>whites are superior
Whites are superior
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how can their immune systems be stronger if they all have aids?
>be african
>healthcare etc. so poor that continent has a shit ton of diseases
>naturally they will grow more immune to these diseases
Isn't this the plot of the new planet of the apes?
Monkeys have stronger immune systems and they survive a virus that kills humans?
Of course whites have weaker immune systems, we have medicine and tons of people that would have died to diseases survived
You're totally right Tyrone, blacks are so utterly superior that despite being given more time on the planet they've achieved less than white people
-2 con in exchange for a +2 to Int and WIs is a price I'm willing to pay
And the sickle cell, which whites can't get
They live in dirty, filthy conditions and have abysmal healthcare and cleaning standards and as a result are constantly bombarded with germs and bacteria, its entirely reasonable that they would have more seasoned immune systems
>yfws Europe is just a black whore who fucked an ubermensch one night and the morning after she woke up smarter than all other niggers
here come dat sickle cell
blacks pay the price for woofing down that fried chicken
>google white black life expectancy
Sickle cell is actually produced by the homozygous manifestation of a recessive gene (rr). When it's heterozygous (i.e. Rr) it essentially makes the individual immune to malaria, which is pretty useful in Africa
Not strong enough for AIDS
I thought there were no genetic differences in physiology and that race was just a social construct?
Well, ebola has proven otherwise :^)
delete this
>mfw they just proved that racemixing is bad
This needs to be used more often.
Yea they're going to need that immune system when their average age is like 50 because of their shit healthcare.
>be African
>eat raw meat all day
>ear mud
>lick cow pussy
>drink piss
>be European
>developed medicine and better ways of living
>build science, culture, religion and civilisation
sickle cell isn't an immune deficiency, it's malaria immunity. Objectively, you may die from Sickle Cell Anemia later in life, but you should statistically live longer than you would with the threat of malaria.
>lick cow pussy
>drink piss
It's simply selected breeding in Africa. If you're going to live so wild life only the strongest immune systems will survive during many generations.
I guess native americans are the weakest then, dying to blankets.
Albino Neanderthals are in denial about their genetic inferiority.
which explains why there's such a huge need for malaria prevention amongst blacks in Africa.
Holy shit, someone use pic related and shoop it to fit into this situation.
Always getting blown the fuck out on every front.
And I was told race is only skin color.
not all blacks get sickle cell, and thus do not have malaria immunity. Point is, they can potentially develop that way, white 100% cannot.
Whites are beautiful and genetically superior than any other race, we inferior races should be their slaves and take their women
This doesn't make any sense because the amount of white Europeans are FAR greater than the number of Arabs. If anything, this article is proving that muslims are severely more dangerous per person.
Why do these devils always lie about everything?
I do hope this is trolling.
>muslims are severely more dangerous per person
Yea but because they're all isolated incidents it doesen't count.
This is stupid, white people got better immune systems for diseases that are in Europe because of the Neanderthal ancestry. If anything, it was a pro, not a con
>Yea but because they're all isolated incidents it doesen't count.
This is some gr8 quality b8.
The worst part is I can't tell if you're serious or just pretending to be this retarded...
Wow, really made me think. I should totally accept my wife's son now! He's superior!
10% of Europeans are immune to hiv
Living in unsanitary conditions will do that to you. If Whites had not evolved to the level we are at today, we would have had the same type of immune system.
delet this
they only bring up genetics to prove that whites are inferior. It's almost like (((scientists))) have an (((agenda))).
Immune response to fucking what?
That makes no sense.
Also a hyperactive immune system isn't a good thing, it leads to autoimmune diseases.
These people are spouting unscientific bullshit and you fucks keep believing them.
It's literally every time. I'm starting to believe this Sup Forums meme is real.
Sooo where do i start with this one.....This is so wrong on so many levels yess.OKAY
1st.It dosent matter anymore how good is ''your'' imune system Europeans and European decent humans live in sociaities witch have mutch better healthcare then blacks and therefore dont need good imune system also its 21st century sciance is going forevard ,we could literaly in few years make our imune system better.
2th You are saying whites are inferious only becose they have litle bit worse imune system ,while its true we are also smarter then blacks and you can say whatever you whant it wount change the IQ deferances.Whites are indead superior DEAL WITH IT!
