I'm sick and in bed for the day, and tired of shitpostin, so I'm starting another thread for my Flemmish & Dutch Bros :^)

I encourage to keep the posts in English for the non-Dutch speakers who want to join in and ask questions!

Topic suggestions
> Politics, News & Recent events
> History & Culture
> meems & pictures

Other urls found in this thread:


Stop ruining euroope you globalist freaks.

Bumping with public transport!

Why isn't Belgium split up between Germany and France along with the Netherlands?

>lower than a flemish snake in a wheel rut

that's australian for "you suck"

because none of those countries have purple bus stops or candycane houses.

T. Sven-Eric sucking Somali cock

walking in amsterdam makes me so sad. so many niggers and muslims. Its not the niggers from the dutch colonies i care about but the ones who come straight out of africa are the worst. They don't have basic manners no respect for anyone including themself. The muslims keep breeding like rats and dont even try to integrate. the turks are saying that turkey is better in everything but refuse to move to turkey because money of course. I hate the fucking lefts with their fucking degenerate plans. I hope wilders can save us.

Groot-Nederland pls

Because of many complex reasons:
>Leftover divisions of the HRE

I'd like to see Bruges again, other cities in the Netherlands as well.

Witloof Bump!


I don't believe the following posters actually exist.

>macedonia/ any yugo slavia countries
>estonia/ latvia/ any baltic/ slavic countries

I've asked them to tell me about their daily lives / educate me on their countries and i get ignored.


i would love if we merged, but sadly will never happen. i have a feeling that the flemish are more into this then the dutch.

Come on man.


Yes, we have problems with terrorists.

We don't have massive nu-male problem. We don't force our women to mix with foreigners.

nah im good
fijne avond

come on sweden, im hoping for a rise up everywhere so i dont like to do the "you country is more cucked then mine" thing BUT your fucking country isnt even sweden anymore, be real!

is francken our guy

Please just throw out the eurocrats out of your country and you'll be set.


>voluntarily walking in the ghetto's of the city

There are literally no shitskins and niggers in the centre during the day

Why? We get billions of shekels every year due to the EU offices.

Only cuck like you would abandon that. Or should we give those EU jobs to Somalis like you gave your women?

Jean Pierre Van Rossem & Urbanus - Pauw en Witteman (14-01-2011)

Geography Now! Belgium

Belgium: Tourism in the Ugliest Place on Earth

What it's like living next to Wallonistan

Laaglandsrijk wanneer?

>only a cuck would stop fucking over other countries with globalist nonsense becuase we'd lose money from doing so
Holy shit, you people really are jews.
>inb4 cuckcukccuckcuck
Kill yourself, your fake country has daily terrorist attacks and you are filled to the fucking brim with negroes.

Ok Sven Cückingsson

How long have you been in your cuckshed? Did Jamal lose the key again?

Doden zelf, je vuile jood bankier. Je verpest Europa. Uw hele land is verschrikkelijk. Uw autonome levens puzzels mij, en in het beste je bent onbeschaafde.

Kek. Your situation is far worse than ours irrespective of the fact they managed to get our airport. I mean even in Molenbeek they don't use hand grenades daily like in Sweden.

But, at the same time we get enormous economic benefit from the EU offices. We are talking about billions and billions of euros every year. You get nothing but a big Somali cock up into your butt and you are still happy with it.

how does this picture make dutch "men" feel?
>In the beginning of 2012, people of foreign background and their descendants were estimated to have formed 25% of the total population
Please stop it I'm howlin' here

Why so angry? You would do exactly the same thing if you were in our shoes. Of course we take tens of thousands of well-paid jobs funded by some fools from other European states.

Wat zyde gy tot my, gy kleine duyvelspecht? Ik beveel ge er kennis van te neemen dat ik met lof ende goedkeuring een kaapersbrief heb gehad van Willem van Oranje ende betrokken ben geweest by talryke geheyme offensieven tegen Alva en de zyne, en zelfstandig meer dan drie honderden Spanjolen heb omgelegd. Ik ben gehard by den Katergeuzen en ben den beste schutter onder den Nederlandsche vlag. Ge bent niet meer dan myn zoveelste doelwit. Ik zal u uyt myne gewest verwyderen met een nauwkeurigheid die de wereld nog nimmer aangechouwen had. Let op myn verdomde woorden! Gy denkt dat ge deze leuhgenpraat aan my kan verkoopen per postduyf? Gy had tweemaal moeten denken, cattengehspuys! In dezen tyd dat ik deze missive opstel, stuur ik opdracht naar myn geheymen samenstel van verspieders ende vloerduyven, verspreid door den Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden en wordt dezen postduyf gevolgd, dus ge kunt zich maar beter voorbereiden op den storm, rabaut. Den storm die het bedroevenden klyne ding dat gy uw leven noemt weg zal vaagen. Gy bent dood, kind. Ik kan overal, ten alle tyden zyn ende ik kan ge op zeven honderden wyzen doden, ende dat is slechts met myne bloten handen. Niet alleen zyt ik veelomvattend geoefend in den ongewapenden krygskunst, maar alsmede heb ik het voltallige arsenaal der watergeuzen ter myner beschikking ende ik zal dat benutten om uwer lamlendigen achtereinde van het vastenland te vagen, gy klynen schobbejak. Als gy had geweten wat voor eene goddelooze vergelding uw 'geestige' missive teweeg zou brengen, had ge misschien op uwen tong gebeten. Maar dat kon ge niet. Gy deed het niet ende nu zult ge de tol betalen, gy verdomde smeerkanis. Ik zal furie over u schyten en gy zult er in verzuypen. Ge zyt dood, hoerenzeune.


