everyone who wears a beard is bluepilled. Prove me wrong.
Everyone who wears a beard is bluepilled. Prove me wrong
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Beard is the ultimate sign of surrendering to Islam
look at their hands
if hard and calloused, they are redpilled
if soft and boy like, they are blue
high class men of intellect shave, lower class men of strength and pride tend to let it grow out.
liberal faggots are basically a cargo cult. they grow beards in an attempt to make manhood fall in their laps.
I ususally let me beard grow simply because I'm too lazy to shave it.
>t. babby who can't grow one
Haven't shaved in 3 years and I'm starting to look like clean Karl Marx
The burden of proof is on you.
We are not obliged to provide you with any information.
Without your input this thread will die, or as they as out West- SAGE!
I have a beard and I voted for Trump
Also, fuck Angela Merkel
>having a beard =/= being a hispter beardfag
I disagree with you. I think hipsters and other shitlibs grow them ironically, so there's a stigma because those same fucks are the ones who plaster themselves all over social media.
The beard originally was intended to be an overt sign of masculinity and manliness. Hair growing out of your fucking face.
>wears a beard
a beard is part of a mans face, not a fucking hat. it's the difference between the dominant and submissive roles of love-making.
>you're not a true redpilled meme machine until your face looks like a woman's
only people who can't grow facial hair say this.
IE: women/sissies
I like to shave daily with the shaving knife of my great grandfather who also was a brownshirt.
Gives you a nice nazi look if you rock an undercut and have a strong jaw line.
I think the beard fashion trend was really a controlled P.R. move to damage the disposable razor industry owned by Gillette which is owned by Proctor and Gamble
So there's no politics at play regarding facial hair. It was just a business tactic to try and hurt one of the only profitable sectors of P&G after they bought Gillette in 2005
And it worked
Please have atleast 10 white children
99% true in practice.
Men who have beards:
- use it to hide their weak jawline
- have a shitty job where a beard is acceptable
You are correct.
You made the claim buddy, but I'm inclined to believe it
islam is the ultimate redpill. prove me wrong
hipsters and religious people wear beards
OP cannot grow a beard
Confirmed low-T
That is the plan.
Just not sure if I will do it in Germany or the US. THis country has become unbearable and besides all the cultural marxism its also hell in regards to taxes and basic freedoms
Yes, bluepilled people
Fuck you.
Some of us need beards so we don't look 18.
Go defend your country instead of calling us bluepilled, German brother.
Some men with beards are cucks
But all men with smooth baby faces are fags
>islam is the ultimate redpill. prove me wrong
Easy. Islam is a shit religion that got started by a warmongering child rapist.
underrated post.
Trump doesn't have a beard.
Karl Marx had a beard.
SS was fags? Mein Gott!
This, just because the numales grow awful beards doesn't mean they're forever ruined.
Please OP, beard is part of the body not the brain, it means nothing. You can be bluepilled without beard or redpilled with beard it doesn't matter at all.
You have to go back.
Same here, but i just love the country and the landscape, the nature too much to leave
different time
checkmate athiests
>t. jelly (((khazar))) who can't grow a beard
Yes Nazis were fags who got BTFO
commie detected want a helicopter ride?
>Ernest Hemingway
>John Milius
>Mark Passio
Yeah I know that feel.
I have 700 years of documented family history here, I know how my ancestors sieged cities in the 1500's. And I would leave all of this behind, but the alternative is dying out.
Trump should focus on European migration, and decimating minorities/making them go back. So we will have a white nationalist US by 2050 and by 2200 we can reclaim the caliphate of Europe and cleanse Africa and the middle east of its inhabitants with our new ABC weapons once and for all.
repeating numerals for Big Medicine
So being a Zeitgeist cuck is somehow manly now?
Bearded guy here, and you are wrong. I'm not some liberal, SJW, bearded, hipster fag.
I'm a god damn lumberjack.
Anyone who worries about amd judges the appearance of others is probably blue-pilled. Sure you can make fun of retarded hippie pokemons and shit but judging a man by his appearance, what hairstyle he has or does he grow a beard is a sign of weakness.
TL;DR real men don't give a shit about the appearance of others, focus on yourself and judge yourself before others
pic not related
This is pretty autistic
A man does whatever he wants because he is a man, not for the validation or virtue signaling support of their peers.
A man who conforms based off a conceived notion of masculinity is not red pilled.
Pic related.
Atleast they fought.
We need to bring back the moustache, to distinguish ourselves from the bearded nu-males and faggots that shave.
Beard became bluepilled since the 60's, now even moreso with all these hipsters. Still most people who are fully redpilled have beards.
Come on Hans, fight to take your country back. For Germanics everywhere.
My ancestors were swedes who came to Finland sometime in the 18th century, but they mixed with finns. Mothers side were probably pagans, first notions of the family name can be found in 1700-century church annals. You know just as well me how it feels when people who "have fled terrorism and war" come here and erase everything in a matter of seconds. Feels bad man
or homeless
This guy gets it.
What a man looks like is less of a factor than what a man sounds like.
