Anti-communists literally can't refute this.
Anti-communists literally can't refute this.
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Communism sucks
Just ask a Russian or a Serb or a Croat or a Czech or a Pole or a Ukrainian or a Vitenam fucking shit or a Venezuelan or a Finn or a Cambodian or a Chinaman or a Best Korea POW or a Cuban etc.
>there's no evidence that we're actively operating death camps, therefore we're okay
setting the bar a little low there, aren't you?
Ask literally ANYONE who lived under a Communist regime
I don't understand why apologists for this shit exist
Most South Koreans would defect to the NORTH if they could. They obviously see communism as superior.
I'm saying most of the propaganda against the DPRK are outright lies and organizations like Amnesty International which promote it have blood on their hands.
Amnesty just posted satellite footage of the death camps pls fuck off
Watch the video. It proves the pics are fake.
>most of the propaganda against the DPRK are outright lies
Good point, I'll just travel there and confirm this assertion.
Oh wait.
want to leave =/= want to go fucking north korea
Read the book "Camp 14" by a defector. He was extreme scarring on his legs from the torture.
The entire country is one big death camp.
The DPRK is highly selective of who they let in, because they don't know who could be a spy. That's why all tours are heavily guided. It's all about the survival of them as a people.
Literally everything South Korans say they wanted they could get in the North. Of course they can't come out and state their wishes to defect because they'd get imprisoned for treason.
North Korea is such a great country that people are literally running away from it
if you take pictures of construction sites your camera will get smashed
if you just wander randomly you might get shot for spying
if you ask too many questions you might get detained
The author is a known liar.
yeah south koreans would love having electricity for 1 hour each day and no internet
also who likes eating food LOL
do you even read the shit you post
Most "defectors" are paid CIA actors. Meanwhile most of the actual defectors end up going BACK to the DPRK.
>it's not the North Koreans who are the problem, it's everybody else
Whatever faggot.
Those satellite photos of the "dark" DPRK were doctored. Most people in the DPRK have plenty of resources despite the EMBARGO.
Do you have any proof of this?
>i can't use google
I didn't ask if google had any proof you stupid fuck
Then ask Jason. He has the proof.
Most NK hate is just propaganda just like their U.S hate is propaganda. We all must be subverted into thinking our way is the right way.
>do you have death camps?
>nice can we check?
>but if you wanna prove that there are not death camps why don't just let us check that there aren't?
While I do that, consider reading this book.
Get fukt, Seung-Un.
If your little communist principality tries anything funny, you and your Dear Leader will be rotting in your graves by next Sunday.
They do let inspectors in faggot.
Would you adopt a nork QT to do the housekeeping for you?
Most of that book's contents have been proven false.
Also something I funny about all the pro Communism libs is that liberals are the ones who claim to be "anti fascist" yet you MUST have a dictator to maintain a communist state. You MUST force people to not leave because, if given the option they will go somewhere with a free market. Why would a doctor, Lawyer, Accountant, etc. be voluntarily willing to get a shit ton of training just to get paid the same as a Janitor or factory worker? You need a fascist leader to maintain a communist state cause if you don't everyone will just leave.
He said he lied because the death of his mother was so tramautizing to him he didn't want to be associated with it.
He has hearsay and conjecture.
why is it always americans anons?
you are literally given every possible leverage in life
you have access to untold founts of knowledge and wisdom, some of the wiset people walk among you
and then I see shit like this and I just feel sad
to see the american promise squandered
you guys live in a country where stupidity is a choice and yet some of you still choose to believe in such nonsense, just so you could be contrarian and go "whoa the system is lying to you guuuys!, im smart listen to me!"
so heartbreaking
He's literally a CIA-paid actor.
The whole country is a death camp, hasn't something like 2 million people starved to death so far this century?
just look at what he writes
god damn man i cannot describe the hatred i feel towards blind fools like you that caused the death of thousands of my countrymen
fucking commies
I was born at communism, my father and mother did too. Communist rule was better and most 40+ will say the same
Bullshit. North Koreans can absolutely leave the country and there is a large population of DPRK expats in Japan and also in Russia.
Dont worry, theyre just pampered faggots
There are still some american people who are thankful for what our ancestors have given us at the cost of their lives
Stop shilling your shitty channel on here, you commie scumbag.
