Sup Forums is a Christian board
Everyone else please leave
Sup Forums is a Christian board
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Amen brother
It took me a while to understand the truth but I finally see the light
Sup Forums is a Baha'i board numbnuts
stop being a good little goy and kys nigger
You're Jews, fuck off. No one likes Jews, so remove yourself.
>current year
>not praising Kek
all religions are made up by jews, and are made to make people sleep and not question anything.
dogma is a bad thing, goyim.
You probably meant inferior form of Jews
There needs to be a proper general for this stuff.
Today, it was reported that a swedish church hired guards to fend off people who went in there to pee, poop, masturbate and steal children. We of course know that this is futile, since this is punishment for that lesbian bishop abandoning the cross last year. I wonder what the next plague will be.
Yes, Catholicism is the true faith and Jerusalem is rightful clay of the Church.
Sup Forums will always be Kekist
fuck organized religion. stop lying to people.
Jesus is dumb and fake
>muh holy lands
Youre a faggot who WORSHIPS CRACKERS
we were here first why dont you go back to rebbid?
Who let this cunt out of the oven?
>fuck organized religion.
>organized religion.
>fuck organized
faith isn't just a matter of believing in god, i have a faith that if i kick you in the balls, its gonna hurt, and pray that one day i might get to carry out this act.
i like a state religion. e.g. north korea
Says the guy posts oics odlf Catholic crusaders.
Jerusalem is Catholic. Heathen Scum.
Stop posting that stupid character, it implies like the catholics will be doing anything about it, or they are worried about heresy, when their own pope is the heretic and the catholic church is general is.
fuck off child molester enabler.
The deceiver is the only true god
Catholicism is the true Christianity.
All others are heretical filth created by Lucifer. Burn in Brimstone and Fire heathen scum.
You WORSHIP CRACKERS and your leader thinks Mooslims and faggots who take it up the ass are saved. Plus you smack off to statues.
>Sup Forums is a Christian board
Lol. Sup Forums is a communist board. Religion is the opiate of the masses faggot.
Incorrect. Its a religion for and by perverts.
>cucking yourself to the state
Youre as big a faggot as the cum drinking cracker eating catholics
>Sup Forums is a Christian board
When did this meme even start?
Who let the protestant filth on here?
You are the scum of Christianity and make the rest of us look bad.
when meme was just a wi meme
It's called Communion, some Protestants take Communion too.
The Pope is not my Choice, I'm a Traditionalist, like a Puritan. No porn, No smoking, No Alcohol etc, etc.
Whay religion are you? Are you a Chrit Mu
T.Goyim Bin Spork
God doesn't exist.
Hate to break it to ya. No evidence.
What are you a Hillary supporting capitalist traitor?
How dare you go against Komrade Trump!
>implying Allah isn't your true master
but /pol is satire
does that mean christianity is satire?
Respectable Turkish man.
tone down sparky, we aint got use for your kind? Ya hear?
You're all still degenerates, Baha'i is the only true faith.
wtf is bahia
Sup Forums is a commie hating board you reddit scum.
No evidence he doesn't exist.
(((THEY))) Will test your faith. Stay strong or meet an eternity of Brimstone and Ash.
Sup Forums is a Kekist board. Everyone else leave.
Check these digits.
Study up on the world's best religion friendo
The Bahá'í Faith (Persian: Bahā'i ; بهائی) is a monotheistic religion which emphasizes the spiritual unity of all humankind.[1] Three core principles establish a basis for Bahá'í teachings and doctrine: the unity of God, that there is only one God who is the source of all creation; the unity of religion, that all major religions have the same spiritual source and come from the same God; and the unity of humanity, that all humans have been created equal, coupled with the unity in diversity, that diversity of race and culture are seen as worthy of appreciation and acceptance.[2] According to the Bahá'í Faith's teachings, the human purpose is to learn to know and to love God through such methods as prayer, reflection, and being of service to humanity.
off by 63
Sup Forums has been a communist board since November 25th.
The memes of production have been seized.
>religion that basically declares morality to change with the era
>prophets are just people who got it right for their time
>no absolutes or eternals
>not degenerate as fuck
Still better than fucking Islam. Wish they had done a better job converting those shitskins
what if I don't like being a service to humanity
The you're a useless degenerate
I am the state
>king of france
Fuck of Christcucks, this is a Kekist board now.
I really want to be a Catholic and dues vult but the pope is such a faggot it's unbelievable.
