So this is a thing

So this is a thing

Only rural and suburban retards voted for Trump.

City people all voted for Hillary.

>you pay my taxes for me
I'm all for communism tbqh

City person here

voted Trump

fuck you OP

What city?

No, the POTUS's salary and taxes are paid for by taxpayers

>living in city
>not being a retard

>$1 per year
how will americans ever recover

So welfare niggers and white cucks voted for Hillary and people in actual productive areas voted Trump as usual. Leftist retards will never change.

his taxes won't be $1

his salary will be $1, so obviously it will be taxed even less, dumb nigger

>I put a bunch of false statements in an image
>you sure look dumb now!

You're taxed on more than your salary...
Homes, cars, property, etc

>Q: Does the president pay taxes?
>A: The President of the United States is required to pay taxes. According to Bloomberg, President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle reported adjusted gross income of $481,098 in 2013 and paid $98,169 in federal taxes.
time to kys

lol retard Fatty Bankrupt is notoriously the biggest failure in the history of Real Estate. He can claim his losses from 30 years ago against any taxes and never pay a dime because he blew a yuge chunk of his trust fund.

You do realize that Trump isn't accepting salary to be President right?

> Getting paid from the government
> Paying taxes to the government
Really made me think.

the presidents salary is not even .000001% of what he stands to gain from eliminating inheritance tax

>YOUR taxes are TOO HIGH
>This is the fault of rich people, you should vote for leftists who will raise taxes on "the rich"

>lol retard Fatty Bankrupt is notoriously the biggest failure in the history of Real Estate

>Implying there's anything wrong with your daughter getting impregnated with the Emperor's seed

>make sure to vote for the democrats so they raise the middle class's taxes to pay for more welfare for niggers and illegal beans

At least we elected trump instead of the maplefucker weedman. Enjoy your greece tier denbts

I love tasting all the tears. It's fucking great.

Missoula isn't a real city shit kicker.

Reminder to hide and sage these obvious bait threads.

They're going to be doing this kind of shit for 8 years, just learn to chuckle at it. They are still clearly in the stone age of meme warfare.

I live in Portland, Oregon; probably the number 4 most cucked city in the USA, and I voted for Trump.

better that due to O'bama actually pays tax when hes not president