Hillary Clinton did everything right in this campaign, and she won more votes than her opponent did. She won. She cannot be faulted, criticized, or analyzed for even one more second. Instead, she will be decorated as an epochal heroine far too extraordinary to be contained by the mere White House.

Let that revolting president-elect be Millard Fillmore or Herbert Hoover or whatever. Hillary is Athena.

Other urls found in this thread:



>painting depicts a destroyed world with killary smiling as if nothing is wrong
Looks about right

Why do Hillary supporters keep posting younger pictures of her? She's an old creeper now.


Awww, look at the cute little manbaby Drumpflets and their pathetic whimpers...

Usually a legend is made by men and media — the legend of Kennedy, say, or Jim Morrison — and then, much later, a biopic, pretending to evenhandedness, reveals the legend's shortcomings, his "human" side. The shortcomings are almost always something exactly no one actually believes compromises his heroism. His problem drinking. His mistreatment of women. Well, takedowns of Hillary were always already written. She has somehow made the time to hear out each dead-end line of reasoning about her fake mortal sins, and often she has also thanked everyone for sparing her further moral lashings, as if that were a kindness. Under cover of "humanizing" the intimidating valedictorian, reports and investigations and media clichés vilified her. But the feminist hero never got to be a legend first. And yet she is one, easily surpassing Ben Franklin, Henry Ford, Steve Jobs.

>did everything right
>still lost

When you campaign in the US you don't campaign for popular vote you campaign for electoral college. That's like saying you're playing blackjack but you're shooting for a good poker hand.

It's the only way to appeal to ageist racist sexist millennials who browse Sup Forums

You think we don't research this stuff at our headquarters? Oops.. I already said too much

>Hillary Clinton did everything right in this campaign

Except get more electoral votes, which is literally the only thing that matters

Who the fuck is that?

>Hillary Clinton did everything right in this campaign
She lost, so no, she clearly didn't do everything right.
>but muh majority
It doesn't elect presidents. She should've run a different campaign strategy accordingly.

Tune in for this and other insights, tonight, on "Thing My Pappy Told Me!"

East 9pm/Central 8

Hillary before the body double.

>Hillary Clinton did everything right in this campaign

>Surpassing Ben Franklin, Henry Ford, Steve Jobs

I don't see Hillary doing anything influential aside from being a stand-in that's waiting for someone great. She will be forgotten in history. She lost. Get over it.

If you're legitimately implying that Hillary has never done any wrong, you are mistaken. All people make mistakes, politicians included. Benghazi could be considered as an intentional shitfest or a mistake on her part. Doesn't matter. The presidency does not allow for faults like that, and it's one of the big things that helped her lose the election.

Hillary lost, bro. It's time to move on.

>implying what I said was incorrect, or misinformed

I bet you can't properly explain the electoral college system without copy and paste.

He is right though you shilling faggot


sure i can. It's a crooked, old-fashioned system kept in place to make sure that a very vocal, very whiny minority (e.g. republicans) gets a say in how the country is run, lest we make too much progress too fast. ;)


>She cannot be faulted, criticized, or analyzed for even one more second.
Dude she literally rigged her own nomination wtf are you on

"BENGHAZIIIIII!!!!!!!!!" howls the lobotomized Drumpfenstein...

Hillary Clinton's name belongs on ships, and airports, and tattoos. She deserves straight-up hagiographies and a sold-out Broadway show called RODHAM. Yes, this cultural canonization is going to come after the chronic, constant, nonstop "On the other hand" sexist hedging around her legacy. But such is the courage of Hillary Clinton and her supporters; we reverse patriarchal orders. Maybe she is more than a president. Maybe she is an idea, a world-historical heroine, light itself. The presidency is too small for her. She belongs to a much more elite class of Americans, the more-than-presidents. Neil Armstrong, Martin Luther King Jr., Alexander Fucking Hamilton.

>and she won more votes than her opponent did.

that wasn't what was shown by the Michigan recount however

>Jim Morrison

why the fuck would you mention the son of the guy who pulled off the gulf of tonkin?

