Red pill me on the second ammendment and why we shouldn't abolish it.
The right to bear arms
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disregard the clickbait tier name
Has the USA ever had a dictator?
No? Wonder why?
Because nobody in their right minds would try to subdue a population armed to the teeth.
Why do you think that EU politicians are now trying to ban semi autos? They are afraid of resistance and they won't give up until nobody in Europe can resist their politics.
The 2nd amendment is the most important thing in the USA and should be emulated by every other country that still trusts their own citizens.
What's wrong with gorilla arms?
Guns are great. Anyone who disagrees is a ginormous faggot.
>why we shouldn't abolish it
Why should we abolish it?.
Pretty sure it's due to the constitution.
They are banning semi autos because "muh feels" and no other reason. Bolt action rifles are perfectly fine for killing corrupt politicians.
Guns are made to kill people. It's their sole function. They shouldn't exist.
>le killing people is wrong no matter the circumstances meme
True but why shouldn't we kill someone trying to kill us
Niggers are made to serve white people, its their sole fuction, they don't do it anymore and still we allow them to exist.
Explain why we shouldn't abolish niggers
We should
>guns are made to kill people
Not true. I shot a duck the other day.
nobody is trying to kill you
learn to read
But that would defeat the purpose protecting gun rights when you're using them for genocide
Rocks are made for killing peoples we should ban rocks.
Either you're trying hard to bait or you're legitimately autistic
Not an argument.
How should I protect myself from someone with a gun?
His views are idiotic
it's one of the reasons why no one will ever invade the US with a ground war.
Like this i would assume
rocks aren't man made
if their weren't guns in the first place you wouldn't have to worry about it
It's why no one has invaded since 1812 but those times are over there are nuclear weapons these days what's the purpose of invaded when it auto escalates to a nuclear conflict
you didn't answer the question
Whats the next step, ban bows and spears?
>If there wasn't knives in the first place, you wouldn't have to worry about it.
>If smallpox never existed you wouldn't have to worry about
>If humans never existed...
Nice b8
when you kill your enemies, they win
Rocks and sticks.
You are right it's just a rock an inanimate object until I pick it up and smash someone's head in with it then it's a weapon. And that's the same with my AR it's just an inanimate object until I pick it up and use it as I would have The Rock
1. Firearm related deaths effect literally less than a 10th of 1% of the pupulation.
2. That number becomes even lower when you discount suicides.
3. Firearms are effective tools for defending your home.
4. Firearms can be used by physically weak people who can't protect themselves through normal means.
5. Degenerates will buy guns illegally regardless of laws we pass. So arming the people is more effective than disarming them.
6. Most people who own guns don't go around shooting people with them. So the theory that common gun ownership isnt dangerous hasn't really beared too much fruit so to speak.
7. Armed populaces make land invasions more difficult. For example, during the Second World War the British were scrambling to arm their own people.
8. Keeping firearms legal allows firearms companies to flourish in your country. Having gun producing factories in your country means being able to push out more small arms during times of war. Thus making your country more defendable.
9. People who don't have firearms are utterly defenseless against people who do. That means if someone in an anti-gun, country, or area does obtain a gun. They will be virtually invincible.
10. Guns are cool as shit.
There is 300 000 000 civilian guns in the U.S divided between 180 000 000 gun owners.
This is the reason why conventional war will never happen on U.S soil. To many enemies.
Swede fag
Holy shit underrated post
Oh GOD why does Eastern European exsoviet have to explain this to a burger......Now look you ask why secound ammendment is neaded right?The founding fathers of USA gave this right to people of new created nation becose they saw how dictators of the old world where with no problem killing and ''enslaving'' there own populations so to give American people a posibility of defense them selves if USA happens to get a fearcefull goverment like Kings of Old world ,it was made and disagned so people could fight agains souch a goverment and take there country back.
Is violence immoral?
Disarming law-abiding citizens will not dissarm criminals.
The whole purpose of the US constitution is securing individual freedoms and protecting them from a government. The first, you should be able to talk shit, and the government shouldn't be able to do anytning about it. Limiting expression allows them to control the flow of discourse and thus oppress the people.
The second amendment just follows along, people get guns so they can protect themselves. From theft, from bodily harm, from the government, from whomever. Individuals have the right, and fuck the government.
Since you asked such a retarded question, I think we should just give you a lead pill
They can kill animals too. Don't forget that.
>Eastern European
Russia isn't Europe mate
Do you want to be wrestled to the ground punched and bitten and ultimately die alone on the ground in a few hours after having your skull split open with a jagged rock? Or get shot. If someone wants to kill someone that badly then they will do it with their bare hands if they have to.
Weapons make it more civil.
you must be new here