Drumpftards BTFO
Drumpftards BTFO
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>not even president yet
>saved GM
Come back in 8 years fag.
That picture is already outdated.
>the recession is over Obama, if boomers really are retiring, why is home ownership plummeting?
Notice how small obongo's monkey head is.
Unemployment isn't at 4.6%.
The Rothschild 2014 email attachment leaks admitted that it was closer to 36% if I remember correctly.
>had to redefine unemployment to get the official figure down to the single digits
If everything is so great under obummer, why did we vote for the change candidate?
*51,000 in total now, before he's even in office, a third of what obongos done. Omg drumpftards btdo y do u even live
>why can't you stop printing money Obama?
wonder if Obama leaf shows up
Wow, Obama is amazing. I bet our national debt is nearly paid off with those kinds of results.
>created 15 million jobs
>citation fucking needed
-Netted government jobs, part time jobs then counted jobs of those laid off then rehired again.
-The past election screams volumes of how many are without work.
-Dont you mean BOUGHT Government Motors with taxpayer revenue?
>pay denbts obama
What sort of jobs are those 15 millions and who was employed?
It has to be at 36% though. I remember reading something like 1/4 of men >18 and
>he hasn't filtered the entire country of Canada yet
It took Obama 8 years, trillions in taxpayer's money, and the full power of the executive branch to do that much.
Between Carrier, the SoftBank investment, and US Steel pledging to bring steelworker jobs back to the US, Trump is looking at between 10-20 thousand jobs in three weeks... without even being President yet and without spending a single dime of taxpayer money.
Except he didn't even save 1000 jobs. 1/3rd of the jobs he said he save were R&D guys that were never slated to leave.
Carrier is keeping about 700 hourly workers out of 1200 hourly workers. With all the grandstanding Carrier is still shipping the majority of its manufacturing operations to Mexico still.
>change what the government recognizes as unemployed
>suddenly 4% unemployment
Collecting a dole Cherie is now a job
been half a year for me it's fucking tough to find work around here that's not 7/11 and shit tier jobs. I just got a good interview though wish me luck lads
>>he hasn't filtered the entire country of Canada yet
how? Sup Forums X?
don't you dare be fucking with me I want them gone.
> single dime of taxpayer money
What about all the tax breaks they are giving? Where is Indianan going to get back that revenue, oh wait, I know.. because I live here and pay taxes here.
Keep drinking that kool-aid though its going to choke you in a couple of years when you see how much Trump drives up the national debt.
>pic literally depicts housing bubble
>what do you mean Trump caused a market surge? He's not even president yet!
"I think this is more momentum from the Trump rally," said Adam Sarhan, CEO at 50 Park Investments. "You've got the financials, transports, steel stocks, small and mid-cap stocks all trading higher. The areas that have worked [since the election] continue to work."
That's not bad for not even being president yet. Not to mention all the other companies that have said they will stay in the US after Trump called them.
Appchan X is what I got.
>go to filters
>put in: \n/^Canada$/
The government doesn't fucking make money, it just takes it from people. The less, the better I say.
>drives up the national debt
It's impossible to get rid of it since our entire currency system is debt in the first place.
What do you want them to do? Remove half the money in circulation and cause a depression?
>Trump had anything to do with it
It was Pence's deal, He's still governor of Indiana,he he's the one that is negotiating the tax breaks (Indiana) Trump basically had nothing to do with it other than threaten defense contracts to UTC or tell Carrier "Hey this will look really good" But it was Pence's doing that kept Carrier here.
>liberals still don't realize this is why they lost the presidency and why they are barely a national party anymore
They will learn eventually
The seeds of the mortgage meltdown were planted during Bill Clinton's presidency.
Under Clinton's Housing and Urban Development (HUD) secretary, Andrew Cuomo, Community Reinvestment Act regulators gave banks higher ratings for home loans made in "credit-deprived" areas. Banks were effectively rewarded for throwing out sound underwriting standards and writing loans to those who were at high risk of defaulting. If banks didn't comply with these rules, regulators reined in their ability to expand lending and deposits.
These new HUD rules lowered down payments from the traditional 20 percent to 3 percent by 1995 and zero down-payments by 2000. What's more, in the Clinton push to issue home loans to lower income borrowers, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac made a common practice to virtually end credit documentation, low credit scores were disregarded, and income and job history was also thrown aside. The phrase "subprime" became commonplace. What an understatement.
Next, the Clinton administration's rules ordered the taxpayer-backed Fannie and Freddie to expand their quotas of risky loans from 30 percent of portfolio to 50 percent as part of a big push to expand home ownership.
