You want a conspiracy, Sup Forums. Go look at this

Russian trolls created echochambers and trends online pulling people in in favour of Trump during the election. Shifting the vote. By the thousands.

Snowden is a defector.

Wikileaks has been co-opted by the Kremlin and they hacked and posted the DNC and Podesta emails.

Russian counter-intel shouts down those investigating Russian involvement online while at the same time talking about Russian agitprop.

All those accounts are linked to John Schindler. His boss is Jared Kushner.

Putinbots created an echochamber which amplified pizzagate.

This reality hacking is all done by team Trump by the methods of Vladislav Surkov. A top Putin advisor.

Go fix it.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Trump voters were cucked by Putin and Russia

Everyone outside of this website has figured that out already

Hello yes where is the proofs

Yeah, is this news to anyone but Sup Forums?

Proof or GTFO

>hillary voters were cucked by cucks
lmao how more cucked can you get

"It's not bad when we do it!!!"
als what is wrong with pulling people to favor trump? that isn't rigging a fucking election ctr.

$.02 have been deposited to your account

go find it. It's what Sup Forums does innit

>you want a conspiracy
>posts whats all over mainstream media

Please leave. Propaganda is legal in the USA, obviously we hate russia again so its going to be anti-russian. Use youre fucking brain.

So, Putin threw a sophistacated propoganda machine behind a favourable candidate and he won.Surprising everyone. And there's no problem?

Damn it feels weird to be the new jew of the world pulling all the strings.


I'm neither pro or for anything. I'm just saying. This is amiss.

>this spacing

Saudi money...
Makes me think.....................................

I'm not saying that. I'm saying there was a level of influence that is so far undocumented. That is all.

Like i said its a waste of time, if the media cares about it, it is a waste of time because its the narrative they want to people to believe.

Fuck off normie.

REALLY makes you think.

>terrorism is losing its effect as a scare tactic, better return to the Cold-War-era soviet boogeyman

How can anyone who objectively looks at the resources of Russia, whether military spending or GDP, honestly believe that Russia is the omnipresent boogeyman the (((establishment))) is leading us to believe.

The entire Russian military spends less money than all of our intelligence agencies. The DoD just identified 120b in annual waste. That means our military wastes four times as much as the entire Russian military spends.

obviously the 1st amendment is wrong here.

time to repeal

considering the media throughly a giant colborative world wide campaign in favor of hillary that incited violence and divided our country i'd say there's no problem at all. hillary got the backing of hundreds of rich jews in fine with trump being backed by putin desu.

I'm not saying they are. I'm saying they used a sophisticated propoganda method and active measures that outflanked the American propoganda system and got a candidate elected that was favourable to the Kremlin

>no more time right now - i gotta get cleaned up and out the door

poor quality

No problem at all.

Fuck leftists.

i find ironic hillary picked trump to run for the republican party


Podestas emails contained substance which catalyzed their dissemination by the public. All you did was give us a few names and a shitty "plot".

Also the dems wanted to agitate the Russians under the guise of muh refugees and muh gay oppression. Let them bomb the middle east, we really don't give a fuck and neither do the people who voted for Trump. Shills plz go

Then that's fine. I just want people to be aware what's happening/happened.

>Wikileaks has been co-opted by the Kremlin and they hacked and posted the DNC and Podesta emails.
>implying this is a fucking problem

Wikileaks obviously is a nonfederal hell not even an exclusively US outlet in its mission

If the DNC and HROD wanted to shit things up and the people they wanted thermonuclear war with blow the lid on their shenanigans that is tough shit for them m8

all talk, no proofs


Correct. And Putinbots amplified it.

Yeah, it works both ways - no doubt.

It's utterly laughable that you believe the Russians are even playing the same game as the West. The difference in sophistication and funding is gigantic. The budget of the NSA alone is more than that of the entire Russian Navy.

go look

Assuming all you said is true, so fucking what?

We got our God emperor, and relations between the USA and the Ruskies SHOULD be an umbreakable bond.

