The civic-ethno war has begun
Brit/pol/ - BASED civics vs ethnos edition
These posts are made to destroy the abundant #pizzagate evidence.
Do not fall for them.
Why are you trying to force this shit?
>muh team is better than your team
fuck off
Imperial Lea- oh forget it
fuck off fucking monkey nigga, this has nothing to do with your autism
>t. butthurt ethnos
Failed states, pls leave.
literally going to stop coming to these threads
becoming more and more apparent they are littered with cuckolded civic nationalists that need to fuck off back to /r/ukpolitics
>less than 200 posts
You think that's the only problem with this thread?
The holy war is coming lads, brit/pol/ needs to be flooded with the tears of the beady-eyed eternal ethnos
We will capture britfeel in r9k aswell
Was Mosley civic or ethno nationalist?
he was a dirty nativist ethno scum
Enoch Powell was right.
>enoch (((powell)))
this is truly anglo central
>David Cameron the pig fucker
You are what's wrong with England.
Swastikas look like trash.
my comrades, we must shill in brit/pol/ until they surrender
nth for fuck zero hours desu
What jobs do you have brit?
end it already
I really feel sorry for Moseley.
Yeah most Jews don;t like them.
Why does everyone hate Northern Ireland?
Then inmate [D] said, "We want some ass." I said, "I don't think so, I don't play that shit." When he said this, I said to myself, "Oh no! I'm in trouble!" I looked toward the door for an escape route finding it blocked, I went into myself to prepare for the worst.
Inmate [D] then said, "Either give it to Jesus or give it up." . . . .
It was at this time that the floor officer came by on the bottom tier (I was on the top tier), doing or supposedly doing, his rounds. He noticed the inmates in my cell and asked if everything was all right. Too terrified to answer, I just nodded. [The officer] never came to the top tier during his round. I was then directed back to my bed. Inmate [B] then stood in front of me and pulled out his penis and forced it into my mouth. Inmate [C] then turn his turn. Pulling me to my feet, he then took my boxers off, bent me over and forced his penis inside. Inmate [D] laid on the bed, took my head and forced himself inside my mouth [All four of them, plus one more] took turns anally and orally raping me at the same time. All of them repeatedly did this.
Somewhere in the middle of this, inmate [F] entered . . . . [D]uring the rape, I believe it was him that said "suck this dick you white bitch.". . . .
[One said:] "If you snitch on us, we'll kill you!!" The other said, "And if you do and you get transferred, you'll still die." At that time, I really believed them, and I still think this today.
All over the world, white boys are getting fucked in their tight little asses. You can't escape from the Big Black Cock.
>Multicultistan is complaining about Ethnic nationalism
Good goy.
Best country
I was called racist in Gregg's today
we don't
comrades, we have new goals
invade and
do they even have gregg's in
What a fucking hero.
Sayer's or get out
Good luck desu
wrong desu
how do we save the world of the claws of the eternal anglo?
Tunnocks Teacakes desu.