He is /our guy/ and the official king of Sup Forums and there is nothing you retarded migrants from the_donald can do to ever fucking change that.
He is /our guy/ and the official king of Sup Forums and there is nothing you retarded migrants from the_donald can do...
shill posing as both sides again to create infighting
He's a terrible representative for white nationalists and he isn't helping the cause at all.
Name someone else other than Jared Taylor who is more well-spoken and articulate and who isn't a literally who.
Aside from Jared and Richard there isn't anyone else notable who can speak well and articulate the ideas, or at least not anyone else who actually gets off their ass and goes to conferences and gives speeches outside of youtube videos.
I know there's nobody else... still doesn't make him good. Hail Trump? Hail Victory? Really???
Yeah that's gonna open peoples minds for sure. What a faggot.
fuck civic nationalism
The weird/funny thing is that Sup Forums didn't even know who this guy was until MSM started reporting on him
Eh, he's an ethnic nationalist and speaks his mind. But still the media is calling him the "leader" of the alt right which is annoying considering I had no fucking clue who he was.
Doesn't your side want to remove all non-whites from America? 40% of the population?
Yeah, youre not going to open people's minds to that ever.
>Oh no! this might make people think we are white nationalists! This makes him a terrible representative for ... white nationalists
May Jah bless Richard Spencer's soul (peace be upon him)
Fuck off stormfag
Fuck off newfag. He's not discussed as often as Jared Taylor but he's been mentioned occasionally for a long time, mainly (in my judgment but I have no real proof) by TRS cross-posters.
kek destroy this fag once and for all
Have you seen Spencer's videos? He is not a good public speaker doesn't even compare with Jared Taylor.
He's a qt, and probably the final push for me becoming a (moderate) white nationalist.
Um, no?
NO he isn't
He is niether the leader of POL or the Alt-right..
He is some LARPing faggot who is trying to get important by usurping something that didn't involve him in the first place
A pox on him and his kind.
He is a good speaker for normies while Taylor is a good speaker for intellectuals. It's important to appeal to both.
He is basically gonna start following the Milo model after this. Controversy sells.
Hitler is pols eternal king.
What is going on there?
he's fucking autistic and lost a debate to a nigger on his main subject
Dindu mating ritual.
Richard Spencer is a homosexual that has gay buttsex with leather pals.
pretty hot desu
especially the one the furthest away who didn't show her fucking asshole
I wouldn't trust this sperg of a faggot to tell me the color of the sky. He's like that kid in class that wears boots, camo pants, and a leather jacket, acts like the toughest shit in the world despite being scrawny as fuck, and pussies out when challenged on his bullshit. Fuck this guy, never heard of him until the MSM started pushing him.
holy shite you're right
the only thing that this cunt and pol have in common is autism
Hes a mainstream media whore who makes nationalists look bad.
There is something reason CNN loves to have David Duke and Richard Spencer on, but they dont allow Ann Coulter.
>"America should be a white nation"
>"What do you do with all the Africans?"
>"They could go back to Africa."
>"But most don't want to go, and wouldn't go even if you paid them. Do you round them all up at gunpoint?"
>"No that's not what I'm saying."
>"Well, what then?"
>"Idk lol I guess I haven't really thought it through."
>Wahh!! Why are you having dissenting opinions?!?! This is my safe space, get out!!!
>40% of the population?
that's less than half.
Also influence is not proportional to votes. Otherwise the richfag rhetoric wouldn't exist.
it makes him look like a NEO NAZI.
Hello CTR now fuck off and kill yourselves
You people pretending this cunt was anything to do with /pol and coming on her pushing him and lying is the very reason you are making some serious and permanent enemies.
Carry on.
in your mind, he did
pretty funny how almost everyone loses against Bill O'reilly, too, isn't it?
Given his ties to Moscow and who is schilling for him I think he may wind up dead of unnatural causes.
since when is bill o'reilly black?
Im talking about Roland Martannggg
Hello civic nationalism now fuck off and kill yourselves.
Days like this I miss Lauren (((Southern))) threads. Go away SIDF. No one likes you.
I'm sick of all these nigger-loving, spic-defended cucks on this board. You are not part of the Great White Race. You deserve to be gassed. May God continue to empower this brave man so that we, the true Aryans, may once again reign over this realm, our God-given right.
Race war very soon. Kek wills it.
