Petition - Change the racist name of "The Young Turks"

>July 1908, a nationalistic movement known as The Young Turks took control of the Ottoman Empire.
>With help from the Ottoman government and the Talaat Pasha, the Young Turks were responsible for a genocide which claimed the lives of over 1.5 million innocent people.
>Starting with the murders of hundreds of intellectuals and dissidents, laws were passed for depopulating Turkey of the Armani minority. Villages were systematically burned to the ground whilst their populations were marched into the desert to die. Those who resisted were shot.
>History on this subject is not widely known about as the Turkish government has tried to cover up this terrible past, but the pain lingers on.
>For this reason, I am calling on the left-wing political commentary organization "The Young Turks" to change it's disgusting name.
>Social pressure has already been levied against sports teams such as the Washington Redskins to change their name and places such as Rapides des Nègres (nigger rapids) have been pressured to change also. It's time for The Young Turks news team to change.
>Historical implications matter in a name. Cultural sensitivity matters in a name. We would not allow "hitler youth" to be a company name, this is no different.
>Cenk Uygur defends his name choice by saying his idea came from "young progressives looking to overthrow an established system."
>But no excuse for this name should over shadow its brutal history.
>Please share this petition vigorously, as many of this type have come and failed. Please sign this petition and be the change you want to see

We already know the power Sup Forums has, the person who started this petition only wants to reach 100 signatures. But let's be real, that's not going to do fucking jack shit. Let's all sign this petition and on top of that use our dummy twitter accounts (I know lots of you here have them still from the election) to spread a hashtag to aware others of the racial insensitivity of the young turks.

Other urls found in this thread:

Link to the petition:

I think the best hashtag we could use right now is


If anybody has a better one feel free to chime in. Once this takes off and SJW's get a hold of this hashtag there is no stopping it.


Was the 1908 movement actually called The Young Turks?

Did I do good op?


Yes, and they were responsible for the armenian genocide.

They don't believe in the Armenian genocide
Also can we get Young turnks (original ) appreciaton threads going on :
>> Wants to save the failing ottoman empire
>> Try to turn Balkans Turkish
>> Good luck doing that again Greeks ,Sebs etc.
>> Get completely btfo in less than a year
>> Surrender
>> Loose a Majority of your land in Europe
>> TFW they single handedly ruined the Empire or at least the European part of it


Bump for potential

I personally don't have a twitter account but I know this guy:
is a confirmed Sup Forums user. Somebody should reach out to him and let him know about the hashtag #stoptheturks. It would be a good start.

The young ottomans sounds bad. ottomen? kek


Also, I got this petition from the comment section of this video. I know some people might not like AIU because he was a Hillary shill this election but he still has some really good stuff about liberal hypocrisy.

Ana triggered once again lol

She has terrible control over her emotions and doesn't know how to react under stress. So she just spergs out and starts shouting whatever seems right to her at that moment.

Also checked


well I signed

#SquashTheTurks sounds better


>Get off the stage you fat fuck!

here are a few # out of the top of my head

#StopTheTurks #stoparmeniangenocidedenial #Stopgenocidedenial

used these to pass on the link

Do I have to put in my address/real info?

Also, we should get the Kardashians in on this since they are Armenian. Would cause a lulzy shitstorm.

Good thinking burger , but half of your fellow burgers probably don't even know what's an "Armenia "

good idea, anyone know of any more Armenians who we should get in on this?

whats the best way to get them involved? just @em in the tweets?

Also: what hashtag are the rest of you guys using?


included Kim, word of Armenia, Armenia and the embassy in the tweet

>Kardashians vs. The Young Turks

Fucking hell this is a good idea, cant believe I didnt think of this angle. That would be hilarious. I bet if enough people tweet at them about this issue they will respond. They love being in the spotlight anyways so it works out perfectly.

We still need to decide on a hashtag though. Does #StopTheTurks work or should we go with something else?

It doesn't because it's sound like you are trying to stop normal turks and the normies don't like that for some reason

Do normies know about the Turkroach meme?

I'm just imagining Kim tweeting #StopTheTurkroaches or #StopTheYoungRoaches

stop the Turks doesn't work i think, looks like its used for something else

System Of A Down is a band full of Armenians. If I remember correctly they actually did a concert in remembrance of the Armenian genocide. They seem less likley to respond to something like this as compared to the Kardasians, but it's still worth a shot.

spread it

thanks will include them in the next retwt,
Anyone else tweeting this at all?

Yeah good points, didn't think of that.

What about #StopTYT ?

It's short, simple, and still gets the point across.

yes. twt that tw@!

seeand retweet

It sounds like you are trying to silence them it doesn't highlight the fact that they deny the Armenian genocide . Also be sure to use hard hitting numbers like 1.2 millions , The fact that there all less Armenians right now in Turnkey than the people that were genocided etc . Even go as far as to say it was worst than the holocaust

we need to make sock twitter accounts pretending that we are deeply concerned Armenians. Also we need to spam Youtube to make TYT change their name we also need to write to the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center and other shit tier liberal groups


they allready have a twitter for the genocie memorial

official. just follow, and retweet all of that
and follow @wordofArmenia

>young turks
>racist shaming tactic
"Racist" only works against white people

Yes to all of that. I'm just wondering how we make a twitter account about a concerned Armenian not look so obvious.


calling a white person a racist is like calling a black person a nigger.

except people feel bad for niggers and people lynch racists.

You misunderstand the point of this operation. This is propaganda targeted towards white shitlibs

I've been trying to call all these liberal hypocrite scum on their racism. if they want to call everyone racist then we should just do the same thing to them. they seem to do more racist shit on average anyway.

