Stop acting like California and being so god damn cucked...
We will bomb the shit out of you if you don't straighten up, and fly right.
Stop acting like California and being so god damn cucked...
We will bomb the shit out of you if you don't straighten up, and fly right.
Other urls found in this thread:
That is a STATE SPONSORED race mixing video paid for by Canadian tax dollars.
And you Americans tell us we are fucked.
please tell me he didn't actually wear that fucking shirt....
>please tell me he didn't actually wear that fucking shirt....
I wish I could, video related.
wtf i love pretending the canadian government is representative of the canadian people despite 61% of the voters voting against the government now
Literally kill yourself OP.
>America for the last decade
>ran by a filthy Kenyan muslims
>trump wins and Americans pretend they've always been uncucked
>Canada for the last decade ran by a white, canadian conservative
>less than a year of Trudeau and americans pretend Canada's always been cucked.
We're whiter, more straight, and more Christian than you.
Yeah and Canadians lost their fucking minds over it. Trudeau's going to be one-and-done as well. People just got sick of HarpDaddy
People don't realize how conservative Canadians are. They just see us in comparison to Americans
T. Xiaoping Dong
>this is the leader of Canada
What the fuck is wrong with the leafs? WHY WOULD THEY ELECT HIM?
What did he teach grade school, who even is this guy?
>Trudeau's going to be one-and-done as well
Not good enough, impeach him or lynch him right the fuck now.
He's a nothing. We had the same guy in power for 10 straight years during the Afghanistan War. Plus the third party basically self-destructed at the same time.
Justin got lucky af
People just got tired of him. He should of stepped down and let his replacement win.
t. Abdul Mohammad
What's it like knowing 7% of your population identify as flaming faggots, Omar? Must enrage you, you tiny-dicked, sex depraved shitskin. It's only natural, your holy book literally preaches throwing these degenerates off buildings, after all.
Belgium is a LITERAL non-country. Irrelevant in geography and in politics. Your only contribution to this world is making Europe's borders look like a clusterfuck. The world would rejoice to see Belgium whiped out, Europe would get 20% whiter over night, but we're not going to whipe you out. We're going to keep you alive as a protected species so our children can witness the beautiful mistake of nature that is the Belgian species. Go choke on a strip of bacon.
>Irrelevant in geography and in politics
Definition of Canada, indeed.
Just wait until they start pumping these out.
Do they teach English in Belgium, Aladdin?
>Flag unknown
What country is this?
how do gay people "mix"?
T. Sheik Shar Swathy
>how do gay people "mix"?
usually in prison
This country is dead. Get out while you can before it becomes Sweden/Britain/Germany 2.0
>[green text] implying it isn't already worse then countries mentioned above
It never will. One government reducing gibmedats would wipe out the whole shitskin population.
They'll move to some other shithole soon. Hopefully we get a few brutal winters
this video is the truth!!! fuckin autistic poltards think theyre the race realists but really its the canadians that are super smart and know the future!!!
>We will bomb the shit out of you if you don't straighten up, and fly right.
typical american nigger still talking shit
>still waiting to be bombed
>american nigger still sabre rattling
Don't listen to him. Straight white male Canadians are based. We are allies and would fight for you guys. Get Trudeau the fuck out and repeal cancerous shit like the below.
We are rooting for you guys.
- Shelby Fenner, Majumder's wife, had a meltdown on twitter last night. Started replying to Poo in Loo trolls, and finally went off the deep end and started rambling about how rich Majumder is (research indicates his net worth hovers around $400k CDN ???) and he has an underground prostitution ring of brown women (? da fuq)?
- ChristChan, the art cuck, has been sending Majumder links to the raid threads. This doesn't affect the ops at all and is in fact anticipated and hoped for (hello Shaun). Stop giving to ChristChan's GoFundMe though...
- IMPORTANT: Found an interview from 2003 in which Majumder says:
>"We need more mixed people in this world, so the next time you see a person darken than you, go and hump him."
This is crucial because the CBC has already claimed 'Beige Horizon' was only satire. Majumder's own twitter feed proves it is not, but now we have historical evidence (Globe & Mail interview in 2003). PIC VERY MUCH RELATED. MEME THE FUCK OUT OF THIS, THIS IS CURRENTLY THE MOST VIRULENT AND DEADLY MEME.
- A new tactic is to ask the CBC and Majumder if our tax dollars are paying for him to flaunt his disturbing "racial fetishism" on our airwaves:
Please create: Memes that juxtapose Majumder's ugly mug, the line "pure breeds losing their grip", and real demographic charts/visualizations that show the genocide of the white race. This will be extremely effective.
Memes, meme mats, screencaps, keks:
Faith Goldy 'CBC Celebrates White Genocide':
The original 'Beige Horizon' demonic cancer:
Previous threads:
Canadians are red-pilled as fuck. Trudeau is just affecting us like a plague
2nd largest country in the world and we have the biggest fresh water supply.
Good luck when the great drought hits. I might sell you a bottle of water if you're nice.
Thanks for the update, hope the meme ops go well
How has someone not posted this yet
Guess what guys
I'm fuming mad at this, I can't even put into words how angry I am right now. I'm almost to the verge of tears.
It's one thing to have a nigger on an American bill, blacks in America ARE American and have played a somewhat big role in their history as well as make up 12% of their population.
Canada however is 3% nigger and niggers have contributed absolutely jack shit to our history. Since when are Canadians blacks?!?! And he's replacing our first PRIME MINISTER to put some fucking leaf version of Rosa Parks on our currency, the currency of a white country. I am so pissed right now.........
I met two canadian women a couple of weeks ago. middle aged and blue pilled as fuck. They kept going on and on about how trudo was so handsome and how his wife was beautiful like michelle obama (what).
Then they started talking about how great canada was. How it's better because it has legal gay marriage and no racial discrimination in marriage. I had to tell them that we actually had the same fucking thing.
Canadians are fucking out there man. They don't even live on the same planet as us. Hard to believe they are on the same fucking continent as us.