Sup Forums the only literal cesspool of liberals and democrats and lefties.
>>>Sup Forums714546281
Bumping this.
Dis gon be gud
Sup Forums has been trash for years. They still haven't gotten the memo that Sup Forums runs Sup Forums now. They still think that they dictate meme culture. It's adorable.
Just let them die a slow death of cuck porn and trap threads.
i remember when Sup Forums was planning raids and posting copypasta. now it's just /trash/ with an affinity for homos dressed like little girls
we memes now
That's exactly the type of thread that makes up at least 20% of Sup Forums at any given time. Why mention it at all?
Sad things is that good threads or actual important threads get pruned or deleted in less than a heart beat while gay shit and black fucking white is left up for hours on end especially liberal threads.
Like this thread that was only up for a minute before it was shutdown.
Thank god we don't have that intrusive porn shit on here like it is on Sup Forums
>mmm how dis make u feel white boi
> They still think that they dictate meme culture
> still think
Sup Forums is full of newfags and trap faggots now, there are barely any oldfags now
fucking this
Sup Forums is full of edgy teenagers who were too young to have heard about it during its prime and only heard about it recently. It's newfag heaven and is full of actual, unironical redditors
Don't worry tho, Sup Forums is going to witness the exact same fate quite soon thanks to /r/the_donald and the MSM. The quality discussion will migrate to another board that repels the average person with its autism (which in my professional opinion is Sup Forums).
speaking of which we haven't had a raid in a while
I kinda agree, once the normies invade us, we'll move to another board and this board will die
I don't think it will happen to Sup Forums.
Once more people start getting redpilled, the MSM will realize that directing them to a forum where truth bombs are dropped left and right probably isn't the best idea.
Also, it's not in (((their))) best interest to publicize a board that has political opinions that question the official narrative.
May i suggest we visit Wikipedia for a good old time of fun?
shills are not the problem, the problem are normies. If we go mainstream ( like Sup Forums did during the fappening) the normies will destroy this board just like they destroyed Sup Forums
I embrace normies coming here.
I was semi-bluepilled when I came here the first time, and I got educated pretty quick on how the world really works.
The more normies that come, it's just more opportunities to redpill people.
You can't look at it like
>it's muh secret club! go away normies!
That's part of what killed Sup Forums.
Retards on here complain that normies are bluepilled and then when someone comes here to learn things, people say to fuck off instead of actually discussing things with them. It's something that has to stop.
>to a forum where truth bombs are dropped left and right probably isn't the best idea.
Sup Forums will be leaning more towards the center and leftism than rightism in two years. If something, this exact board will meme the conservatism out of Sup Forums
no we need something bigger im hungry for some "the Triggering" levels of raid. something that will lead to casualties.
I would say tumblr but not big enough.
What is the biggest thing going right now that's ripe for our visit?
But Sup Forums is kinda like a trap.
You just know it is full of right wingers and believed the media lies that all of them are morons and have no argument.
But then you stay longer and longer and the image of the world is just not the same anymore afterwards.
Pretty much this. It's basically a forced redpill jammed down your throat.
Your entire worldview starts changing after only 2 weeks of lurking.
Sup Forums is basically just porn
we can make niggers an hero by using face accounts and posting shit like
basically a big moral crushing campaign so we can lower the number of monkeys
Old meme. Unless Super Hitler is born and he murders every negro and homosexual you can always go more right-wing. Sup Forums will go further right than the alt-right. You already see this with the reaction to PJWs faggotry.
That sounds good really good.
Let's also include liberals into it as well!
I'm not savvy with poetic words but what trand can we get going that will severely manipulate the liberals and lefties?
I don't know what a trand is but i think the best time to enact operation triggered nigger would me just after trump is officially inaugurated and their is no way to get him out
No, my dear redditor. The dynamics of free speech dictate that there must be a polarized cycle that public opinion goes through, much like the yo-yo effect of American elections. Whenever one side becomes over-represented, the other yields some core points to stay relevant. The former doesn't yield and continues to push, of which the majority people get bored, causing them to revert to the now-softer latter side.
