Is depression real?

Is depression real or are the people diagnosed with depression just pussies?

Should the government allow people on Obongocare to get coverage for anti-depressive pills?

Do the magic kike pills really work?

Do they turn you into a Nu male freak like adderall and its epigones do?

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>Is depression real or are the people diagnosed with depression just pussies?
It's a real spectrum of neurological disorder.

>Should the government allow people on Obongocare to get coverage for anti-depressive pills?
Considering we're all going to be on Obamacare, I'd say psych meds would be covered.

>Do the magic kike pills really work?
There is no magic bullet. People have to go on regimens of different ones, going on and coming off of them with the chance that they may never find a pill or combination that works for them.

>Do they turn you into a Nu male freak like adderall and its epigones do?
You're fucking stupid.

Depression is real and the pills work if you are depressed
Problem is doctors hand them out to anyone that feels a little sad

Depression is a symptom, like a cough. You can get a cough from many things. Could be pneumonia, a cold, dust or lung cancer. If you went to the doctor with a cough and he said, here, take this cough suppressant for the rest of your life, you'd find a new doctor.

Depression can be cause be everything from lack of exercise, to vitamin deficiencies, to sleep apnea. The idea of handing someone a pill as the first line treatment for depression, without looking for the cause is dumb. Now with that said, just like a cough suppessant might relieve symptoms so you can work or sleep, antidepressants might have some use, but they also has some pretty significant side effects so finding and treating the root cause would be a better path.

Well idk, I'm thinking about getting them. I've been depressed and anxious for about eight years. I got /fit/, maintained a strict sleeping schedule, quit all drugs and alcohol, and have tried all sorts of supplements. Nothing. Still have panic attacks every now and then, still depressed. Might as well give the magic pills a shot too.

Describe your panic attacks and depression, also diet.

Could be you need to start screwing around with these pills, but do a lot of research as to the type, side effects, and neurochemical effect. If you're going the pill route, it's going to take a long time to find what would actually work for you.

Depression isn't real. Depressed people are just pussies. And I say it as a guy who was "depressed".


Strict and very healthy. No alcohol, no carbs except things like sweet potatoes, brown rice, and oats. All kinds of meat, vegetables, and fruit. No dairy, no fast food. Call it an elimination diet.

Panic attacks feel like paralysis of the upper neck - difficulty moving head back and forth, a "spaced out" feeling, but only occur every now and then. Depression is the usual - nothing brings enjoyment, utter lack of motivation, that kind of thing.

im on 150mg of sertraline (zoloft), its changed my life desu.

Sounds like you either need to break routine in your life to see if its what caused the malaise, resign yourself to feel this way the rest of your life, or go the pill route.

Only other thing could be a large history of substance abuse, but you said 8 years off. Sounds like when I stopped drinking.


Also, I believe the rise in depression is a result of both the descent of cultural identity and rise in isolationist lifestyles.

People need communities to support them in a social, moral, and emotional context and without that people begin a crushing spiral of loneliness and disconnection with people and the culture they originally would have identified with.

They begin identifying with other cultures like the weebs or made-up cultures like SJWs.

Happiness, like all emotions in normal functioning human beings, is a choice. You choose to be depressed or you choice to be happy. The power is yours.

I'm a similar boat, except I didn't really try what you did. I'm just stuck inside my house because I'm afraid to go outside and have people look at me. Also, I'm pretty much on the train to ruining my life and into NEETdom. I have hated myself for like 2 years now, felt like hitting myself every so often. I'm 23 and already screwed up my life, not that life is any good anyway. Regardless, now my baseline emotions are melancholy and sadness, I don't even derive joy from what I used to like.

Yeah I think it's real but I think more often it is situational rather than chemical. Or the situation causes the chemical depression.

I think Obongocare should cover generic anti-depressants.

They work for some people, not for others.

I don't feel like a nu-male, but that's just me.

Yes because you chose to be sad when your gf of 2 years cheats on you. Fucking moron

I suffer from mild depression and some sort of obsessive disorder.
On 20mg prozac, too apathetic to get it changed, and my obsessions are pretty much constant.
They have taken the edge off though. I used to be chronically obsessed with suicide, now it tends to be on germs and nuclear war.
Inherent fact of O disease makes me doubt that I even am ill mind.

I find Ambien works great for depression (don't sleep just be happy).

>Is depression real or is it just a bunch of pussies
I cant imagine how fuckin easy your life has been if you need to ponder something so obvious

>choosing your emotions
>not choosing how you react to said emotions

Ok mate.

Here they handout pills like candy, but actual help? Nope, just more pills.

Are you fucking retarded? You choose to be happy? If you're at your grandmothers funeral and you "choose to be happy" are you magically going to perk up and be happy?

I´m writing this as a someone who ended up in accident 2 years ago. I´ve lost my job+career, most of my social life and have to take physical therapy weekly to keep my limbs somewhat functional. First year was constant neurological pain that made sleep impossible, so I was awake for months at a time with 2 hour naps. It destroyed me psychologically.

I was always a very positive, social person before my accident, and I can say that my depression would be cured by tomorrow if my physical damage would miraculously heal overnight.

Ever occurred to you that someone can be depressed because of physical reasons, not solely by mental in a sense that it is the physical ailment that is causing the mental toll on you. '

A fucking pill won´t cure you, I have no chemical imbalance in my brain, but a fucked up disease I have to live probably rest of my life I have to come terms with.

