You can only post ITT if you are from a filthy third world country
Invited: south central americans, México,germany, sweden, africans and asians
Post stories, struggles, how do you keep yourself happy and if you are planning to leave your country
You can only post ITT if you are from a filthy third world country
Invited: south central americans, México,germany, sweden, africans and asians
Post stories, struggles, how do you keep yourself happy and if you are planning to leave your country
Other urls found in this thread:
Being poor sucks desu
anybody knows how i can fix my flip-flop?
I want to move to a white country, but I havent finished my degree yet and i dont wanna waste the years I have spent in it.. I have been thinking about finishing it yet but education for someone like me in the white countries doesnt seen afortable :(
Whats wrong with it? Can you post a pic
>tfw you could live your entire life without working in your countries.
Should I just become a Venezuelan NEET?
As soon as you get a job things become pretty affordable. Maybe you should move to mexico and make some dough first then move to USA they love spics.
What do you guys do for a living?
I work at a local court, it's kinda boring. I hope to get a better job after I get my degree.
What are you talking about? Everybody needs to work ... right?
Alabama here. Shit sucks
University is free in most European countries though
safety pin my brother
Fuck off
I have properties, they are my main source of income right now, I work as freelancer as a programmer for extra moneys. I'm getting a degree on Applied mathematics
W-where would you like to move sven? Or are you one of those that dont mind living in a third world country?
Third worlders, do you consider China a second or third world country? I'd say second, especially after talking to frustrated Poles in China who expected something exotic but got Eastern Europe in Chinese.
Third world.
Some fancy buildings in Shanghai don't make them first world.
Hell, every Latin American country has a growing chinese diaspora nowadays, but don't think anyone over here would even considering migrating to China.
hi third world
Not even going to take the bait, just stay where you are.
My problem would be the cost of living I dont think i am able to gather enough money to not starve if i dont get a job quickly. I have friends in europe and it took them a month to get a job
feels good to live here.
Sup my dudes
>Some fancy buildings in Shanghai don't make them first world.
That's why I asked if it's second or thirld world m8.
war eagle
Second world isn't a thing.
sweet, we made the list
what do I do now?
Sorry, my bad.
But still, I guess the average Chinese wageslave has it worse than the average Latin American one.
I'd say it's still third world.
2nd world is most likley eastern europe, not poor like apefrica not rich like the west
Isn't your country in a civil war or something?
I dont even know whats second world anymore, if you take the idiology approach i guess my country would be second world for being commie as fuck, but in the more popular use of the third world term i would consider china third world because of the work conditions the majority of the population have to go through
I know 2 people that moved to china, they say its better than here but i guess thats not hard to acomplish
Hi white country, you arent invited to this thread
How's life like there?
Not really
Are there many Chinese in Venezuela?
Yeah, a lot of them are leaving tho
if you go to the north its mudhut if you go to the south it pretty decent 2world beceuse chinise investments half ghanian here
Ever witnessed any terrorist happening?
Please don't, we're full as it is.
Like, 120 million full. Needs to stop.
Their standards of living are worse than our blacks
There are lots of foreign students at my uni, it's not that hard to find a job if you speak French. I guess it's the same thing in other countries
>tfw you know your country has the potential to be great but our politician class are retarded
How's the political situation?
I know nothing of Ghana....
Hi guys, I guess you are my new social circle....
Is the UK not considered 3rd world? I feel left out...
Our streets are filled with trash and our cities are degrading into shit, i think we've earned our place as a 3rd world country.
i'm here because of my dad's job so I have access to good infrastructure (fast internet, good house, good international school). Most people (80%+) live in poverty with no access to these stuff.
>invited: Germany and sweden
Mein sides, user
the elections where today i dont know hos elected proberly president rolling's party NDC
How come? I heard CR was breddy gud by LA standards. Even better than Nicaragua, for sure.
Hey fellow degenerate 3rd worlders
They just voted today, don't even know who's elected, but it's just another useless president who will bring no change.
Admit it OP, you made this thread to get some African flags
Wanna switch? I'll add two gyro plates and a crate of wine
Third World Potato nigger reporting for duty
Walk down the stairs in the subway
no roads but most people in Ghana for some reason have flatscreen tv's or iphones
How does it feel to be a proxy of the great powers?
Any tips for a person new to the third world life?
Don't worry Kraut we all respect you here.
who did you vote for?
How are you doing fellow 3rd worlders?
French sounds hard... i was taking German when i started college but stopped after a year and half because it didnt look like it would benefit me
funny and original, I bet you're fat user
Ever had jollof rice?
Is it any good?
Same shit in every developing country.
its spelled "jellof rice"
You could try Spain if there are jobs left there
where the fuck do the get all this shit do? a pawnshop? stolen donated?
>be me
>10 years old autistic kid
>go with my father to work for the first time
>Alqaeda decides this is a good day to do some of that sweet terrorism
>Blow up some generators to distract the police and the army
>attack the bank with at least 15 suicide bombers
>smoke and blood everywhere
>some people got their clothes worn off
>crying like the baby i am
>mfw it took me 5 years to go again with my father to his work
>mfw i hate this shithole
semi-stealth rare
Can you help Argentina with his flip flop problem? You guys are good with tech right?
Hello friend
Dont trust anyone except your family and close friends that you grew up with
No, but they have pretty good restaurants here with fast delivery. I was actually shocked at the quality of the food they have. At supermarkets, the veggies and fruits are all tiny and rotten. The imported ones are way too expensive.
the worst part of Ghana is the fucking lightouts or powercuts
i had malleria when the did one of there powercuts once
That's true. But we could be way better if old legislation weren't holding us down. We could be Chile/Singapore tier at least.
But no one wants to change. We voted in a guy from a third party and he didn't really bring the change he promised, so people are very probably going to vote in the same corrupt parties of old next election. Shit sucks.
>Second world
lern 2 history, faggot
Don't forget the flooding if it rains too much.
Vote ML, make CR great for once
and the moscito nets if thats not the worst the cockroaches are horrific
Sounds good, how do I avoid gangs and being mugged?
Damn, stay strong lad.
what's holding us back?
if you are giong to Ghana or africa buy SOLAR PANELS unless you want constant lightouts
Fuck off we're full
My grandmother was from Venezuela, do i get any special gibmedats? Somethine like, if your parents were american or you were born on american soil you have american citizenship.
I keep myself happy waiting for the weekend to stay with my wife and daughter. During the week I work like a fucking dog to earn slightly above average.
Then my wife and daughter will drain all my money. You can say my life is pretty normal.
Yeah, and I bet you are a kebab, swedecuck.
gonzales why are you talking like anybody wants to go to shithole mexico
i didn't know people in iraq had computers at this point... i honestly thought the country wasn't really a country anymore and that it was just mostly demolished dessert.
so do you live in a house in a city? how is there internet? what do you do? how do you speak english?
Thats brutal dude, do you like anime?
Fuck yes
Can you please verify you are actually there, i do not want to save a proxy
>Dollar went from 1.8 to 2.5
How about Eastern Europe Exsoviets?
I get these and dirty power almost every day. But hey, at least it's clean energy!
I'd go for the food. Mexican food made I. America sucks.
Fastest and cheapest internet in the world.
>poor management of state budget
>old laws that are generating extra unnecessary spending like "Plan Escudo"
>old infrastructure isn't holding up
>a passive population that generally likes to complain but doesn't give enough of a shit to do anything
Hows life in Ghana Oumayoungo?
I watched like 15 mins of jojo
It seemed like a fucking Mexican drama
Never watched anime ever since