Fantastic, great job finding that.

i simply don't think that they could conceive of anything that they like as being racist, in the exact same way that anything they don't like, they find some way of calling racist.

also the hashtags

should we start linking other boards? Seems like it goes a bit slow here

Here are some Armenian-Americans to tweet:

Kim Kardashian @KimKardashian
Khloe Kardashian @khloekardashian
Kourtney Kardashian @kourtneykardash
Rob Kardashian @robkardashian
Kanye West @KanyeWest
U.S Embassy Armenia @usembarmenia
Embassy of Armenia in the U.S @armembusa
Armenia Online @ArmeniaOnline
Serj Tankian @serjtankian
Daron Malakian @systemmaniaco
Shavo Odadjian @ShavoOdadjian
John Dolmayan @JohnDolmayan
System of a Down @SystemOfADown
Seth Rollins @WWERollins
Andre Agassi @AndreAgassi

There are plenty of blackpilled shitlibs out there right now ditching the Young Turks because they dissed their precious Sam Harris cuck and are moving towards centrist shows like the Rubin report we should accelerate this process

We need a better lookin bread

Yes, I've posted the link that leads here in a few other threads already.

Exactly, there's actually a lot of liberals right now who despise TYT and would have no problem supporting a hashtag/cause like this.

what hashtags are you using? we need to start retweeting more

>go to @Armeniangenocide
>retweet the tweets there by other Armenians shining light on the issue.
>include link for the petition


>Kim calls Cenk a roach
>TYT has to change its name to The Young Friends or some gay shit
>Cenk with his genocidal tendencies goes apeshit live on air
>Ana KASPARIAN (Armenian last name) leaves the show
>Cenk gets redpilled and becomes "our guy"

He's already shitting all over the Democratic party. Let's push him over the edge just a bit more.

Yes start tweeting the Kardashians, that's brillant

I personally thought #stopTYT was good but the guy from cyprus made a few good points on why that might not work either. The other hashtag list that somebody else posted here was good too. I also thought we could use #StopGenocideDenial.

Using a bunch of different hashtags at once can still be effective and it's better than nothing. But having one powerful,centralized and focused hashtag is going to be 10 times more effective.

this. agreed.

TYT is irrelevant. Like the rest of the media, they bet on HC winning, and lost. They lost big time. They looked like a garage full of idiots on election night. Cenk Uygur is a hairy ape. Goodbye to them.

Oh, hi AIU.

Can't this backfire and become free advertising for TYT instead though?

Why are they named after proto-nazis?

They have peaked already at this point they still are the "number one News show on the interweb"

could be, but then teres hopefully a chance they would choke on their new fame

gq, i guess it sounds catchy, and the retard irrational buffalo he is.. didn't think this trough.

They called themselves based on this

Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. Young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations

Are people signing this petition because they hate this channel? As far as I know there's a lot of shit called Young Turks, a record label comes first to mind.

wow! seems like Kim has already signed petitions for genocide denial

Most people already know about them anyways. They can really only go down from here. Which they are, slowly but surely.

also follow and retweet


petitions are the path of the SJWs.

don't be retarded, who cares about that guy and the name he gives to his youtube channel.

fuck the turks and fuck the armenians. it's just a name.

>Young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations
yeah, it was expected of them to NOT commit genocide, so they rebelled against that

you basically beat them in their own game, that's why- petition. and yes fuck them and fuck us all

>you basically beat them in their own game, that's why- petition. and yes fuck them and fuck us all
you're not beating them, you're just being like them, acting like a retard.

they don't bother me, fuck them.

look guys, he's from portugal
>is clearly ok with genocide and oppression

That's what we are doing though. Using the power of SJW outrage against themselves. The left has been shattered
ever since the election ended. Doing stuff like this just ruins them a little bit more.

Remind me what you guys did to the Indians?

hey hey hey, one genocide at a time, pal!

Just balancing the argument buddy, can't be tearing ourselves apart or we'll get nowhere.

yeah, we did it
>admit it and don't deny it
>Cenk actually denies it

>That's what we are doing though. Using the power of SJW outrage against themselves. The left has been shattered

you do as you will, it just reminds me SJWs. they're just a bunch of losers.
make fun of them? yes. and that actually works. becoming morally outraged? what's the point?

whatever... be an SJW.


You do realize TYT and their lackeys are monitoring this board? If they see this thread they're obviously going to claim the petition is created by the internet nazi hacker known as Sup Forums.


Good. That means they saw it and got trigger enough to make a video about it. Best case scenario.

>get to see Chunk Ogre rage on camera once again about evil nazis

Sounds good to me

it's about how you react to it.

make petitions like a little bitch is not Sup Forumss way. it just isn't, sorry.

yeah yeah, just kidding. that's why we're here isn't it?

bad idea because ADL is jews and TYT were jews. ADL doesn't like to talk about Holodomor or any jewish created genocide

I refer you to my second post my colonial brethren.

No we're deadly serious guy, Sup Forums is more powerful than the illuminati.

>not recognizing the irony...

>checks flag

Mud-bloods every time.

ok, kek.. hows things going in the UK btw?
im a bit worried, you have a beautiful country

Anybody messaged this guy and got him on board with the hashtag yet?


Worse than Germany truth be told, we've got segregation through the roof and all these American idolising morons ushering in the "sjw" style left and it's all made a hundred times worse by the feeble politicians we have who seem to defy all stereotypes by having the conservatives ot care about the nation and labour not care about the poor, to put it simply mate, we've gone through the looking glass and smashed the fucker behind us. How's that Swedish influence going for you guys? Many mudslimes getting into Norway?

the irony is retarded. it sounds like an excuse to behave like a SJW. at least the OP is not ashamed of it.

now shut up and be inventive if you want to do something about the retarded turks, don't turn pol/ into a cesspol/