Depression is real, but just like any real problem in life, lots of people pretend to have it since it excuses their shortcomings.

Im just socially retarded
Im not sad
I was prescribed zoloft
Made my dick stop working
Said nah
Got off them
Now im fine and can fuck again

Id rather be a sad mess who can fuck women then a happy faggot eunich

then why doesnt everyone choose to always be happy?

If you're agoraphobic, don't lock yourself inside. Look up what Jordan Peterson has to say about agoraphobia and other phobias. Treating agoraphobia generally relieves all anxieties, even unrelated ones.

Either way the last thing you want to do is lock yourself inside.

If you are autistic enough you can!

its real but taking antidepressants isn't the answer. That shit is will fuck you up. Especially if you take birth control with it. Look at every sjw feminist. All on birthcontrol, all taking antidepressants and other medication. It rots your brain.

What are your vitamin levels like? Do you get your levels checked?

Do you get worse in the winter? How cold is it where you live?

How regularly are you socialising? Do you often socialise with women you're attracted to? Do you have a chance with them? How depressed are your friends?

Nice bait you hippocampial defunct retard

Depression is just another reminder that doctors don't really know how the brain works.

Came here to say literally all of this.

This is flat out wrong.

It's not that I'm agoraphobic (though I am), it's just that I probably have generalized anxiety disorder. Being in a room with 3 people and one of them looking at me, is enough for me to want to vomit ; I have a routine, which, if disturbed, will make me incredibly anxious ; I'm afraid of loud noises, of the dark, etc.

I'm listening currently to Peterson's course on personality, and if I follow what he says (though I'm not smart enough to get complete what he says) I'm the guy who will end up in his mom's basement. I have the fears of a child, and can't face the unknown, any unknowns. Last time I watched something scary, I got a panic attack, didn't sleep for 2 nights, and have recurring distressing thoughts about it.

t. Polish education

Let's just ignore the visible differences between a depressed brain and a normal brain.

I can't believe these threads still get made. YES, depression is real. It's over diagnosed maybe, and definitely over-self diagnosed, but it is real.

t. formerly depressed NEET who stopped being depressed thanks to vortioxetine. No change in lifestyle caused the mood improvement, just the pills. I've been consistently feeling better for months.

Oh but stay away from first line treatments (SSRIs) they turn you into a boner-less zombie.

Isn't fucking supposed to make you happy?

Depression is not real and for that matter addiction isn't a "disease". People are just low discipline bitch asses nowadays looking for excuses to justify their faggotry

jesus fucking christ

I don't even have to read that shit to tell you it's bullshit. I've been to countless alcoholics anonymous, cocine, narcotics and other support groups and dealt with junkies and "depressed" people for years. It's all just a bunch of single mom having ass faggots who never had a positive male role model, like your entire country, who just rationalize shit and blame it on "diseases" that don't exist

>be me
>drink a 5th a day and a 6 pack some days
>go on business trip for 6 months now alcohol allowed
>literally have no problem just up and quiting cold turkey like this
>it's literally just discipline


Every emotion you feel is the result of chemistry in your brain, which can get fucked up. Of course it's fucking real.

Lol holy shit. If you can quit so easily why do you continue to drink a fifth a day? Are you just stupid? Cirrhosis can't be pleasant, retard.

>diabetes occurs when the pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin
>depression occurs when the brain doesn't produce enough serotonin.
>Depression is the diabetes of the brain

>is depression real

>I have no counter argument so I'll type (you)

Because I like being drunk, but I don't NEED it I won't die if I don't drink it's just for fun man

I'm swallowing the full redpill here. 90% of antidepressants are prescribed by doctors who have pathologized normal and temporal human emotion. It's had a disastrous effect on society that can be tied into practically everything.

I don't think fewer people were going full Cho because they were talking to a therapist about their problems. I think that people had a less (dangerously) simplified view of human behavior then. The DSM and its "checklist" approach is on the outs -- even the National Institute of Mental Health is now issuing grants only based on biological science.

Dr Allen Frances who COMPILED the DSM-IV is dropping redpills left and right and people are getting woke.

Get high energy you sick fucks

>"I want to kill myself even though all living things are hardwired to seek survival, obviously something is wrong with my brain"

Yeah maybe he's weak but his brain is still not quite right.

It's real, but it's overshadowed by posers who claim they have depression but its merely sadness for a week. I've been dealing with this hell for years now.

It's only in your head. You choose to be depressed. Pills will do nothing but alter mental capacities od yours and eventually turn you mentally retarded.

>romanian mental health

It's real but a lot of cases are exaggerated much like Autism and normies misunderstand it to garner attention or use it as an excuse to why their life is so shit or uneventful.

>It's only in your head
everything you are and experience is only in your head

You must have been taking anti-depressants for a long time then.

Depression is real, but diagnosis of it means nothing since anyone can act depressed and what else can doctor do on short appointment than assume it's been a long condition? I bet half of it is seeking attention, but there are people with permanent diseases who will never have much hope of better life, of course they're deeply depressed.

Maybe antidepressants help a little, but I've never met anyone who was happy with them.

Cancer that lead to an amputation? Just choose to be happy!