They could have literally shot people in the face to make it happen and it still wouldn't be any skin off my dick.

On our own we are weaker, like a single branch of a tree we can snap very easily, but when the USA and Russia bundle ourselves together we form one gigantic faggot.

I looked. The proofs were missing.

strategy can outflank resources. This is what I'm saying. I don't dispute the funding gap

Nobody else has drawn that conclusion. To the extent that Russia tried to influence the election, their motivation was to highlight the hypocrisy of American criticism of Russian democracy.

It really does make you think, doesn't it? Looks like Drumpfkins were being played all along. Say it with me: MADAME PRESIDENT. #NotMyPresident #ItsHerTurn

No, I sort of agree. The geo-political implications are to be discussed. I have no problem with the countries with the biggest nuclear arsenals being friendly. I'm just saying

No. I think it was to destabalise the establishment and rupture the political process. Which I don't necessarilly mind. I just want people to be aware of the strategy

There's simply no evidence for your claims. It's just more fear mongering bullshit from the establishment. It's a wonderful thing that Hillary lost, otherwise we would be spending the next 4 years chasing this new fabricated Russian boogeyman.

>Russia opposes Saudi efforts to overthrow Assad
>Saudis, Turks, and Americans fund ISIS, AQI, et al to destabilize Syria
>Hillary, the recipient of tens of millions in Saudi funding, pushes for war with Russia instead of ISIS

hmm, really makes my neurons fire

Again the key word is SUBSTANCE.

So what if they propagated it, did you read the fucking emails. They exposed a liar. The ruskies played spy games doesn't make the evidence any less credible.

Proofs, pls

There is evidence. It's not fearmongering. I'm actually glad there's been a shake up. I just want people to be aware of the method of this kind of propoganda is all

Not at all, ya big looser.
Look at you. Look at all your buzzwords and slogans and " part lingo".

Yeah! Cool! Revolution, baby!

Urgh, you people are so simple and sad.

No, I agree. I'm not saying anything but what I said. It's the method of propoganda I want to highlight.

what "people". How do you think you know who I am for one second?

go find it.

It's absolutely fear mongering. It's just like the terrorism bullshit. Is it there, yes. Is it a realistic threat, no.

If there is evidence, then post it. Shit like this always gets blown out of proportion by the establishment to draw attention away from their shady bullshit and to increase the power of the government.

If there is a legitimate threat to our cyber security, then perhaps someone should shoot an email to GCHQ and NSA to throw a few billion at protecting out networks instead of constantly undermining them.


Not an argument. I'd love to see evidence of a vast Russian conspiracy that effectively decided the presidential election.

wtf I love Russia now

Russia controls Trump, the alt-right, and Sup Forums. The proof for this is in the uploaded image.


The hysteria is ridiculous

I'm pretty sure anyone with half a brain knows the Russians were trying to influence the election for Trump

I don't think that somehow makes Hillary any better. The rich Arab states were trying to influence the election for her, and she has a proven record of taking tens of millions for the foundation and her own family (Qatar gave Bill Clinton $1 million on his birthday to get an hour meeting with him while Killary was SoS) in exchange for favours for foreign governments and power brokers.

Frankly, I don't trust Russia, but their interests don't necessarily clash with ours. Whenever somebody I know rants and raves about Russian aggression and subversion, I just ask them the following

Would you be willing to die for Ukraine?

Would you be willing to die for the tiny Baltic states?

Would you be willing to die for the Caucasus?

I have never had anyone answer me "yes" to those questions. And those are really the only countries in danger from Russia.

It's not fearmongering if it's true. Evidence is complex and would take a lot of time. It has to do with fake troll armies creating echochambers to support narratives that suck people into filter bubbles. It's sophistacated. I'd prefer a few people go go look and find themselves. That's the only way people are convinced.

Yes, the protective measures of American cyber security have been outflanked recently by a sophistacated method.

