There is nothing wrong with nu-males
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Vouch user, Good post
t. numale
you will fit in well when you move to canada.
vape-lords confirmed. bow before your nu leaders, Sup Forums
Everything is wrong with numales.
Everyone using this site is a numale
I'll never get tired of seeing Parker Hartzel's face. Perpetual kek factory.
That's his name? Was he doxxed?
No, it's just public info on his social media accounts. It's Parker Hartzler, my bad.
Why do so many of you betas get obsessed with quirky looking betas like this nu male?
Is it because in spite of being a beta lib who'd get blown over by a strong gust of wind, he actually has a social life and a qt gf?
What are you doing so wrong poltards that this blert is doing better than you are?
Stop crying and hating, and look in the mirror. Make some changes.
Sort your lives out. Embarrassing.
Oh Christ.
He's funny to look at. Get over yourself, Khatim.
>Telling someone to get over themselves while this beta's photos continually pop up on here from poltards wishing to elevate themselves above him.
If he's getting laid and you're not you need to look at yourselves lads. Not project all your hate and misery on this weird looking cunt.
The king of nu-males.
Be real for a second here. You're anonymous, so there's no reason to lie unless you have some strange confidence issues. Are you a virgin?
Mein Gott...
Mein Gott
>tfw the numale inqusitor kick down your door and purges you with holy promethium
How gay do you have to be to have your piece resemble a Starbucks Frappucino?
keep I see this guy everywhere. Is he doing this ironically?
That is one fucking terrible beard.
Why are numales trying so hard to ruin beards?
I don't even understand why so many of them choose to have beards, you think they would shun a such a masculine symbol considering they are all effeminate faggots.
What's wrong with us?
When our kind(polkind) smokes weed we eventually get the fear and say that weed is the devils drug, but when a "well rounded individual" like this beta cuck faggot smokes weed it's all just fun and games and no repercussions except decentence into even more beta cuckold ism lifestyle and more commie hippie Marxist bullshit.
Are we the lunatics or are these faggots the lunatics? At least they have a fulfilling normie lives...
To tell the truth I'm thinking about killing myself for several different reasons, and I suppose I'm just growing tired of all this bullshit. Pol type bs and sjw type bs.
Even if I didn't fully buy into it, the 'muh white nationalism' stuff actually helped me deter these suicidal urges for a while, knowing that plenty of people would want me dead anyway simply for the 'fucking white male' for example.
I'm just tired of it all now though, it's all bs.
Identity politics is cancer. And I can't help escape the feeling that life is pointless.
That is not his life
That is not is home
That is not him
I like this
Wasn't he collecting money for his girlfriend's rotting mouth because they only had 200$ in savings?
>muh weed
>he actually has a social life and a qt gf?
I'd rather sit in my room reading, masturbating, and getting high than live his life for him. My God, can you imagine what kind of mind and how different you would be if you were just some normie hipster just like all other people your age, no individuation, but we are instead all the same special snowflakes instead.
Top kek
If you don't have a straight beard you're not white
No some know the trends and some smooth talking plus finessing in their groups of progression sparks a new idea for these nu-male globalist puppets to enforce the quicker we euthanize them the better amen.
>Howdy pilgrim, you haven't seen any alt-righters around here have you?
What do you do?
Bend the knee then tell him where the alt right scum are
Why does it have so many pictures ?
Holy shit. He does look like him.
>pic related
And chances are it really was his wifes son
Does he have a huge schlong or is that his vape bong down the front of his pants?
Blue or red pill Sup Forums?
isn't this him?
It's a 5 inch bunchup
Stop bullying Jimmy Nu-tron!