Pay more attention to the male speaking voice. You can hear the depth of a man's soul, beliefs, and determination. You can also hear the sound of his nuts.
And ask yourself why all of the alt-right spokesmen speak like neutered cucks.
You sound like someone who can't grow a beard
Better this.
Makes me sick. This soil is soaked with our blood. And now its given away to these disgusting animals for free.
I am not afraid to die but if I have to I want to sell my life at the highest price. And at this point, Germany is so far gone that even rightout violence would not do anything because most Germans dont want to continue to exist as Germans. They dont care about such things.
They think its primitive and bigotted to think in such eternal terms.
This is the greatest power of the globalists, they pollute the connection of the Volk with marxist and foreign invaders in order that people like you and me cant connect in real life like they did in the 1920's.
read the written above
Shave your beard
You can say appearances don't matter but that's only half true. People always have and always will judge others by their appearance because more often than not it gives a good indication of what that person is like. If you're too lazy or don't care enough to groom yourself how am I supposed to trust you with the responsibility to run one of my companies?
shave your beard, mehmet
> t. sissy faggot that can't grow a beard.
That is true but I was replying to OP in regards of him judging someone because of a beard, which is nonsense and immediately makes me think that he is insecure and weak, so he has to belittle others to trick himself into believing that he is great.
In regards to hiring people, of course that takimg care of yourself will always be a factor but you still should be judged more on your merit than appearance.
>tfw grandpa and two of his brother all got wounded in pic related, but all came back for contiuation war.
¨feels even worse, might get drunk today just to honor their memory and forget my pain for a moment. The pain we all have
It makes me glad to hear that, Satan. I wear mine like your pic related and was having second thoughts just now.
Yeah I know such situations, this is nothing new desu and I dont have the energy to rage about this all the time. I think people deserve this for their stupidity. If they cant connect the dots they shall die.
Its only sad when it hits a real german, a red pilled person but that is pretty rare.
I barely feel compassion for my fellow Germans anymore and at some days I just hate them.
I feel like I was born 100 years too late
A lot of men who let their beards grow out do it because they're following trends with shit premises. I can't help but negatively judge someone from an urban area that has let their beards grow. They're nothing more then hipsters.
I Had to shave daily, sometimes more than once if for an inspection while active duty.
Get out, grow my freedom beard. Imagine my face when I try to reintegration myself into society and discover a bunch of faggot hipsters running around with beards.
Started shaving again.
> letting islam influence you in any way
> letting muslims take away any of your freedoms
men look objectively better with a groomed beard.
only muslims wear overly long disgusting beards.
learn the difference you jelly cuck.
I think this is right. Some normal guys didn't get the memo, but it won't be long.
learn the differenc between a mudslim beard and a white mans beard you cuckfucks! mudslims almost never trim and 99% of mudslims dont have or have almost no mustache, its haram to get it in your mouth. secondly, i support beards that are not a fashion statement. most great leaders had beards (king leopold even has a beard named after him)
Alright dude who can't grow anything
Got a weak jawline. So I grew a beard(2 years growing) and took care of it.
I know it's linked to testosterone and all(jawline) but nothing else implies I would be low test(height etc).
>I feel like I was born 100 years too late
same here. I want to fight for independence, I want to listen to traditional folk songs now forgotten, and I want to fight and die for the flag.
Meanwhile western women dream of big black dicks, parties and fancy cars
This is actually a quality post. Good job user.
I have very long beard and I'm redpilled as fuck.
Stop the crap.
You're right.
>most great leaders had beards (king leopold even has a beard named after him)
what does that have to do with anything, are you going to bring back pointy moustaches too you fucking retard
I had all of this and it does not make happy in the long term.
Society is just too decadent to survive.
Op is proven correct.
>liberal faggots are basically a cargo cult. they grow beards in an attempt to make manhood fall in their laps.
Never heard the term cargo cult before. very fitting description. :^)
whatever, go back to jacking of to animeporn and trannies or whatever its called. your either a pimplefaced skinny bitch or a fat fuck who nobody cares about, + im pretty shure you have mommy iseus. and to reply to your qeustion, it has everything to do with it, beards (or lack of it) have nothing to do with beeing red or blue pilled, you are the fucking retard here if you judge say that beards are for weaker/bluepilled people.
I used to have a beard and I started clean shaving everyday. I hate started hating most people with beards, they're either (trying) to be hyper masculine caractures of men, while missing the actual purpose of being a man, or sissy libtards who look down on any masculine trait except the beard.
I feel like being born in a rich country is a curse.
>You and your people get all this land and riches, but you dont make the decisions for yourself, and dont dare question those in power.
Basically a deal with the devil
People like you who are obsessed with how you look are the real insecure pussies. Beard, no beard, whatever, it doesn't fucking matter.
Currently we are also literally financing our own downfall, feeding the invaders, disarming ourselves.
We are the stupidest people on earth
whats wrong with sissy boys ? :)
>Caring about how other men look
Surely THAT'S the redpill, right OP?
I have a beard and am a national socialist.