/pol approved film thread

I'm trying to find a certain German film i watched like 10 years ago for a school assignment.
It was about a kid who got kicked out of the house by his stepfather, went to school with turks, got bullied, went into the drug business later, robbed his stepfather and had to execute his bully in the end since he made him lose the "package".

Also /pol approved film thread. Personally loved ACAB (2012).

Other urls found in this thread:


not Sup Forumsitical

Dead Snow.

A story where law abiding dead nazis are robbed by a bunch of drunken Chad and ask for their lunch money back. Hilarity ensues.

y-your not Sup Forumsitical

Also the film i mentioned is basically anything but not political.

Such a great b movie..

Don't know the movie you speak of..

But "Falling Down" is 100% Sup Forums approved

It was a great surprise. I didn't expect norwegians to be able to produce such a good b movie.

How's this one?

Best part is I can speak svenska..so I understand a good bit of Norwegian. Way funnier without the subs..


Ich die Film "Die Welle" geliebt denn (as far as I'm concerned this is the version of because I can use without moving the verb to the end of the sentence?) ist war sehr interessant

just practicing my german for any krauts to come by and fix it maybe

but it was a really interesting movie for real, it was redpilled and a bit cringey but for the most part pretty interesting until the end when the-


Mir hat der Film "die Welle" sehr gefallen, weil es interessant war. = was probably what you were trying to say, not sure if my version is correct though, haven't spoken German in years.

my bad, haven't spoken German since high school and only just tried getting back into it but I believe if you use a word like weil you have to move the verb to the end of the sentence (which would be gefallen)

This is what you're looking for


What does Sup Forums think of this?

Yep that is the one. ty

How about a TV show? Deutschland 83

> Spy from eastern germany is sent to the West
> Illustrates the failures of communism
> Also shows the growth of degeneracy in the West, courtesy to the marxists moles.


You learned or your family? It seems very hard to learn.

"Falling Down" was the first film i truly enjoyed.
Rare Exports might be something you will enjoy then. No zombie nazies though.
Never heard about that one. Sounds fun.

Also everybody here probably already watched "ErIstWiederDa", but if not i would suggest you do.

Fuck Sup Forums approval you guys have shit taste.

Arrival was good

I meant - "Er ist wieder da". Copied the file name for some reason.