Morrison's father lied about being attacked in Vietnam and got 3 million people killed,

we expect lies to kill many more people than that in this club

one lie could kill them all

she ran the most inept and tone deaf campaign of all time. she was being condescending and racist as fuck towards minorities and just expecting them to vote for her.

But she lost. She will never be president. 50 years from now, our children and our children's children won't even know who she is.

>Henry Ford,

the guy who was supplying the nazis during WWII?

you bring him up?


>Lost to Donald Trump
>Did everything right during the campaign
pick one and only one.

>It's a crooked, old-fashioned system

and it's being called that by the party that refused to abolish slavery and promoted lynchings and segregation

let's be real these were the same people, it's the same party

>...like it was only yesterday

But it's not.

The EC is based upon the votes of the people of congressional districts that elect someone to represent their vote. This also applies in the EC. The problem with it today is so few people these days vote for their representatives. The turnouts are substantially low. If more people turned out to vote for their representative, then maybe we'd see a more accurate representation in the EC.

However, republicans exercise all of their God-Given rights and will therefore exercise their votes more than their democrat counterparts.

By removing the EC, we will no longer be a Constitutional Republic - but rather an all-in Democracy. Thereby removing a substantial amount of amendments to the constitution, and also the amount of money it would take to fully merge to a democracy would bankrupt our country.

Not like we haven't had a democrat president the past 8 years. If Hillary campaigned properly she wouldn't have lost.


This has already been said but complaing about the popular vote is stupid. That's like me playing you in a game of chess and then flipping the board over and contesting your victory when you put me in checkmate just because I took more of your pieces.

Get over it you lost

shes worthless


Kind of shocked you couldn't figure out how to throw "racist" into that nonsense.

Oh well. Get used to losing, asshole.

Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn.. But in all seriousness we can't let this man get the nuclear codes!

Who's that? Name anyone?

Hey, there's that phrase you just learned! You're doing it, buddy!

Keep in mind that the same retards who howl and harangue for "muh states rights" are the one and the same who support an inferior, imbalanced electoral college designed by a Federalist who vastly preferred a centralized government. The hypocrisy is real!

She should just neck herself

unsurprising that you would elevate a globalist stooge like hamilton.

ill stick with Aaron Burr, a real American patriot and hero. Was a hell of a shot too, and when he fired his gun, freedom and liberty took the day.




Trump gained votes in the Michigan recount. I bet if they recount all states he would have popular vote too

>illegal californian voters should pick the president 100% of the time

Yeah, nope.
Fuck off.

Say it with me, retard.


It's not a phrase I just learned, I actually paid attention in my government class in high school 7 years ago.

Regardless, it does not defeat my point.

Who was the "imbalanced" EC designed by then? What individual? Define Centralized government.

Trump won, deal with it.

Do you really think people are retarded enough to believe that?

blame the sjw's.

If Hillary is so great then why did she lose?


Your tears won't change the fact that my kids will be reading about God Emperor Trump in history books when they grow up, while also reading about how corrupt Hillary is/was.

For further reading, see .

>but uh real quick remind me of the history of the electoral college again?

Sad! Very low energy!

I'm not going to do your homework for you. I'll just say that the winner-takes-all system we have is absurdly imbalanced and corrupt, and there was a very prominent states-rights-Southerner who suggested a better solution. ;)

you keep comparing her to people who have actually accomplished things in life...

also, you sound like you might be wearing a pantsuit and peeping through the clinton's window right now.

also also, she lost. history does not remember the losers of presidential elections.

she will be the blow job first lady, the victim, the mediocre, obligatory career politician who only ran for office for the therapeutic reason of proving to herself and the world that she wasn't some spineless whore who got cheated on.

but guess what? that's all she'll be. a phony, overcompensating, career narcissist, with far too many skeletons in the closet.

fuck outta here with your mental illness.

You cunts are going to be around until when, Jan 20th?