Fannie and Freddie were securitizing these home loans and offering 100 percent taxpayer guarantees of repayment. So now taxpayers were on the hook for these risky, low down-payment loans.
you mean the one caused by democrats?
Your children will live in coffins with a TV screen in it
Bureau of Labor Statistics*
*part of the executive branch and fully under Obama's jurisdiction
why did you censor out the next panel where his dick flops out and crushes (((Trump)))
>takes credit for the recovery
>fake unemployment numbers
>saved (((GM)))
I used to have 1 fulltime great paying job and now I have 3 part time jobs and can barely make ends meat
Thanks Obama!
wow you must really hate the GOP if you hate fiscal irresponsability
>What about all the tax breaks they are giving?
Taking less money from some people is not taking more money away from other people.
>he wants his cuckolding posts more prominently displayed
despite obama, something is VERY wrong with your finances if you can barely make ends meet on 3 part time jobs.
good goy keep buying retarded shit like the nigger that you are.
>Obama bails out GM
>Trump gives huge tax cuts
You know math is math when you take away from one side of the equation it effects the other. Worse yet, trump wants to increase spending.
Oh i do. I just like to trigger neoliberal obama worshipers and neocon bootlickers.
>butt hurt liberals patting themselves on the back
Participation in the workforce is at an all time low
It is, but you have retards like OP who think the stats are still legit. By the way we measure unemployment, it was under 10% during the great depression.
>why did I vote for a reality tv star?
I don't like to question why retards do retarded things
Indiana has to balance its budget by state law. So if you decrease revenue somewhere, it has to come from somewhere else, or you have to cut spending. Since Indiana probably won't cut spending (oh wait, lets pay teachers less, we already rank 48th in the country in teacher retention etc)
I mean do you think the money magically will appear from somewhere else in the state budget?
this is so fucking salty. these people have no shame.
"i will be the single greatest jobs president... that god has ever created, people. i'm telling you that. believe me"
You do not have the slightest clue about the differences between the two are do you?
here let me help
1. Pence is letting Carrier keep more of their own money to stay.
>p-p-people are just retiring, Obama created tons of jobs! People are working three times as many jobs now!
I'll post some anti reagan and bush shit later.
fuck off autist leaf, you will burn on the day of the rake you fucking canuck cock sucking faggot, i will gas you my fucking self subhuman nigger
How much was the auto bailout again? With Trump's tax on foreign companies it never would have been in trouble in the first place.
>created 15 million PART time jobs
>no mention of actual jobs still lost
>fake unemployment number
>saved what?
Except GM paid back every bit with interest. The we actually made money in the deal.
>Pence is letting Carrier keep more of their own money to stay.
Again, Indiana by law has to have a balanced budget, we pass 2 year budgets, so if you remove tax revenue, you have to come up with it somewhere else. Or cut spending. So in where we lose out on this. So we saved 700 jobs (the actual number) you know how long it will take for 700 jobs to repay back 7 million dollars in tax breaks?
15 million nigger tier minimum wage jobs that doesn't expand the economy and only saves spic lives
Is there a way to only filter new threads by Canada?
So Trump is going to reduce taxes on corporations, but increase taxes on consumer goods. So the rich will get richer, we will have to pay for for everything.
>But companies will move manufacturing here!
No they won't labor costs will be too high. Especially when inflation goes up due to tariffs.
It will be a fun ride. Glad I have a lot in savings.
aww does burger not like it when I shit on neolibs? Here this might make you feel better (it won't)
The comic is comparing Trump for saving 1,000 jobs before being sworn in while Obama is praised for his 8 years of shaky and unstable recovery.
>the government doesn't tax people enough
What are you a fascist or something?
it wasn't even 1000 jobs. And the state of Indiana just lot 7 million in revenue.
>doesn't care that biggest revenue stream for the Fed is the income tax.
>would rather have less tax revenue and stick it to the rich at the expense of the needy to bolster moral superiority.
Progressivism. Not even once.
Both the country, and the vote were split along regional lines.
The parts of the country who invested in building infrastructure, and attracting high paying jobs that need that infrastructure have very low unemployment, and voted for Hillary, so the policies under which they had prospered would continue.
The parts of the country that have focused on cutting expenses, letting infrastructure crumble, and trying to attract jobs that don't create wealth, but have the easier short-term goal of extracting wealth by depleting resources have seen high unemployment, and very poor prospects. They voted to change the status quo.
The majority of the population and economic output of the US fall into the first case, but the percentage of unemployed people is high enough in the second case, that it drags the average down.
