Russian trolls created echochambers and trends online pulling people in in favour of Trump during the election...

Russian trolls created echochambers and trends online pulling people in in favour of Trump during the election. Shifting the vote. By the thousands.

Snowden is a defector.

Wikileaks has potentialy been co-opted by the Kremlin and they hacked and posted the DNC and Podesta emails.

Russian counter-intel shouts down those investigating Russian involvement online while at the same time talking about Russian agitprop.

All those accounts are linked to John Schindler. His boss is Jared Kushner.

Putinbots created an echochamber which amplified pizzagate.

This reality hacking is all done by team Trump by the methods of Vladislav Surkov. A top Putin advisor.

Go fix it.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Snowden is a defector.
>Wikileaks has potentialy been co-opted by the Kremlin

wow - it's almost as if threatening their deaths / threatening lifetime incarceration for telling the truth was a bad idea

Hi. Next time you might add a title.

How do you mean?

Yeah, I fucked up. I'm drinking.

Stop making this thread you petty cunt with no proof

USA getting buttmad about whistleblowers pushes the whistleblowers into enemy arms.

Wrong. I did those things and I'm 100% Americunt Problem butthurt lefty?

Yeah. Go look at this autobot and say "no proof"

>democrats want mccarthyism round 2
>a lot of them are proud socialists, even communists

i dont see how this could backfire

also i have two friends who write for the observer - kushner has no direct say in what gets written and allows the columnists an incredible amount of leeway in what they write

I'm not a lefty

Sure you aren't lel

What were you saying stupid?

then I could be wrong. Or, it could be just that guy. Either war it doesn't say there's nothing there. Although I'd accept that's an indication of impartiallity

>meanwhile infinite Chan has final ultimate solution stickied

Totally nothing to see here Chaim.

RT? Really?

yon about?

>russian propaganda channel
>says russian propaganda is a hoax

Please go back to Israel.

You know what I love? All those cocksuckers screaming Russia this Russia that Russia bad Russia still Soviets and then week later they all suck Fidel Castro's dick.

Nice conspiracy theories, leftard ;^)

I'm not. I'm politically absent, desu

Calling all who want to help us kill the jews!
Infinite has put out the call.
We are working to eradicate them completely.
Leave this shithole if you want to help.
Infinite awaits.
Heil Hitler!


fuck you on about, I'm a British atheist

True Sup Forums is now 90+ natsoc.
We even talked to the owner about the jewish question.

The time has come to research the final, ultimate solution to the jewish question.
If you want to get serious, head to 8/pol/.

We have begun the holy work.

Is this why all the major trump and pizza posting doesnt start until 5pm PST? Thats early morning for the ruskies

fuck you talking about man?

I disagree with this. I don't belive the conspiracy

Too bad.
We have it stickied, and are banning all non nat-socs.

There is nothing any of you can do to stop it either.
We are finally Sup Forums ascendant.

> Russian trolls created echochambers and trends online pulling people in in favour of Trump during the election.


> Snowden is a defector.

Sure, most people here have no problem seeing him hang.

> Putinbots created an echochamber which amplified pizzagate.

Nahh, that shit's too fucking retarded. They might be cheering it on, but it has chan written all over it.

> Go fix it.

Go fix what? Putin's geopolitical manipulation? Why? Do we care if Sunnis or Shias win at genocide? No. Do we care if Russia annexes land in the Ukraine? No.

Does Putin support nationalism in other countries for his own gain? Yes. Is that good? Yes.

Until Putin has aims which squarely oppose ours there is no reason to care about his manipulation.

That'd be a step one indicator. But, do Russian Active Measures peeps not wake up at weird times? And two: is it not just amplified by American reposters?

You're right, some shill making a interview with "kremlin agents" was much more truthful, except when she got BTFO. Shill harder or give up

See, we are now moving to actually exterminatus all the Jews.
We will other them, persecute them, and expel and eradicate them.

We even have a scientific formula for it now.
Come to 8 Sup Forums, we have discovered a way to defeat the jew!

I somewhat agree. It's not a political or even partisan position. I post to make people aware that this level of prpaganda exists. That is allz

why do I want to defeat the Jew?

RT says there's no agitprop? *amazed*

Even if that's true. What's wrong with that?

Russia is pretty based nowadays.

Got no idea what you're talking about.
I'm just laughing pretty hard that you think russian state-sponsored TV would say "yes the russian government is doing all this"

Bee's segment relied heavily on saying "we found them through back channels" / "we dont want to say how we found them becasuse they might be harmed" / "they didn't want to reveal their faces"

well, they went on Russian media and fucking revealed their faces, so either Bee got propaganda'd or got hoaxed.

either way it makes her look like a fucking idiot

No shill. Rt is merely reporting on a news source that actually claimed to interview kremlin agents when no such thing occurred, but you're an ass blasted shill so facts are irrelevant to your ilk


RT reporting from Kremlin agents must be true. Christ


Keep on trying to bump your own thread reddit, it's rather funny


>not liking clinton and criticizing her means you're a state-sponsored internet troll

Im starting to regret coming to Sup Forums

Only crazies here it seems

You would've been one of those peoplein the 60s who would've givn up his wife because you thought she was a commie bastard! The propaganda works yo

>be american triple letter agency
>have all the money in the world
>have 2013 media act allowing you to air propaganda in the media
>have control over internet, from monitoring to shutting it down
>lose propaganda war to Upper Volta with nukes despite American media maintaining tight grasp on information flow

Yeah no.

>send 18 nerd virgins for the explicit goal of propaganda
>hey guys, other people are spreading propaganda, no, really, this isn't part of our propaganda, you can trust us!
Thanks for the information, you are a truly great ally :^)