I'm just trying to figure out when the trash will remove itself.

I'm not criticizing you at all. I'm asking to see if you know the history of the electoral college.

I know you're trolling. But how exactly does the EC's current state become imbalanced and corrupt. There is no better solution.

If it benefited Republicans so much, then explain why we have had a democrat in office the past 8 years?

Just admit defeat and be done with it.


lmao triggered right in the pussy

You aren't impressing anyone.

Your queen cunt spent 30 years in government. You'd think she would have learned how to win at it. Trump's reelection campaign is going to paint the entire electorate map red. This will be the result of 4 years of immigration reform and a fucking wall. Something that should have happened under Bush nearly 16 years ago, and Hillary actually voted for 8 years ago.

>Hillary Clinton did everything right
Did everything right?
As a candidate, she fails to engage her voter base. Her lack of attention and inspiration to the majority of the Americans is why she lost so many toss-up and battleground states.
And sending the band of paid celebrities along with Obama won't help either. She is overall not very exciting back in 2008, and extremely disappointing at 2016.
Her loss is on her own hand.

>hillary did everything right
>lost to a guy whos never held public office

umm user

She got more votes, she really won

It became corrupt and imbalanced when the population growth far outstripped the addition of new congressional seats/electoral voters.

The better system is the one presented by James Madison 240 years ago, where it's not a winner-takes-all system, but rather a state's electoral votes are split along that state's popular vote.

>If it benefited Republicans so much, then explain why we have had a democrat in office the past 8 years?

Because this is the march of progress (you know, LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT) and has been for the last fifty years or so. We get a Republican president, he fucks things up badly enough that the public wants a Democrat, he fucks things up badly enough that we want a democrat. Mark my words, we'll have a democrat in office in 2024, if not 2020.

>Just admit defeat and be done with it.

loollll, rich coming from the people that whined and shitposted so much that moot had to go and create a containment board for them. no, i won't just be "done with it."

Oh, fuck Hillary. I'm a bernie bro and voted for Stein in the general election. Hell, I've never voted for a major party candidate and am a registered independent. ;)

Doesnt matter, she was still an evil corrupt fuckbag and deserved to lose.

>We're playing Blackjack. I got 30, the other guy only got 20. That means I won!

Who is this?

I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with minor American politicians.

>Got more votes in the popular vote
>Knowing full well the Electoral College is what matters when voting
>Still trying to use the popular vote as an excuse

Will you hush about this already? If you want to change it, then amend it. Or urge Americans to actually vote for their representatives for once.

You fags make the same retarded threads everyday, and every time you get told and btfo.

There comes a point when you have to re-evaluate what you're doing here.

Trump won more votes in every state he won, which is how our elections are decided

Maybe she should have ran an actual campaign instead of "hehe not donald trump :^)"


Get a Fucking life.



Hill Shills listen up:

We don't give two fucks what she got the popular vote. Popular girls are evil manipulative sociopaths, you learn that kind of thing in school.

She failed to reform her party the way Trump did. Bernie would have been the reform candidate for the dems, Hillary is a WHORE for money from big banks and corporations.

Also, consider this FACT. Mister President Donald Trump vowed to arrest all Hillary shills, line them up and shoot them personally, himself with a solid gold pistol. Think about that next time you open your cum receptacle.

And Madison was shot down. And even if it went by congressional districts, Hillary still would have lost.

>march of progress
I'm not doubting this here, but if what you say about the EC being true, then it would benefit only one party. This proves it works by switching from left to right after each election.

>I won't just be done with it

I'm not a shitposter and a whiner like you are. If you don't like the way the US is run, then leave.

>Hillary Clinton did everything right



>literally retarded
Nothing forces states to divvy up their votes all or nothing. In fact 2 states don't .

Also if you just want electoral votes directly proportional to population size. It's functionally the same as a popular vote

>And Madison was shot down.