The median employment aggregated by county might give a better picture than the mean.
Or they could've lost all the taxes Carrier pays instead of 700k a year over the next 10 years.
>Americans make more
>everything costs more
Sounds fair to me. China can suck my BWC. Keep the money in America.
You still don't address my point.. Since we now have lost that revenue, where does it come from now? Indiana already has one of the lowest tax rates in the nation. I mean I guess we don't need roads, or schools, or police, etc.
Unemployment literally means that you are looking for job. If you don't have a job and don't look for it - you are not in labor force.
Unemployment is low right now not because people found the job, but because they've just stop looking.
Real unemployment would be actually the sum of unemployed and people that are not in labor force.
Page 4, do the math.
Making millions of minimum wage jobs that no body can live on is an accomplishment? If I have to get two of them the job numbers go up.
now that you said that, it wll magically appear. congrats, your teachers are now going to get paid more.
People that have completely given up trying to find find work are now officially "employed".
Liberals are going all out with changing the terms and definitions we use because reality has proven over and over again that leftism is fucking ruining everything.
You spend less money. Fuck the police.
All of the jobs Obama created were minimum wage part time.
He literally created the very establishment wage slave state that libtards are always bitching about.
Things cost more
We (might) make more
So basically will exactly the same as now, or worse.
>So Trump is going to reduce taxes on corporations
on everybody.
I believe anyone making under 50k will be paying nothing. They currently pay 30% of their income.
>increase taxes on consumer goods
Made outside of the country. If we start producing/consuming our own goods again, prices will plummet for us
>these government conducted statistics prove that the government is doing a great job!
really makes you think
> If we start producing/consuming our own goods again
Except we won't again, labor costs will be too high
Do some research on countries that have tried strict protectionist tariffs, and see how well they do in the long run, such as Brazil. Do you want us to become Brazil?
Hey dummy, if the plant in Indiana shut down, the state would have lost a lot more money than the 7 million in state taxes. Oh, and that 7 million dollars is reportedly over a period of 10 years. You're either a shill or a retard. Indiana has a state income tax. If you make 1400 jobs disappear, then that's 1400 jobs worth of income tax you lose out on. And the state also would lose out on the sales tax that those employees used to generate. And local businesses in the area could be affected
>durrr muh syrup
kek you're as much of a loser as you are a faggot, literally just such a sorry shitsack of autism, even by leaf standards...
>The seeds of the mortgage meltdown were planted during Bill Clinton's presidency.
like do you honestly think anyone's dumb enough to not instantly recognize that this sentence -- and any after it -- are copypasta??
you're not a troll, just some fucking literal typical leaf retard, pretending to have opinions for (You)s; how sad
where is obongo leaf
He isn't even at office yet
Every dollar we give to Honda, Toyota, whatever, they pay their employees with that money and they go buy noodles and dog meat in a Chinese restaurant. The money stays in China.
We pay Chevy employees and they go out and buy plastic Chinese crap, which goes to China, which stays in China.
We're feeding a monster.
No, because the were not shutting the faculty totally down. Indiana would still be getting taxes from the facility. They were just planning to shut the manufacturing operations down.
There's a burger who loves Obama in here right now.
>Do some research on countries that have tried strict protectionist tariffs, and see how well they do in the long run
Yeah like the US that became the richest and most envied nation on earth, that enjoyed a quality of life no one thought possible.
Back then we didn't tax income. If we stop taxing income and taking 30-45% of what everyone makes labour costs won't be a problem.
he's skimming off the top he'll leave the white house with much more money then he should
Japan,modern China, America during the industrial revolution
Honda and Toyota both have huge manufacturing plants in Indiana (pic related). And I don't know of a single restaurant in Indiana that sells noodles with dog meat.
>15 million jobs created
>unemployment still not down to where it was in 2005
>underemployment and unemployment together way above where it was in 2005
>15 million jobs created
Thanks for that starbucks job I guess
sweet. just 1 screen though?
like fucking clockwork
>a third world country run by kleptomaniac communists is the same as America
Gas the libertarians
>It wasn't even thousand jobs, closer to 750 because few hundred jobs were already planned to be kept in America
>During his campaign he berated Carrier for not paying taxes, now gives them tax cuts
>Never contacted or consulted with the unions, directly cozied up with Carrier brass
>Union reps try to correct the bs he's spouting about the Carrier deal, Trump goes on a twitter tirade blaming the employees for not being good enough workers and that's why the jobs went to Mexico
Wow, such a fucking hero of the working man.