The only show we had on network television has been cancelled.
The Young Turks Talking About It
Sam Hyde is in meltdown mode
The only show we had on network television has been cancelled.
The Young Turks Talking About It
Sam Hyde is in meltdown mode
They don't like World Peace?
fuck off drumpf racist kys
apparently not, they're glad 'world peace' got cancelled
How is he in meltdown mode? Oh shit. Is he close to snapping again?
It seems like he's close to snapping.
He look like his normal self to me.
He's about to snap.
>They like to do these ridiculous pranks where if they find a woman unattractive they would purposely trip her into a glass table, right? Now I don't know how much of that is staged, how much is real....
it's a prank bro!
right because that video is old, but he uploaded 2 in 1 day that's th issue at hand
The young Turks got almost every fact wrong in their segment. Literally fake news.
>this webm is from the scene they're bullshitting about
Too good man, Sam can see the future.
Good. It wasn't funny.
>b-nur muh high ratings!
And the high ratings were only because Sam Hyde autists here watched each episode multiple times on the internet to push the ratings, I remember the threads. On cable itself the show didn't very well.
>Sup Forums user admits to smoking weed
>sam hyde smokes weed with a 'wacky' voice filter
Sup Forums btfo once again
Sam Hyde is not funny.
Film at 11
>implying that's actually weed
>implying he isn't mocking weed users
Sam is making fun of weed smokers in that video you dumb stoner faggot
autism speaks
>meltdown mode
Have you ever seen his iPhone videos before? This is par for the course
announcement soon
hmm so Sup Forums doesn't care about MDE anymore?
Sam even wants a male-only gym called "Guy Heaven". What a sexist pig. Thank the lord this is cancelled.
>the only show we had
Speak for yourself homo. That show sucked and Sam Hyde is extremely unfunny. Watching TV is degenerate.
>here's a clip
>5 year old video
TYT are irrelevant hacks.
>Now I don't know how much of that is staged
Wowo weewo
>It's degenerate
The show always had at least one serious sketch that preached anti-degeneracy.
Here's their single mother sketch.
>Reminder that this show got 1 million + views, and it aired at 12:15 am.
I love it. The show was great and I wish it would continue but they will work on something great after this for sure.
First Aqua Teen Hunger Force and now this?
What's wrong with Lanza?
Probably because its unfunny garbage
hiring executives that are cucked by younger liberal white women
this is gamergate x10
sam hyde has a bright future and will carry on, world peace was amazing and they cancelled it literally because he voted trump.
the show is genius, and had the best ratings adult swim has had for 2 fucking years. by all legitimate accounts, it was one of the best things they've ever aired.
This is now your daughter.
>what do?
>Sup Forums is one person
Kys, faggot
cartoon network is owned by Turner Broadcasting. Same folks as CNN.
There's no fucking way they were going to let Hyde continue. His show is against their agenda.
>>implying that's actually weed
>>implying he isn't mocking weed users
are her pussy flaps so fucking pig that the other girl can chew on them from 6" away?
Tried to watch this show twice since everyone was raving about it. It was awful.
Doesn't matter what you think, nigger. It got fantastic ratings. The only reason they cancelled it was for political reasons.
Jews oppose world peace.
He wasn't even smoking weed. He was making fun of the degenerate stoners.
as an avid MDE fan, they said that the show got cut because of stuff Sam Hyde did on his twitter. They said they didn't agree with his politics on his twitter.
Tim Heidecker also encouraged people who didnt like the show to contact advertisers and cut money at its source. Gelman thing I have no idea about. He claims he left because there were no females in leadership positions or some shit.
>are her pussy flaps so fucking pig that the other girl can chew on them from 6" away?
No. That's her undies.
Mother fucker the show just barley managed 800k viewers per show except for the first and last.
More people watch pro wrestling for fuck sake.
For political reasons my ass.
lol at least turn off VPN when you shillpost like that otherwise it looks really bad
It would of continued if it was actually funny.
Its fucking pathetic the MDE fanbase thinks Sam is a comedy genius because he namedropped "David Duke" on TV.