how about we start supporting nationalists in other (european) countries?

We don't care. As long as we benefit economically, we couldn't care less what happens to Europe.

The funny thing is that you don't benefit economically and you still take it in without any lubrication.

Nothing, unlike where you live muslims are seen as manlets here. This attempt at propaganda won't have any effect.

I see plenty in the centre and on centraal. Its not as bad as almere but we should just close the roads to almere and flood flevoland so we can try it again to build a nice city there.

>You would do exactly the same thing if you were in our shoes.
Would I? Would I desecrate the heritage that I've had for millennia and turn my back on my brethren? You're country is full of dishonest and treacherous fiends who lack any cultural value. You're a non-country full of Jews 2.0

>dvw vannacht weer werken
was ik maar weer een NEET

>You're country is full of dishonest and treacherous fiends who lack any cultural value. You're a non-country full of Jews 2.0

Lol like that is an insult. It's about money, you autist. All that matters is money. I would sell any tradition or value we have if someone just paid well enough.

what the fuck are you even talking about? your scared to wear MAGA hats because youll be attacked by nignogs and lefties.... same shit different name and different country. unite, dont divide.

>he's proud of being a total fucking jew
How the fuck do you think you profit in the slighest way by turning into terrorist central?

>I don't feel the slightest bit upset over the fact that these children where forced to convert to islam
wtf west germanic was a mistake.



I have a well-paid job, paid by losers like you. That's how I benefit.

Wew lad. You would do the same in my shoes. Hypocrisy is not cool.

Je Untermensch baviaan. Je letterlijke nigger.
Hoe durf je spreken, je donkere jungle aap. Hoe durf je je grote lippen openen, velg ingelegd, menthol sigaretten ruiken mond?
Je bent menselijk afval, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universeel veracht, bespot en bespot. Uw nationaliteit en huidskleur biedt geen hoop aan de wereld dat Zuid-Amerika ooit kan gedijen. Kruip terug in de Braziliaanse jungle je uit, je letterlijk orang-oetan kwam.
Ik hoop dat u besluit om te varen uw grootvaders doorgaan naar de Falklands en verkrachten wat schapen, net als in de negers natuur. Het zou nog steeds de witste kut die u ooit gehad. Geef Nigel en Robert een kans voor sommige schietoefeningen, uw eigen gebruik aan de wereld. Argentijnen obsessie met een paar winderige eilanden in de Atlantische Oceaan is hilarisch, maar triest. Toevallig zijn de enige zinvolle bijdrage Argentinië heeft geleverd aan de medische sector. De MUH LAS MALVINAS sentiment in de gemiddelde neger Argentijn is zowel een vroegtijdige waarschuwing teken van autisme bij kinderen, en vroeg op de set van Alzheimer bij volwassenen.
Neem je zwarte harige vingers van je toetsenbord, en nooit praten over de menselijke soort weer, je bespotting van onze vermeende gezamenlijke voorouder .. Geen enkele hoeveelheid olijfolie en tarwemeel slabbed op je gezicht elke ochtend krijgt u wit te maken. Het is ongeveer net zo waanvoorstellingen van een idee als je dagdromen van het Europese erfgoed.
U Nigger.
Je maakt Bolivia eruit als een baken van beschaving.
U bent de Baltimore van Zuid-Amerika.
Ga bemesten van de pampa's met u en uw gezin lijken, zijn het beste wat je kan hopen in het leven. Voor de eerste keer in je leven, nigger, heb je een baan maken van voedsel voor wezens superieur aan jezelf. Uruguayaanse vee. Toevallig, zou het de eerste keer dat een Argentijns "man" voorzien voor een gezin.
Die, Diego. Niemand zou je missen. Met uitzondering van de Australische Aboriginals, die nu niemand om ze er goed

Let's not make this one of those threads where you faggots translate memes/phrases literally to Dutch.

