Fuck all of you. You think this is just some fucking silly game. Well enjoy your racist homophobic old ass America while it still lasts! GUESS WHAT
>Hillary won the popular vote
>Americans age 18-25 almost entirely voted for Hillary
Fuck all you old racist ass white fuckers because when you die off, we will take over and discriminate you people.
Enjoy it while it lasts
Other urls found in this thread:
>based Indiana
>Kentucky is still red
Till death faggots
Better dead then Liberal
fuck you
>those red states
Are those states, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
Pick one
> Americans with no frontal lobe almost entirely voted Hillary
Wow, impressive.
> the republican party will not adjust to changing demographics
You live in a fairy tale.
Kentucky was part of the union. For that you are forever Kencucky
>Hillary won the popular vote
>Americans age 18-25 almost entirely voted for Hillary
Meaningless once conservative Gen Z starts voting
first of all this is true every election, second of all the generation immediately behind these cunts (current 15 year olds and such) are projected to be the most conservative generation in decades, so please neck yourself.
>people with the least life experience voted for the worst option
holy shit what else has happened recently that hasn't happened before?
Know that voter ID laws are coming, you lowly piece of shit. We're going to do everything to kill the Democrat party and crush progressivism in the US.
Not my part it wasn't, the Confederate flag has a star on it for Kentucky and Missouri, both claimed by the South. Regardless you won't see us being a blue state, I bet your state is blue isn't cuck?
It's always been this way. Young people are liberal until they grow up and get jobs
Mine is proudly blue because we know not to vote for a reality television star.
>ITT: We pretend that it's 2012
Wow, Obama won again?!
I guess there will never be a republican president again!
I bet you are a Californian
You live in a fucking tube
Lol u mad
Why can't reddit just leave us alone?
Stay ass mad commie
lol u racist homophobic bitch
a German saying goes something like
> if you aren't left while you're young you have no heart
> if you're still left when you grew older you have no brain
Aren't you people supposed to be the tolerant inclusive ones?
fuck u stupid homophobic virgin fucking LOSERS im gonna go live my REAL LIFE
>Obvious troll is obvious.
There's a huge difference between australian-tier bantz and pretending to be angry at Sup Forums
Really makes you ponder doesn't it?
>assuming everyone who voted for candidate X is y.
You know that's why you lost right? Name calling won't win anymore.
This is a sad attempt at a troll.
Not a single person my age that I've known or met voted for Hillary. If you get out of your big city shell you'd realize how many people 18-25 voted for Trump.
18-25 voted hillary just like gore but then they got a little older and became more conservative. cycle repeats.
Oh THESE polls must be legit right? Just like all the other polls these cocksuckers make
Get off Sup Forums faggot,
the problem is, the older you get the more you lean right. But we will see.
faggot and voted Trump
Hope youre happy that gays are turning against you
>yfw Gen Z starts fully coming of age and the become the new millennial generation.
People often forget Trump won white people of all age groups, including millennials.
>tfw my state is always red even in bullshit maps like op's
Trump won the Michigan recount with MORE votes than before, if you recount all states trump wins popular vote too. Not that it matters since America is NOT a democracy you liberal fucktard
Fun fact: when they re-counted Minnesota, more votes went towards TRUMP instead of Hillary. If you were to re-count all states it'd become clear that it's Trump who won the popular vote. Largely because a lot of illegals voted for Hillary, which of course shouldn't count as a legal vote.
It's pretty comfy too. :^)
>Americans 18-25 voted Hillary
Kids are fucking idiots. And that's not even abnormal. You don't swallow the redpill until you have a few years under your belt that pop your idealistic bubble. Adults vote conservative because they know better and don't spend their days inside an echo chamber discussing Gender Studies 101.
That map was made using (((Polls))) before the election. That is not actual vote totals. And we all know the polls weren't accurate at all.
Thanks James Bond
hahahah you're butthurt as fuck. People as they age vote conservative once they have some life experience and see how fucking silly liberal sjw shit is. Fuck off, kiddo.
Try again reddit fag
Then why did we have 8 years of a classy liberal BLACK president ?
You called us "old." Haha, I just turned 18 the day before the election. We'll be here for a long fucking time retard. Strap in, cuz the gas flows fast.
Who's /heartless/ here ? Never had a liberal phase, and i'm glad af
>liberals not realising that they're no more woke than the last generation
>liberals not realising that as you get older, you naturally start looking more inward and supporting your own family
>liberals not releasing that the instant you get a decent taxable income everything you wanted pales in comparison to the tax deductions that you'll need to pay for all the free shit you don't have
I was the same as you liberals, believe me, but the future is brighter on the conservative side
You're literally shaking, amirite?
if you weren't a moron, you'd notice that younger people have trended toward a democrat candidate and older people have trended toward a republican candidate for a long time.
that's not changing any time soon you butt hurt faggot lmfao.
t. independent voter who voted trump
Today OP was a faggot
Because people always vote the same as they age.
Hillary lost, bro. Time to move on.