Uh.. so were a lot of things, and then they got changed. That's why we have amendments and daily legislative sessions. Just tossing it up to "well that's just the way it is" makes me think that maybe you were actually sleeping through civics class and not paying attention.

I'm okay with Hillary losing (I'm glad she did after she blatantly, openly rigged the DNC), but not by a 3 million vote discrepancy. The system is broken, and as soon as a Republican candidate wins the popular vote but loses the election you get-over-it-crybabies will be in the streets with your daddy's guns.

And why would I leave America? What an unpatriotic thing to say. I'm beginning to suspect you guys just want a safe space to say your naughty feefees and not actually discuss politics.

>Jim Morrison

Your posts were decent bait, but this was your one crucial mistake. Nobody falls for the "the Doors are good" meme anymore.

Why does that picture look like DC is burning

You silly fuck, go sit in the corner and play with your asshole.

Fitting, isn't it?

Nothing forces it, and yet they all do (except Maine and Nebraska, big whoop). I don't see your point.

>Also if you just want electoral votes directly proportional to population size. It's functionally the same as a popular vote

Only if it's winner-takes-all. ;)

guaranteed replies

>The system is broken because it limits the power of the biggest states
No, that was the goal of the system.

Holy shit this is great pasta
Kudos to the chef

HillDawwwwg was literally one of the worst candidates to ever run for the White House.That's how I know God is real, because the Democrats ran her and allllllllllll her baggage.

"Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad."

>didn't set foot in Wisconsin
>ran a feminist themed campaigned
>alienated white working class males
>was in poor health throughout election
>didn't bother severing ties with scandalous, corrupt Foundation
>didn't disavow relationship with Wall Street and Goldman Sachs
>supported unpopular policies like NAFTA and TPP, privatizing prison system, common core, etc
>threatened coal mine and steel mill workers with unemployment
>could not defend poor military/security record as Sec. of State
>wonders why she lost




>Hillary Clinton did everything right in this campaign

Well, she lost, so that at least was right.

dammit, forgot trip.

>She...she...she did everything right!!!



>doors are bad
Plebian. Why does the rest of the right have shit taste?

30 years in politics damaged her way too much

> Only if it's winner-takes-all

If california has 40m people and gets 40 electoral votes to split up anyway they want, and Iowa has 3 million and gets 3 electoral votes, what's the actual fucking difference between that and a popular vote system?

>canadian intellectuals

My point is saying, if you want to change it - then amend it. If you're upset about a 3 million vote difference in a country of 300 million people. Then urge more people to get out and vote.

I think our system is not corrupt and crooked, it is not used to it's fullest potential. Not enough people vote for their representatives. Not enough people vote in general.

137,069,086 people total voted for the general elections this year. The primaries, for example, have a dramatically small turnout. Yet the primary elections are just as important as the general.

And it's not a 3 million vote discrepancy. The popular vote itself is not fully counted. Not all absentee ballots are counted. In states where the difference is too great for the rest of the votes to matter they won't count them.

If we move to a direct democracy it's just going to change the way campaigns are done, and then people will bitch about "Muh votes aren't organized by county!"

You'll also have gerrymandering coming into play a hell of a lot more as well.

All in all, I think you're just butthurt over losing and use the "muh 3gorillion" as an excuse to get even more butthurt and vent your liberal anger.

It's okay. I'm a libertarian and voted for Ron Paul in 2012 and in 2008. You probably weren't old enough to vote in 2008. 2012 may be pushing it.

She gave those flies a good place to rest for a moment on her face, that was pretty nice of her, she sure won the shit-eating pest vote

Lol this is bait but I don't even know how you could think this. She did everything wrong, she fucked up at every possible angle at every possible chance. She was constantly blowing it with everyone on her side even with her "muh vagina" card and the MSM spoonfeeding the narrative. She still blew it, she was runninh against someone who has ZERO political experience and still lost, she will go down as the person who lost to someone who had no political experience. Trump wasn't even supposed to win and she fucked it up

Move over Brendan Fraiser we found a new Posterboy for JUST