There's a documentary on Netflix called Under The Sun where the filmmaker tricks the DPRK into showing themselves acting out fake scenarios to promote a positive image of North Korea.
You can tell when they are unaware the cameras are still rolling how everyone involved is completely miserable. Sure there' was no evidence of death camps shown, but the mere fact that the citizens of North Korea are forced to live a lie 24/7 is more than enough for me to know I would never want to live there. I used to think they were all just brainwashed besides a select few, but the documentary gave me the impression that most of them are probably painfully aware of the hell they are trapped in.
I'm not Jason you fuckwit. Jason hasn't been on Sup Forums for years since this board doxxed and made death threats to his mom.
It was better because thought if they worked hard enough they could make that pos system work
Youve peaked my interest user, Ive grabbed a torrent to see this shit
way to reveal yourself Jason
you communist faggot
Weed is legal in N korea, and there's only North Koreans there. Yes they're poor, but at least they get to live amongst their own people without being bred out of existence, and aren't shamed everyday for their culture/heritage. I don't hate N korea, i envy them
It was better because it was better.
Stupid to think that people would want to be back there if they had a better life.
Compare the statistics of soviet union and nowaday russia.
gook here./
they're labor camps, not death camps. there are different levels of labor camps too. some are worse than others
I'm not fucking Jason. Jason wouldn't waste his time on here.
Yes. They're used to house legitimate criminals like murderers and rapists.
Chinese communism was better than having your country parceled out to warlords
north koreans aren't cucks like south koreans. they know how to toughen up unlike south whoreans
South Korea has become a capitalist hell hole. Meanwhile North Koreans still maintain much of their traditional culture and dignity.
a solid turd smells less then liquid
Who cares?
At 14:01 a North Korean defector mentions labor camps as punishment for various crimes.
How do you know most of those people aren't paid actors trained by the CIA?
Most of their accents aren't even Pyongyang accents but sound 100% directly out of Seoul.
I'd adopt a nork qt to take my dick and then dump her on the streets of 1970s San Francisco to fend for her self when she hits puberty.
How do you know that they are?
Early in the video, they mention that they defected to South Korea and have been living there for a few years. That would explain the accent.
Idiots are found in every society, even if they are well-fed and finely-clothed.
Either that or its a nork using a proxy.
The one shitting the turd, and anyone who has to use that toilet later.
my mum is from slovakia and she thinks socialism was fine
They're paid actors. Most actual defectors to the South end up going back to the North because they realize the South is a shithole.
They never had to deal with it themselves and took the "egalitarianism" meme seriously.
Again, how do you know? You say they're paid actors, but offer me no reason to believe it.
While you're at it, give me some evidence for that second part too.
Nope, whole country is on permanent lockdown.
The only ones who get to leave are either heavily-vetted government employees or... well, I guess there are only government employees in Best Korea.
The dignity of having a populace with the average height of toddlers.
Meanwhile in South Korea -
Just great proof of their terrific living conditions. Living isolated for a whole
>70 years
made them into a entirely different race where their superior brains crushes down on their spines and make them shorter!
Truly, N.K is the best.
How do you know they're not actors?
>USSR's bitchboy
>permanently cucked to China
>not a cuck
>traditional culture and dignity
Pick one, Hong-Wei.
Because all defectors stay in South Korea.
There is no going back once one crosses the DMZ.
Even if we assume there are no death camps over there, once they're annexed a lot of such evidence suddenly pops up like muh holohoax all over again.
This is going to be hopeless, isn't it? You're the one trying to claim that they are actors. Therefore, it is up to you to provide proof. You can't just make a statement with nothing behind it and then tell someone to prove you wrong.
>implying the sanctions don't exist
False. Most actual defectors end up returning to the North.
>Everything N.K does wrong is actually someone else's fault
Is this the new tactic by
I can see how it'd work. If you blame literally everyone else, communism can never fail!
>Communists seriously believe this.
b-but I thought Best Korea was a stronk independent nation and didn't need no free market??
Wrong. Nobody is allowed to return.
>Is this the new tactic
No, Marx was the first one to do it, and (((they))) have been doing it ever since..
>Wrong. Nobody is allowed to return.
False. Ex-defectors return all the time.
This fat fucker cries about how much communism is better yet enjoys the luxuries of capitalism everyday.
There is no reason why he shouldn't move to North Korea.