> Sup Forums is blocked in my country
> Sup Forums is not
> wtf?!
How can I browse blocked website?
My friend told me about VPN but when I googled it, almost all websites are blocked. Non-blocked VPN are not free.
what is the solution?
> Sup Forums is blocked in my country
> Sup Forums is not
> wtf?!
How can I browse blocked website?
My friend told me about VPN but when I googled it, almost all websites are blocked. Non-blocked VPN are not free.
what is the solution?
I hope your country gets nuked
The one I tried is called "wind scribe"
You could try using a proxy to access the VPN site?
BUMP for help!
The internet is meant for everybody.
Die sand nigger. Trump and Russia are coming for you filthy subhumans
>the Internet is meant for everybody
Saudis are not human m8..
Thanks Canada
What's wrong with you ameritards?
Move to Europe.
All memes aside use a VPN, the good ones are paid so your country can't subpoena your logs, I recommend PIA, used them for years good quality, the only problem is you can only browse you can't post because the ips are banned, but at least you can view the board
This website is haram and you will be beheaded for this.
Good, stay the fuck out sand nigger
You fucking damn well know what you did..
Welcome to the awakening my brother.
You can truly see the dying ways of the infidels of the west. Any semblance of these once great nations is deteriorating through multiculturalism, degeneracy, and women's rights. The next golden age of Islam is upcoming and the west will be at the forefront. Rome will fall, Inshallah.
Sup Forums is where all the propoganda goes, gay / trans / blacks are better than you etc.
You ain't missing much.
Suck to be you Goatfuckia
It's not worth going on Sup Forums you dumb nigger
Sup Forums is gayer and more retarded then /lgbt/
Fuck off our board you dirty piece of shit
>b board
Good riddance. Sup Forums is basically the political version of old Sup Forums minus the cancerous memes.
Some people are still bitter because they believe the Saudi's had a hand in 9/11. Just ignore them, I don't care if your government did, you didn't. That's what matters here.
Use https:// will bypass the block
>implying Sup Forums isn't filled with race bait and propaganda
Fuck sand niggers, we don't want you.
Reported to Sharia police.
Enjoy your public beheading.
I'm basically just here because of that fucking banana
you try going back to durkadurkaboom.com
Sup Forums is haram. Even we agree on that.
Use https. They cant see which board you're browsing then, just that you're on Sup Forums.
If i get your your email address I can send webpages to you by mail. No homo stuff tough.
Wow thanks... That worked :D
I guess hating jews, niggers, and homos is A-okay with Saudi government.
As it is in my work.
then pay for a non-blocked VPN you oil rich Saudi fuck