I get what you're saying. Listen we live in a cyber world now. The only safe way of communicating without possibility of compromised into is face to face. If politicians can't get with the times then that is their issue. I'm not advocating cyber warfare and illicit cyber activities but if you are in the realm of politics (nationwide at that) Then you need to hold yourself to a higher security standard

Td;lr don't say dumb shit online if you don't want it publicized especially if you are high profile

you are welcome Go look at that account, see what it reposts, and keep clicking. That's an autobot

You think Bannon and CO are RUssian shills? Not convinced

>fake troll armies creating echochambers to support narratives that such people into filter bubbles

go look

Thank you based Russian bro.

My Bank of America account number is 005562861795, make sure to put me on the list of people not to hack.

Thank you Canada. I'm sort of in agreement. I just want people to be aware of the method of propoganda.

>we have evidence but it's too complex to post now. Do your research guys....

What the fuck is wrong with you? Have you ingested too much lead paint as a child?

>Democucks still pushing the "EEEEBIL ROOOOSKIES!" narrative
You guys are hilarious.

how do you mean?

I'm not a Democrat. I'm not anything

> Putin single-handedly elected Trump
The absolute madman, is there anything he _can't_ do?

Maybe you should put an 'opposition journalist' on Mars, seems like only Putin is superhuman enough to colonize Mars for us.

Nah I'm a Brit


>There is evidence
Post it.

I'm genuinely curious.

Like it would be exciting to me if the Russians prevented WW3 by meming the us into meming them

I dont know who that is

>Wikileaks has been co-opted by the Kremlin and they hacked and posted the DNC and Podesta emails.

James Clapper seems to disagree. You must have some pretty serious proofs that he isn't privy to I assume.

You're a leftist most likely. Even if the Russians somehow had a hand in it, we should be thanking them we aren't living under 4 more years of a leftist nightmare.

Trumps not perfect. But he's a step towards the right direction.

>tfw we like putin anyway
whats your point?

I'm not saying he did. I'm saying this is a new propoganda method to "the weat" and I want people ot be aware

Not what I'm saying mate

>The entire Russian military spends less money than all of our intelligence agencies.
Only an Ameritard could think that being the most corrupt country on the planet is proof that Murrica is #1.

And how did you come to this brilliant conclusion?
3 blunts after watching Adam Curtis' latest film?

What's the next step in his master plan?

Yeah, I sort of agree. The geo-pol, who knows but it's the method that is fascinating. I'd say look at this egg account. I think it's an autobot that repost human-controlled accounts, that are part of the troll army.

The swell in traffic creates echo chambers.

Just go there and start clicking

lol, you really think a nation of squating krokodile addicts have the money, power, or intelligence to do anything like this?

the boogeyman you are looking for is the kikes.


I don't want the Ukraine in NATO either, so I'm glad the Russians won this round.

> trump voters didnt vote for hillary because shes a laying murderous bitch that has a record of mischief and political failures
> turmp voters did so because putin told them to

lol get fucked fagot

It is literally what you're saying.

And Hillary didn't have a sophisticated propoganda teams?

I could be wrong with all my claims. And I could be wrong about that. I just want to put a magnifying glass on it.

>american intelligence estimates that by 2007 russian espionage (including influence operations) surpassed cold war levels

I'm not anything. I'm a lurker when it comes to most things

apparently not when a mongolian meme harvesting clay tablet swapmeet beat her shit riddled pants over and over.

No. Personal experience. Curtis is generally correct though. On this issue

Look it's all spy games and drama of the elite. Literally Moscow and DC drama. Nations have been interfering with each others political processes for a very long time. Yes the rules and methods have changed. Yes it's still the same old game.

>(((I'm just saying)))

Backing out so soon? I was hoping we'd have a bit more fun.


no idea. They destabalise China and Nato concedes some ground and states to Russia maybe. Best guess

>no source on a statistic that can't be objectively measured

If there is a way to objectively measure it, I'd love to see a comparison of Russian propaganda to US propaganda.
