religion
Well then why have the first amendment then?
Molyneux (not always)
Greg Hunter (for economics)
that one is sort of funny but most of his vids are cringy
>Watch Razorfist for his vidya rants
>Has a hateboner against vidya journos but beyond that never think about him in a political way
>Suddenly videos of him praising the God Emperor's victory and shitting on democrats and the media, making an entire video to mock the movieblob for good measure
>Made another video defendind the Electoral college and shat on the consumer states
>Majored in political science
Wew lad
Je poste le bon stuff en Francais, mes Bubba...
This. As a lefty I find them more tolerable than MSNBC.
Pour les meilleurs entrevues fascistes...
shit tier
autism tier
>greg hunter
literally who xd
>he doesn't believe in theism
Shake my head senpai
To be fair, Sargon does much more than just bash feminists
His book analysis videos are pretty good and his in-depth video analysis of political movements like the alt-right and that hour long progressive one were damn good
stfu cuck
This godly man.
some are hit or miss
If you can do better please make some and post here. After giving up MSM shit I'm starving for good content
Christianity is objectively bullshit.
It also objectively created great civilizations and it is 98% right on morality.
a fucken frog
Un vrai Canadien, tu veux dire, mon ostie de cocu de fond de baril...
Totally with you there. I watched this one video Amazing Atheist put up as a parody of the BuzzFeed "Minority Questions for White People" series called "White Men Questions for SJWs" and more than half of them were fucking avatars or some shit: an animated suit of armor, a kangaroo, Sargon of Akkad of course, some Slenderman wannabee, some renaissance painting with the "deal with it" glasses. Fuck all that noise.
Psuedo-intellectual false Socratic dialogue where they spend 10-15 minutes sardonically deconstructing a feminist or 'liberal' for saying something common-sense stupid is not funny, amusing, or intellectually stimulating. You're right on the money when you state that it's more akin to a political leafyishere or h3h3 hit-job than actual intellectual discourse. Anyone that uses a cheaply photoshopped image or a furry-image crop is cancerous. They all use the same shit speaking style, always dripping with condescension and disgust. Almost no academia or research at all.
I only watch actual lectures or university-held debates now. I can't even stand Milo much these days- he's gone full hypocrite and does his tours more as a way to troll-and-get-paid than do actual intellectual discourse. He's been hitting the drugs twice as hard and acts twice as faggy as he did even two years ago, I suppose as a way to try and stay relevant.
You know, as much as I want to like him, he doesn't really make many good points. All he does is use anecdotal evidence and other unbacked claims.
un vrai tapette de westmount tu a besoin de un vrai anglo pour tes reves de cuckoldism
Retourne sucer Mr. Silverstein, James...
>>he doesn't believe in theism
I do that's why I'm agonistic, Neither
>Black Pigeon Speaks
merci pour les chaines francaises mon cousin
mon francais est terrible apres que jai jouer un anglais vignt ans
un chance que tous les islamists veut vivre a quebec au canada un chance pour nous maudite anglo's
Is this bait or are you genuinely this retarded?
Everything else >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jung
He's literally a jew
Not keen on his new look. If you're in this thread then bring back the fucking dressing gown&coffee Styxers.
Fug id die for my anime
Seriously if i wanted Jung i would go to a techno club
From all the audio-lecture Jews, this is the best
Common Filth is the only objectively correct answer.
Because he knows what he is and still manages to be brilliant. Brilliant defiance without hope is true heroism. Amazing Atheist, Styx etc. are conceited narcissistic fags by comparison.
took concerningly long for me to see molymeme
It's great. They explain the news and make it easy to understand what to think.