Tell me again how these guys are going to win ANY race war.
White Nationalist Hate Thread: European Safe Spaces Edition
All whites have to do is stop feeding you monkeys and you will all starve and vanish.
post rare Spencers pls
kill yourself kike
>this is now a richard spencer appreciation thread
If there's anybody I hate more than white nationalists, it's Fucking. Leafs.
While I believe the notion of a "space safe" is fucking stupid, there's a difference between what safe spaces allow.
One (babby SJWs) means you can't say things. It's meant to restrain free speech and protect people from bad words.
The other (Jeremiahs in your pic) want a place where it's OKAY for free speech. It's a place not to be fucking physically harmed because you say """bad""" words.
This. It's ironic, like liberals claiming GAB is an alt right safe space Twitter clone because it DOESNT ban people.
richard is an anime irl
Relentless petitions
"alt-right" is a codeword for "conservative nu-male"
prove me wrong
>Tell me again how these guys are going to win ANY race war.
This is how
Not an argument
Fucking this.
As if any of the 'muh white identity' nu-males actually know how to shoot a gun. Faggots.
You can tell generally in most pictures, but this one especially makes it obvious he needs to lose weight.
Reminder that you aren't a proper fascist if you aren't physically fit or at least not a fat as fatass glutton that can't control their appetite.
>Reminder that you aren't a proper fascist if you aren't physically fit or at least not a fat as fatass glutton that can't control their appetite.
You must be fascist in your heart and life before you can claim to be one politically.
>As if any of the 'muh white identity' nu-males actually know how to shoot a gun. Faggots.
Keep telling yourself that.
Also, most white nationalists would make you quiver with fear at our masculinity, you little nigger bitch.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, chang.
>As if any of the 'muh white identity' nu-males actually know how to shoot a gun. Faggots.
Whatever you say, nigger. I'll enjoy killing you arrogant cocksuckers the most, I think.
You guys literally piss your pants and waddle away when confronted by unarmed homo lanklets. Stay mad. Multiculturalism and progress are winning. Your ideology is dead and buried in the 20th century, where it belongs.
Forgot vid related. Hint: it's you.
Fuck drumpf
Yeah, you leftist traitors are certainly known for your masculinity and ability to fight, lel.
And it's not over yet.
Trumps victory is but a single symptom of this.
I'd fuck those faggots up in less than one minute
And fuck that pussy fat boy too
This is more like what happens when you faggots try to fuck with us
I'm so intimidated by a bunch of out of shape, middle-aged white guys carrying flags. Kek. If antifa are such pussies, how come they keep BTFOing fashies?
Stay mad. It's about all you impotent, neutered whities can do these days.
>Multiculturalism and progress are winning.
Sure it is, Jamal. Continue to deny the obvious truth - that the pendulum is swinging the other way as a result of you cunts force-feeding leftist multiculturalism bullshit down our collective throats.
>It must be true because some SJW twat on Twitter told me so!
The only thing buried here is your head in the sand.
Shut the fuck up nigger
>be leftist
>can't understand sarcasm
Hey there, Shlomo
What the fuck did you just say to me you little bitch?...
Good thing that a decent number of us have infiltrated anti-white organizations and are simply waiting for the right moment.
Kek. You seem like one of those people who seriously believes Sup Forums memes are why Donald Trump won the Presidency.
I dont know, do they? An overwhelming majority of WN I know are veterans.
You all need true fascism. Both the lefty faggot cucks and aut-right.
>autistic Sup Forums fags think they wouldn't be the ones being loaded onto helicopters by the 'real' fascists
Those ridiculous shitheads are controlled opposition anyway. Nobody in their right mind stands outside with a sign "lets talk about race".
The alt-right is just a platform,for various far right thought and conferences on pro-white identity. Plenty of fascists in the alt-right that prefer not to swing to their right.
By not being a cuck like OP
>M-muh civic nationalism, r-race doesent matter r-right guise?
Cannon fodder, they are not meant to make it.
Good God, I hope that's actually true.
> cannon fodder
is that what you and the rest of the Sperg Crew say when youre out LARPing?
>swing to their right.
This sounds like SJW rhetoric
>Look guys I'm punching upwards!
>Haha white people are so weak
>Please give me money, I will die if you don't give me money
Yea because its totally worthwhile to argue economics or religion when your race might go extinct in hundred years and you are the only people who seem to care.
>false flaging Storm cuck: the thread
I find it hilarious that that everyone not a leftist or GOPe member gets conflated with neonazi retards
There are plenty of white nationalists/race realists etc etc that are not low IQ attention whores that masturbate to 1940s Germany and salute long dead leftists.
The majority of us are fit, employed and well armed white men that realize western society cannot continue subsidizing third worlders and importing them to overrun our nations, the left likes to paint with a broad brush and group us in with the aforementioned nazicucks or the the KKK both of which were leftist movements
The purpose of these useful idiots in media is to discredit anyone who shares any opinion that could be considered similar to theirs.
>you can't support a white ethnostate, the Nazis and the KKK did that!
>but you better not criticize Israel for wanting an ethnostate!
>I find it hilarious that that everyone not a leftist or GOPe member gets conflated with neonazi retards
This is how we are going to start the race war.
We will keep pushing the narrative to include ALL white people as automatically a 'nazi' and unfit to be an 'ally' of the shitskins.
This way we won't have to worry about traitors.
Nice, based firearm choice.
>I'm not a fascist, I'm not a white supremacist, I believe in nationalism for ALL people
Civic nationalists in the flesh, everybody.
By puting you into the oven. :^)
Enjoy being dead on the sidewalk after one of these beta nu-males empties your skull with a bullet or two