In a simpler English, the echochamber of conservatism is going to disappear soon and the very people who promote it will flip to leftism. I want to plug in the valuable reminder that this place attracts NEETs above any other demographic, and while normally-functioning people come here, browse for a while, get bored and go back to living their normal life, NEETs don't. NEETs usually browse this place for up to 16 hours daily, from waking up to going back to sleep, and they also happen to be the major contributors for the culture here. There's something else that can be attributed to NEETs - they're all for welfare and especially for universal basic income. They don't care for the society that excommunicated them, they care to leech as much free stuff as possible before the world nuking itself.
It is somewhat mindblowing to me that most of the people here aren't already leftists, but that may be attributed due to the functionality of free speech and conservatism being under-represented in the last decade, hence the shift towards the right in places that contain free speech. Now that conservatism has received its representation in the real world, it's time to apply the yo-yo effect and brace for the sudden 180 of general opinion here, as all is needed to achieve that is simply a candidate that bribes the NEETs through enabling their lives. And believe me, you cannot outmeme this place once the basic income candidate bribes it.
Sounds good
Gives us enough time to get things prepared right after trump becomes official.
let's start up a couple threads
remember to put in
>inb4 (((we))) aren't your personal army goy
>calls someone else reddit
>post a fucking wall of text that no will give a shit about
sup twitter
>It is somewhat mindblowing to me that most of the people here aren't already leftists
lol there you go dummy. It's not going to happen. What will happen but you don't understand is that whatever right is mainstream wont be right enough for Sup Forums. This isn't just dynamics of interner culture, free speech existing in a vacuum. There are factors like demographics that play a role. Yes *some* portion of the demographic is NEETs but they are mostly white NEETs. You are a mong if you think they will go left for the gimmie dats. And even here outside factors like what does the future right-wing look like plays a role. If the right takes a turn towars the economic left like a lot of nationalist parties are doing your point is diminished.
Except pol memes suck ass and are ridiculed outside of this trash heap
>If the right takes a turn towars the economic left like a lot of nationalist parties are doing your point is diminished.
That's true, but you're missing the fact that the right is championed by the party that MUST cut taxes and welfare or lose half of their support. On the other side, the dems have always pandered to gibsmedat voters, and now that UBI is not only constantly discussed but also actually achievable, it's only a matter of time that a candidate campaigning for it will appear. And it's more than obvious that he wont be a part of the "taxes and welfare are evil" party.
Another thing you should consider is that wanting to enforce conservative views over the tribe you belong to is actually a subconscious reproductive strategy, as observed in islamic nations. Once people realize that Trump, Pence and abortion being illegal didn't solve their sexual frustration and that the ratio of whores to christian wives increases every following year, they will be forced by their own biology to abandon what they're currently doing and adopt a new reproductive strategy. That reproductive strategy includes the only option left - showering females with resources by stealing the tribe's accumulated resources (which is, in a subconscious way, bribing them to *finally* have sex and pass their genes). It wont be directly interpreted like that and will be covered between hundreds of layers of abstraction, but the general opinion here will migrate towards "is it really THAT bad to give resources to people who need them when we're in such a great abundance??"
I can go in great details about this but I seriously cba as it would take me 5x 2k letter posts, and the thread is already dead anyway
>gimmi dat NEETs are leaches that take resources
>These same people will say "is it really THAT bad to give resources to people who need them"
Ok guy
Yes, the same reason those people blast their load to lolis, zoophilia, BDSM and all the other fetishes, then proceed to open a thread on Sup Forums whining about degeneracy and how a Christian Theocracy should be enforced to purge porn and everything else that is "degenerate"
It doesn't have to be logical, the immense desire to reproduce converts you into a cognitively-dissonating retard