Lost it right there
>Be biological anthropologist
>See picture
>Rage on the inside at the misrepresentation of Neanderthals appearance
>MFW general society doesn't truly know how fucking metal Neanderthals were
Their immune system mirrors their societies
>study after study
Tell us sonny, how based were they?
New thread,lads.
Oh wait no this one is closed.
if you grow up in a shithole you get special immunities
Enlighten us
White have way higher IQ. I think we whites got the better deal.
>social media posts
oh no
Like the whole IQ argument.
>"IQ isn't representative of intelligence"
>hates on conservative voters by claiming they're all low IQ racists
>a little bit worse immune system
But that's not how it works at all.
It's all about natural selection.
Niggers might respond faster to a malaria infection, they also selected sickle-cell to further fight it (sickle-cell also lowers life expectancy).
Whites might respond faster to the plague, they also have selected for the mutation that gives resistance to the plague (and coincidentally HIV, this does not lower life expectancy).
Let's not forget RACE SPECIFIC CANCERS caused by the same VIRUS exist.
Explain yourself.
That must be why there are so few diseases in africa.
>race mixing is bad
The racist at the big think at it again.
>fake news
science article vs twitter post
There's a legal concept known as "res ipsa loquitur" which means "the thing speaks for itself."
Given the utter dominance of the white race, perhaps nigs could've benefited from breeding with neanderthals.
Their immune systems are very aggressive and have a higher chance of destroying everything
Just like niggers themselves
Look at those fucking traps.
tfw no neanderthal gf :(
I see.
Still, I don't know the prevalence of autoimmune diseases in niggers compared to everyone else.
The arbitrary 3x faster stuff is bullshit through and through though.
desu I think this makes sense.
I dont think Ive heard any black guy who have had cancer.
Then why are blacks always calling in sick where I work??
>implying that's what our forebears looked like
Legal immigration =\= illegal immigration. This is exactly what trump is talking about. By definition an illegal immigrant has committed at least one federal crime.
>Despite being 50,000 years ago they were 5ft 6
>So strong a modern day olympic powerlifter would struggle to compete
>Those who were crippled found ways to still hunt and contribute including one who was missing an eye, an arm, and a damaged leg took up tool making (Could tell by hand bone structural wear and level of tooth erosion)
>Had culture, language, burials, innovation, and curoisity (that's why they mated with homo spaiens)
>White as fuck
>Barely anymore hairy than a viking
>Brow ridges weren't even that noticeable when skin and meat were added
>Hair color ranged all the same as homo sapiens
>Eye color ranged all the same as homo sapiens
>If you passed them in the streets you'd just think they were super built man-lets and woman-lets
...Cancer has no relation to the immune system?
An immune response 3x faster does not mean 3x stronger...
Reacting to an infection 3x faster is good, but if in the end you still die, while the 3x slower immune system actually protects the person, then 3x faster isn't actually better.
Doesn't stop them from coming into my E.R every night trying to score tax payer funded drugs kek.
Niggers and whites are the worst races, surprise you guys hate each other.
>Sweden jumps in for the defense of cuck-science.
Color me surprised.
I hope you're joking...
>One night stands
Holy shit this year is very current
fuck do I know, im not in med school.
>proof that the irish aren't white
Autoimmune diseases are degenerative and tend to happen more with age
Niggers tend to die earlier
That's incorrect, the immune system is constantly fixing cancerous errors in your body, and recent breakthroughs help the body's immune system identify and remove cancer better.
Implying that matters when we have science
Lold irl
>jump on new info to push white inferiority narrative
>accidentally legitimize race as a valid field of inquiry
>turns out neanderthals were fucking based, basically the Tiger to the homo sapiens' Sherman
Can't they not drink milk?
>whites develop the tech to defend themselves from nature
>niggers cant do shit and need to have nature fix shit for them
Where are these white supremacists and what terror attacks have they done?
No shit we spent most of the past decade trying to prevent mussies from even coming here
The number should be zero
That's true, but the way in which your body destroys cancer cells doesn't have much to do with how the body responds to infection.
yet they got btfo
No pussy ass faggots going to the doc for antibiotics and other drugs just for a fucking cold or sore throat does that.
>tfw good immune system rarely get sick and never had flu