It's like watching fat bitch Twilight fans that screamed in delight over some twist in those shitty movies.
It wasn't that funny to be honest. It's all setup, no punchline, only mildly entertains because of how LUL RANDOM every scene is. And it isn't offensive or political or anything really. Just because it stars an international terrorist doesn't mean it's good. F is for Family is good
less gross
The fact this loser even got a fucking show highlights how far the bar has been lowered.
It is fine, everything is fine.
>10 minutes of not understanding comedy
There needs to be an actual classical education on the theory and execution of comedy. Because people seem to think fart jokes, ray ramano, and that guy with the puppets are what comedy are about.
>non story
>reporting on it
they don't have anything to report on after Trump won, i guess every single "victory" give their echo chamber a boost
Just a bunch of dudes running around swearing, great comedy rebuplicans...
I never understood this sketch. People shitting their pants laughing about it, and I guess I don't have a frame of reference.
they had at least one really solid sketch per episode. I was entertained.
Never understood the humor either.
it's relatable and that is why it is funny.
I don't get this show. It seems rather absurdist which is a semitic form of humor.
I know it's a long shot, but we could try meme it onto Fox.
Adult swim is shit though
Not even when he gets up to get more wine and he's all "thirty dollars a bottle, help yourself"?
it's a cryptoantikike meant to redpill normies.
if you don't understand MDE it's because you're not that smart.
i'm sorry to have to put it so bluntly but that's just what it is.
>it's relatable and that is why it is funny.
There are hundreds of fucks on Youtube that are my age and I can relate to, but their videos unfunny as fuck.
he isn't smoking weed you fucking retard
The joke of the cervix story isn't the story, it's the commentary on the state of the world we're living in.
The setup is your life, the delivery already happened. He's just pointing out the joke we call social interaction.
Yea. That sketch in particular didn't click for me. I've seen it several times, but eh.
this, the setup to sam hydes jokes was your fucking life.
Why does he look like Hillary Clinton?
I was at the meeting where they finally decided to cancel the show. The show's ratings/growing popularity was one of the reason's they didn't want to cancel. Without giving too much detail what it really came down to was the group's out right support of Trump. This is the first of many changes coming down from the higher ups across the board. Consider Sam a canary in a mine shaft.
It's baby tier entry level comedy to be honest. If you like MDE you don't know much about comedy, it's just not very well done.
"prison" was the best thing i have seen on tv in like 20 years.
>we can't call jews evil
>we can't say jews run everything
>we will instead subvert anti-semitism by lauding everything about this group to an extreme parody of fake praise
>open secrets
Jews rock. I love jews.
>People shitting their pants laughing about it
Those people are the MDE fanbase, guys that can't get laid so seeing women hurt gives them joy and makes them laugh.
>chicken nugget scoon
what did he mean by this?
The classic rebuke of someone defending pure garbage.
Sucks that it got canceled. I watched both of these pretty much every day. Art tbqhwy
sorry, you're wrong. you don't seem to know what comedy is. you might even say that you're a joke.
you're going to look even stupider if you try to go highfalutin.
haha yeah dude
I fucking love when the spit gets slapped and he laughs
Except MDE jokes can all be logically explained and follow reasonably.
Unlike why everyone starts giggling when grandpa farts.
well yeah, it comedy in the fourth paradigm
no, i know that that's usually what it is, but sometimes it's also true, and this is one of those times.
>but then the zorgnar came and wambambseled my shiskabob
humor has to be relatable and the more relatable the more likely is is too be humorous.
Jews are soo smart, I'm so glad that they are the ones running our banks instead of our retarded kids haha
>The show's ratings/growing popularity
800k per episode.
More people watch fucking TNA.
>rural white guy accused of crime he didn't commit
>confident he won't go to jail
>goes to jail
>doesn't mind
>gets stabbed in jail
>doesn't mind
>finally gets out of jail
>everything he knew and loved has been destroyed
Allegory for the white race's passivity and how they will only realize what they've lost after it's gone