Redpill me on this guy
Redpill me on this guy
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he wasn't even supposed to be here today
bit of a cheeky cunt
what do you mean by this?
he's an opportunist, just like his employer before him. as soon as some potential real world repercussions arise he's a redcoat in the end. Same for RamZ and some others. BroNat has been constant and unapologetic this whole time
styx is bretty gud. almost didn't recognize him without the glasses and long hair.
He is Alex Jones's bastard child.
literally who
he is a good alternative to THA MAYNE STREEM METEOR
He's a traitor who changes his stance on a dime.
He is a hero, he fights the maynsteet meteors.
Based leaf
His name is Poll Josef Wutsun
He is Alex Jone's stepson
He currently lives in Albania
He has a boyfriend which Alex shames him about.
He's clever at times but full on retard at others.
Sometimes he says good stuff and sometimes he's batshit crazy and just plain wrong.
Oh well. Still decent opinions a lot of the time and would take his word over most msm.
Come on, Taiwan, be nice.
He can be spot on at times, but he's so eager to rush into a story without verifying things properly and he loves to swing his dick around about how he doesnt need the mane steam meteor
He's a foriegnor who has spent basically no time in the US yet bitches about our politics incessantly.
Stop listening to foreigners
Stop listening to jews
Ignore niggers entirely
underage b&
Sympathizes with Israel. Huge faggot. Basically intro to redpills for edgy normie teenagers. Best thing about him is absolutely that shitty forced meme.
He must be hotrailing some Super Male Vitality
he speaks with Dumbfuckistani English accent
made some good grunge
A phony, a fraud.
Definitely more reliable than the mainstream meteor.
Did that mainstreem meteor ever make landfall?
Controlled opposition Zionist shill, just like Alex Jones, Rebel Media, Milo, Richard Spencer e.t.c.
Then who actually stands on our side?
Those who stand by our side are not known to the public and we don't have any 'leaders'
I heard that he has an Asian wife and that he shagged Blaire White up the ass for the bants. Both of these make would make him our guy.
his newest MAINE STREEM METEOR is pretty good.
>our guy
He's an alt-lite homo.
good enough to get people towards many red pills ... while making sure he stays on youtube
People who use the term alt-lite unironically are alt-lite themselves
>11 seconds in
Yeah, because the LEGAL muslims and blacks are totally not more criminal than white germans
Just the fact that he prioritizes the word "ILLEGAL" says enough
Trump was a great candidate, the best since JFK, but he's not fully our guy, it's extremely unlikely that he's not a jewish agent
You shouldn't really rush to call him a "guy" just because he looks like a man. It is offensive to marginalized groups. Never act like a cis het male. Please.
is he gay/bi
Early on he said Trump was a plant and anyone supporting him was an idiot, he pretends he never made that video, he's just a stupid anti-SJW civic-nationalist classic liberal opportunist that thinks his safe and acceptable stances make him special. He churns out the same shit and acts as an outlet for people to release stress without doing anything or getting anywhere. If you watch him u r da resistance! Just for watching!
>Never act like a cis het male
Stop with the cisphobia and heterophobia man! Sup Forums is a safe space, hate speech is not tolerated in any shape or form, even against the opressors!
Richard Spencer, David Duke, TRS (The Daily Shoah), The Golden One, Morakiu(?), and some others. Everyone else either doesn't think the Jews are a problem or they think every race is equal and we should accelt all races in a country created by whites. Jared Taylor sadly thinks Jews are white. PJW even said "Jews don't control media" when they own 90%. Mike Cernovich thinks Saudis control the American government. The civic nationalists and the gentile zionists are retarded.
By using it as a derogatory term he'd be alt-right, if you're referring to the guy you replied to.
No, I meant what I meant, "alt-Light" is a normie meme, that's the entire point
Incorrect, most of them are enemies, google "TRS Shill" or something, the people who call themselves alt-Right unironically are not our allies, they seem much better than the infowars level of shills, but they are just the same controlled opposition, just a level further, they are trying to destabilize us by false narratives
Everyone who identifies him as an alt-rigth is not our friend, this goes for Richard "gays are cool" Spencer, TRS and David "Lets make all nationalists look crazy" Duke
Gay enabler, has some valid points. Probably a hero to r/thedonald
You guys do realize you're bumping the thread by using this shitty meme?
Same goes with the Varg memes, these crappy threads are getting bumped just because of these stupid memes
Does he win the fight against weeb Murdoch?
I can't wait to find out on the next episode of Murdoch Murdoch