>I have a well-paid job, paid by losers like you. That's how I benefit.
Please stop projecting for a minute or two Shylock.

no man, i wouldnt, seriously.

Gomenasai, mijn naam is Henk-Sama.

Ik ben een 27 jarige Nederlandse Otaku (Anime liefhebber voor jullie gaijins). I teken graag Anime en Manga op mijn tablet, en ik spendeer mijn tijd met Japanse kunst en superieure Japanse games. (Disgaea, Final Fantasy, Persona series)

Ik train elke dag met mijn Katana, dit superieure wapen kan zo door staal heen snijden omdat het duizend keer gevouwen is, het is zeker superieur aan ieder ander wapen beschikbaar op aarde. Ik heb mijn zwaard licentie twee jaar geleden verkregen, en ik wordt er iedere dag beter in.

Ik speek vloeiend Japans, Kanji alsook het Osaka dialect, en ik kan het ook nog eens vlekkeloos schrijven. Ik weet alles van de Japanse historie en ook hun Bushido code, welke ik voor 100% naleef.

Wanneer ik mijn Japanse visum krijg, zal ik naar Tokyo verhuizen, hier zal ik een prestigieuze Hoge School bezoeken om meer te leren over hun geweldige cultuur. Ik hoop dat ik een animator voor Studio Ghibli kan worden of een spelletjes ontwikkelaar!

Ik beschik over verschillende kimonos, welke ik ook in de stad draag. Ik wil namelijk gewend raken aan het dragen van een kimono voordat ik verhuis naar Japan, zodat ik me beter kan aanpassen. Ik buig voor mijn ouders en hogergeplaatsten en ik spreek zoveel Japans als ik maar kan, helaas krijg ik niet vaak een respons terug.

Wens me geluk in Japan!

>Unite don't divide
huh funny isn't it

>le jew meme

Go back to your cuck shed, Sven. Meanwhile, I'll do my best to destroy your shitty country while you pay for it.

Well then you are weak. Using the opportunities given by fools like the Swedes is weakness.

i geus it is

Most of the low countries must come back to its rightful owner

I'm a Brit here and the amount of times Moroccans came up trying to sell Coke in Amsterdam was degenerate. The only locals we talked to had stereotypical slicked back Dutch hair, supported Brexit and hated Merkel so at least that was cool.


You want to see Scandinavia fall? Good for you, just know that your weak country full of liars and cheats will plunder with them.

im not weak, i concider myself strong, i dont sell out my believes for money, ever. im not a cheap prostitute who is fore sale. and altough i hate the people of sweden for allowing this massive cuckery, i do love sweden. i love germania, and would like to see it rise again.

Jidf at work...

How does it feel knowing that the eu won't even be a thing in the not to distant future?

Work a bit on your bait.

Well I can leave this country any day so it's a win-win situation.

I'm surprised that Sup Forums is full of weak collectivists.

top kek

>Its not the niggers from the dutch colonies i care about

This exactly, dutchbro

I'm not a collectivist
As a matter of fact I hate the EU

I just really hate you Kike shills, just Belgium overall.
Literally Israel tier zionists except in europe

I don't care about the EU. Most people I know, don't care about it.

It's about money, idiot. I couldn't care less about the idea of a Federal Europe. I would import 100 million refugees to Europe if I benefited from it.

So you are a rat who cares for nothing but his own balance sheet?

Fucking nice, have you had yourself tested for autism becasue you're setting of plety of alarms tbqh.

stop saying Belgium, what you are discribing is brussels and brussels only! flanders is nothing like you describe! im not saying everythings allright here but flanders is pretty redpilled bro

So it's the Walloons who are the good guys? I thought you were poor correct me if I'm wrong. Oh well.

t. Van Rompuy

>So you are a rat who cares for nothing but his own balance sheet?

Why are you implying this is bad?

>have you had yourself tested for autism becasue you're setting of plety of alarms tbqh

I'd say adhering to strong principles like you do is a sign of autism. Individualism is only reasonable ideology to follow.

That geezer can't even use a computer.

bad guys*

t. Schlomo van Jude

smaller town walloons are redpilled,so are the flemish but our bigger cities are a bunch of cuckdens but this applies to a lot of countries, same goes for yours tbqh

m8 you're coming off like an edgy teenager or a total sperg.
either way you ought to consider suicide.

>I'd say adhering to strong principles like you do is a sign of autism

>m8 you're coming off like an edgy teenager or a total sperg.

This is rich coming from a guy posting Hitler.

> such tradition
> such aesthetics
> such comfy :3


mooi man

The big dirents between the flamons and wallons is political:
flamons are a lot more concervetive
wallons are more left wing:

>I have a well-paid job, paid by losers like you.
a government worker bragging about his job

tip top jej

>t. Habsburg