Hey pol what age did you realize the ''Christfags will never ever retake Constantinople''
o..Oh me ? I was 6
Hey pol what age did you realize the ''Christfags will never ever retake Constantinople''
o..Oh me ? I was 6
These posts are made to destroy the abundant #pizzagate evidence.
Do not fall for them.
What do you mean by that?
In the near future, after the extirpation of Islam, do you think Constantinople will be no more?
It would be a great loss for humanity if muslimes destroy the city.
> implying there will be something left of Coonstantinople after the Russians are done with you
Silly roach.
Nothing personal mountain ape
>Be turk and finally gain control of worlds greatest city of the time via roach infestation.
>Constantinople turns into another shitty eastern city, declines in power.
If it wasnt for control of the Bosporus nobody would even give a shit you roach.
oh here comes to shart
This. They came into the cultural center and main trade hub, and the locals said "Fuck it, I'd rather freeze to death" and moved to London, Amsterdam, Venice and Rome. Really makes you think.
I was 6 too
Pizzagate is spam. Just like your post
We were about to take it twice, but the Eternal Anglo saved your ass both times. :^)
Constantinople was basically a shithole when the Turks took it over. It had suffered a lot and Mehmet the Conqueror had to pour in a lot of money to rebuild and repopulate. It was mostly wanted for symbolic reasons and it's past significance
God in Heaven, through the power of his son Jesus Christ will see the defeat of the demon worshiper Erdogan and the retaking of Constantinople.
>hurrr durrr how can your allies help you.They not supposed to help
Guess you're right. We might help our kurd allies to bomb the shit out of you :^)
And who can we thank for that? The enteral Venetian merchant, that's who.
Fuck Venice.
>alling with a k*rd
kek. Good luck i hope millions of kurdish allies move to Russia
Nah, they will have a glorious Kurdistan on your southern terriories in exchange for helping russia and the west to eradicate ISIS. Who'll save you from them now? America? Or EU?
Ye, guess that image will save your ass from a blast..
You started it