Is he "our guy"?
Will he buy me breakfast?
If not, then maybe but that's the best I can do at the moment.
>shoot up a church full of god fearing black people
>"our guy"
maybe if youre a bluepilled atheist op. nothing wrong with blacks if they want strong segregated communities
They were at church praying for forgiveness and the Lord answered their prayers. Dylan is the Lord's guy, not ours.
This is "our guy"
Why shoot up a church of all places? Literally a bunch of old and employed, religious black people trying to live in peace. Why not shoot up a drug dealer or a gang?
He's a degenerate.
I thought people here hated all black people.
he's a punk who should've shot on sight
if he was gonna shoot nig, shoot the ones in the ghetto, not church going old folk
*should've been
wrong. just like our hate for white liberals, we only dislike blacks that are degenerate and lazy.
fuck dylann
>nidf detected
how do you know they weren't?
What if a black person is a doctor but is very left wing politically, and thinks your views are fascistic, do you still like them because they're a hard working person?
For target practice.
because they took the time to go to church instead of sitting on the porch smoking blunts and drinking 40's
he let one go, pussy
this bloke is our Guy you degenerate neet autist /spegerious faggots
took the time to go to church to ask for forgiveness for....?
No. He should've shot only white liberals if he was raging about this stuff. Shooting old black people is fucking retarded.
Kills good christian blacks instead of coon thugging blacks, what a loser
Nigger churches are low on religion and heavy on politics. He shot a nigger preacher who was BLM and advocated police body cameras.
Roof did nuffin wrong.
Hero .. love the bloke .. in a manly bloke way ..
That doesn't make sense though. You said blacks who are hardworking are fine, but political affiliation has nothing to do with how hardworking someone is. So black people are only cool if they agree with all of your political viewpoints and fit your standard of hardworking, which apparently being a doctor does not fulfill? That sounds very safe space-y to me, they're only allowed if they fit these standards etc.
our guys dont kill anyone
its just satire
No, were not giving you what you want cnn
work as hard as you want if youre a degenerate you contribute to the destruction of society.
>shoots up a church instead of the hood
He can get lynched for all i care
Strong segregated communities... So basically you want America to be a safe space for solely white people with right wing views? That exact thing that everyone here rails against is actually what everyone on this board wants?
>Shoots up a black church full of old people who literally dindu nuffin
>doesn't shoot up a black lives matter rally and kill hundreds of young niglets
He is a KEK. I would respect him if he did it to blacklivesmatter young niggers.
"safe spaces" for whiny faggots with hurt fees is a bad thing.
safe spaces free of murderers and rapists is a good thing. stop trolling
It's just so funny how ppl on this board are so hypocritical.... Like you hate safe spaces and you hate cultural Marxism (both worthy of hate of course) yet you want a safe space and you want everyone to have the same viewpoints as you? And anyone who disagrees is called a cuck, just like anyone who disagrees with the leftists is called problematic. Y'all have become the exact things y'all hate. How does that work?
dont like =/= hate
But white people are murderers and rapists as well, white people just get away with it.
>hanging the vest way too low in the hopes someone shoots him
Wow pigs need to die.
lol. i really hope you arent white
Read his manifesto you tard. Nobody would care about gang shooting victim #5264396. He was trying to piss off the nogs, knowing they are a volatile group and I believe he SUCCEEDED at least in part because his shooting preceded BLM. The only problem was whites didn't fight back.
And the white conservative frat boys who drug girls, rape them, and get away with it cuz their daddy works for the government? They would still be in this all white conservative "utopia" community thus there would still be rapists.
BLM existed long before the Charleston shooting
>leaf hears a bit about him through the news or on Sup Forums
>whatever, too busy looking up bulls for hire
>later this thread comes up
>decides to post this comment
Why don't you look into it just a little bit before making a dumb fucking comment?
I would also mention that each of those old ladies had 10 state subsidized gang bangers crawl out of her womb. She wasn't a sweet old lady her whole life. We're all sinners.
With that mushroom haircut, Fuck No!