I am useful as you will always have a job cleaning my poopoo on the streets
Your just upset we're the favorite goyim, the jewish overlords will reward us for are services like a favorite pet.
Then youre nt a fucking catholic retard. Have you read catholic doctrine? It REQUIRES believers to submit to the faggot pope. You think cracker are jesus and that statue of mary will save you. You will like Gehenna i think. Lots of perverts in boxes you can confess to while sucking cock.
I'd love to be christian and reclaim the holy land with my brothers, but then I remember, that all feats aside, it is still a religion that cucked entire continent.
Nothing is more pathetic than a christcuck. I mean really... if you're not from some piece of shit slavic country or from America and you're here talking about having Jesus in your life... then kys, you're straight up mentally ill or just plain dumb..
You gobble the cum from the pervert in a box and use mary statues as fetishes. You are condemned. You dont worship christ but crackers.
You want to worship crackers and eat cum from th pervert in a box?
Organized religion is fucked, i would like to see the pope eat his words about the NWO. That does not mean that you can't love God in what ever form you choose. That Bahai sounds good except the everyone is worshipping the same god, thats actually what the pope says in hopes of establishing a one world religion. to close to baal for me. I'll stick with Jesus. Remember the first lie ever told on earth was that you can become a god through knowlege.
Would you like to jojn the catholic churchh? You can get as much cock as you want
Iceland knows the truth
Every knee shall bend one day, I can't wait
Anyone else waiting for the autistic Malay to show up?
That the only way to be saved is to blow Dah Ah Holy Ah Faddah?
Waiting for the cumshot from Dah Ah Holy Ah Faddah??
You can joke all you like but in the end you will bend your knee
Why do faggot catholics think making retarded autistic hand motions is necessary to be saved?
>t. fedora that know nothing about where he comes from or what Christianity is.
Dawkins is great at popularizing scientific concepts like evolutionary psychology but he like all fedoras know nothing about what religion even is or how it relates to their lives. Their "insights" are so superficial calling them wrong would be giving them too much credit, they aren't thought out enough to be considered anything but empty rants with no content.
Fedoras aren't part of the conversation, read more and maybe you can contribute something when you at least superficially understand the concepts being discussed.
To take a cumshot from Dah Ah Holy Ah Faddah?
It's an Islamic cult.
Reminder that only Rus Orthodoxy is the true christianity
TFW Trump declares the only US religion, Christianity
That faggot want you to become a mooslim and take it up the rear. If you believe in catholicism you are required to follow all of Da Ah Holy Faddah's edicts. So praise moohamad, fuck a goat, and get aids from sven
Well, at least its not as bad as the fucking catholics
I'm not Catholic, I believe in the bible, not some pope
The pope is trying to absorb islam, converting it into a Christian sect or at least get a few converts and Sup Forums thinks this is a bad thing?
Good. If you believe inchrist you are saved. My appologies.
Catholics arent christians dumbass. They worship crackers, statues, and dah Ah Holy Ah Faddah pope Frankie
Then you are not catholic, you dumbass.
He's not actually a deceiver. People deceive people to make him evil when all he is, is love, compassion, understanding and knowledge.
So we're allowed to discuss religion on a political board? Neat.
Is there a more crude beast than the modern atheist? Can we find a more intellectually offensive specimen than an individual who has wrapped his grubby hands around a singular idea, and thrust his sniveling nose upwards in contemptuous pride at this accomplishment, never to think for himself again, blissfully assured in his conclusions? Why even the theists are haunted by the specter of doubt! Yes these vile, blathering simpletons proceed without the slightest humility, so faithful they are of their rash conclusions, so unthinking are they of the implications. Nowhere do you find a more dogmatic and arrogant faux-intellectual than the modern atheist.
Not if youre a retarded faggot
Is that what burgers actually believe in?
My heresies have doubled since the last time we met, Sup Forums!
I never said I was. When I say every knee shall bend I mean to the Lord, whether it's too late for them or not
I was raised as an atheist but with judeo-christian values
I wish I had been raised as a good christian now because it's hard to develop a spiritual life when my entire life had none
>worship crackers
What do you worship, trayvon martin nigger?
Catholicism did get lost in politics, they are responsible for some degeneracy but they are still Christians and not the primary reason why the west turned away from God. I love statues and crackers and art and buildings, as long as the symbols and fruits aren't worshiped above God it's not idolatry.
I'm pretty sure I'm allowed to discuss religion even if I'm a retarded faggot.