Indeed... miss old Sup Forums times
I've never heard of him because I'm a civic nationalist faggot from TD, so obviously he isn't legitimate. Nothing escapes my god-like autistic notice, le God Emperor is our only king. DEMS R REAL RACIST, we are inclusive and loving here. Fuck off you foaming at the mouth natzeees
This guy is retarded.
>miss old Sup Forums times
More... He's ONLY became "alt-right" "leader" because MSM said so
Richard Spencer's wife is a Russian propagandist with allegiance to Putin
Nina Spencer has translated the work of Russian far-right theorist and Putin ally Alexander Dugin, and criticized Western media coverage of Putin as “unjustifiably critical.”
Your boys Russian wife translated this Russian mans book
""The American Empire Should Be Destroyed": Alexander Dugin
Your boy as in an American?
I am a supporter of blacks. White civilization; their cultural values, false, dehumanizing model of the world, built by them - did not pay off. Everything goes to the beginning of the anti-white pogroms on a planetary scale. Russia saved only by the fact that we are not pure white. Predatory multinational corporations, oppression and suppression of all others, MTV, gays and lesbians - this is the fruit of white civilization, from which it is necessary to get rid of. So I am for reds, yellows, greens, blacks - but not for whites. I wholeheartedly on the side of the people of Zimbabwe.
Aleksandr Dugin
Dugin wants liberal, globalist, American hegemony destroyed. Dugin is fine with a strong traditionalist fashy America that doesn't spread Trotskyism around the world.
The easiest way to tell if someone is on our side is to check out their stance on homosexuality. If they're promoting that degeneracy, etc, thinks gay marriage is ok, they are part of the (((alt-right))) and should be ignored.
Cry more Jew no one is listening.
I personally can't wait for the 2017 version of the Zapruder film. It's gonna be so high def, we'll be able to see the individual pieces of Donald's skull flying out.
This is the truth. Also TRS radio is the official propaganda outlet of Sup Forums
if u hate spencer you are fat
Spencer and TRS homosexuals are ITT right now
Buy him some public speaking lessons and put him in a debate club it will be a better use of your time than trying to defend him here
Is this a dude in drag?
He's a fucking sperg. TRS please go.
/ourguy/ Herschel Lieberman infiltrating leftist meeting on Britain's islamic future.
he sounds incredibly gay
Thats a good enough reason for me to follow him. He hates the jews and wants the eliminate the mentally and physically ill it's alright with me
You don't belong here
dude has zero charisma despite being good looking. autism.
If you are reading this Richard Spencer thank you for all the hard work you do and don't let the pussy faggots from the_donald stop you from attaining your goals.
You dont belong here :^)
>Sup Forums's king is a guy with a 12-year old's haircut and a vest mommy bought him
sounds about right
>He is /our guy/ and the official king of Sup Forums
He is a courageous and fairly articulate public speaker most of the time, a Goebbels in the making. I wish him good luck in his endeavors to save his country and his people.
Youre either trolling or a dumbass
You're either new or a shill.
He is /((their))) guy/, a shill and a fraud.
So many newfags here that don't know Spencer has been popular on Sup Forums since 2013. Hail victory!
When the hell did this site get populated with so many spineless faggots?
I had forgotten all about this Spencer has been a flake for years
All the oldest posts I can find everyone is calling him gayer than Jack Donovan. Top lel
yes I know this post was bait
>Hitler was just controlled opposition
this is how you sound
member gamergate
memeber when they shut it down on reddit
I love when people say that, and provide no proofs. To call someone a fed is the biggest slander you can come up with.
How can you understand the Overton window and not appreciate this sperg?
He's a good thing.
My only complaint about Spencer is that he is far too tolerant of homosexuality. Outside of that, he's alright.
Everyone alive today has been conditioned that Hitler is the worst human to ever live, and that no matter what we can't do that Hitler thing again.
Spencer decides a good way to advance his cause is to dress and cut his hair like the 1930s and do fucking Hitler salutes at his talks. How stupid can you be?
The real thing to do is point out that Whites are a global minority race, our population is declining, and action needs to be taken if our people and culture are to have a future. You can do that without bringing Hitlers baggage along with you.
>king of Sup Forums
Who is his queen? David Duke?
As oppositions go, if those two would be even more controlled, there would be antennas sticking out of their heads.
Sup Forums never heard of him until a few weeks ago. Not /ourguy/
How many times did the media compare Trump to Hitler? Did it scare anyone? Did that stop him or slow him down?
fuck off autist. kys
How about you stop shilling in your own thread and fuck off back to whatever "diversity thinktank" tumblr you came from?
anglin would be a better leader