Have you ever considered entering politics?
What's stopping you?
Have you ever considered entering politics?
What's stopping you?
im a drop out.
>What's stopping you?
the jews are stopping me
>whats stopping you
Entering politics in Canada will not result in the scale of change in need of being made.
I can invest 500k right now and get an American citizenship/greencard, but running for politics in America would result in having only 8 years to fix something that will require a geenration of a strong leader.
Also jews.
I would love to. A lot of my friends and family keep pushing me to it as well.
Problem is: I am definitely a Goebbels type. I need my Hitler first. And sadly I haven't found him yet.
I am
I just became president.
Ran for schoolboard in my town with a platform to bring back trades programs to our public schools. Got beat out by some dude who owns a kebab joint, and some bengali that yelled "Arabic and Bengali should be mandatory at the schools!"
When I was in high school I started a communist group and managed to amass a dozen followers. Converted to Satanism a little over a decade ago. History of mental illness.
Oh, and I became a Trump supporter about a year ago. So....I assume too many skeletons in the closet to run.
....God Emperor?
> tfw currently building a career to use as a springboard into politics.
The situation here in Northern Ireland is nowhere near as bad as half the cucked places elsewhere.
If it gets bad I'll be there but all people care about here is 'are culture' and 'are flegs' and hardcore taigs and Huns are insufferable faggots who can't see the bigger picture facing Europe/ the west.
No comment.
Got arrested for drugs
> Have you ever considered entering politics?
> What's stopping you?
Not enough experience to be taken seriously.
Having my life picked apart.
I don't want to start a career in politics. I want to get wealthy and influential in the private sector first then transition over late in life. Hopefully by then I will have assembled or will have joined an A-Team that's been plotting how to make the country great again for 10-20+ years.
>user starts to gain momentum
>"can you explain what you meant when you posted "gas the kikes race war now" on a Mongolian throat singing forum?"
live in a massively democratic area
am a republicunt
pretty young, 27
had a friend run at 25 for a small local seat, went door to door to thousands of places over the course of months. Stood outside the polling place opening doors for people.
Got crushed, BIG LEAGUE
I occasionally visit a Japanese basket weaving site and write extremely hurtful and racially insensitive comments, often my belief that people of African descent are prone to criminal behavior, and that people of semitic are untrustworthy. I am convinced that should I ever decide to run for a political office, these comments might be dug up in an effort to destroy my character.
Also, I enjoy masturbating to horse pussy, which may prove incriminating as well.
I'm shy and get nervous in front of crowds
We aren't gonna make it another year user. Once the levy breaks with pizzagate we are so, so fucked.
wanting to become president is a bluepilled meme
My browser history
I've done too much hedonistic shit. The press would have a field day
I have a knack for getting people to do the opposite of what I want.
this, also no desire to go back to (((school)))
>Have you ever considered entering politics?
Yes, my whole life.
>What's stopping you?
I'm broke. I can barely take care of myself and have horrible luck with money and finding suitable income. So my whole plan of "build myself up to being able to run for office" never even gets off the ground.
Ben Carson literally stabbed a nigga.
Explain plz. Im tired of user's who cry happening 2 many times.
I haven no connections and no charisma.
then get some
History of marijuana abuse and shitposting on the internet. Plus everyone knows I'm racist af.
I thought the belt buckle stopped it..
The left is going to instigate Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo and it will take years to sort out all the terrorist liberals martyring themselves for "muh democracy."
Good goy. I would like to thank you on behalf of my whole synagogue. I am shure (((time))) will fix anything and everything.
>Implying I haven't.
Basically, we revealed our powerlevel. We are ripe for colonization by pretty much every special interest that exists.
What office should i run for if im some random NEET nobody knows about?
How tho exactly? Everyone around me is taking this election fairly well desu.
Ripe for colonization how tho
I'm not a jew so I don't have enough money
Not really but I sometimes have fantasies about being on a plane that crashes on an uncharted island with enough of the crew and passengers surviving to create a little community and leading them to become the greatest society in human history imo
Presidents have to be naturalized citizens.
I think this is what's going on with /r9k/. There are way, way too many trap/cuck posts on the board. The board that used to be bastion for "redpill" stuff and pro-masculinity. (And I don't mean that in the sense of the tough-guy conserative meme, just basically anti-feminist.)
Now? "Girls" everywhere. Unironic cuck posting everywhere. It could be anons' meme spouting and probably is but they never tire of it. It never ends and it drowns out everything else now.
I sometimes fantasize about leading a Hitler-esque revolution to topple the crippling leftism in this country but I'm utterly awful at debating and public speaking.
You can get a lot better at public speaking. It just takes practice. There are clubs that can help you with it.
I'm really bad at it too so I've looked into joining these clubs myself.
Paranoia that it's literally all rigged by the Illuminati and that I will either get nowhere, get assassinated, or be forced to join them.
I actually never had an interest in politics, but for some reason I spend all my time on a chinese neo nazi imageboard
Bantz and shitposting is fun and great to pass time at work. Plus the memes and racism are funny as hell.
we call it "negerfitte" here
>but I have a whiney, gay-sounding voice
>no helping it
I just joined a right wing party few weeks ago. Gonna work my way up from the bottom.
The world is not ready for me
>occult teachers
/x/ can help with that
Will you tell us more, about freedom?
I don't want to have sex with children
>FBI has an archive of everything I've ever posted here
>enter politics
>start saying anti-establishment things
>"user, what is a loli and why did you make 10,000 posts talking about how you want to fuck them so bad? Are you a pedophile."
I did, but I feel like Polish politics don't mean much at all to the world.
Me on the bottom right
best of luck
it means a lot to Poland
>Me on the bottom right
u slut
>FBI has an archive of everything I've ever posted here
you aren't that important
I've said way too many stupid things on the internet.
They'd dig it up and destroy me.
>Have you ever considered entering politics?
>What's stopping you?
Lack of self-confidence.
Hello newfag. Their archive keeps everyone's posts. A mod blew the whistle on it years ago.
The fact that I have an online footprit.
Yeah but it's stripped of all IP data retard.
I want to and I probably will but Im not rhetorical witty and fast enough. furthermore, Sup Forums made me extrem short tempered and verbal aggressive.
No it's not.
I don't like fucking little boys? Or worshipping the devil in secret ceremonies?
Well you've convinced me wow
If you haven't seen the mod post, then you don't know. Fuck off, guy.
Are you even in politics?
Everything stops you
I don't want they commit me a suicide.
I don't look very appealing on a poster.
I'm not the networking kind of guy, and it's definitely one of the skills you need in politics.
The fact I have almost one thousand posts on Stormfront and some SJW fag will dig it up
I did actually, helped a friend work on a campaign for county commissioner (he won). Seeing some of the stuff that got pulled out of the closets for even a county level seat may me realize that with my strange past, it would take an opponent about 2 interviews with a struggling local reporter to have me cast as a complete psychopath.
Truly the caviar of fetishes.
I did all the way up until I was 15
Then I realized that No matter what you do you will never be appreciated for your contributions and in only a few years after you leave the people will vote in some jerkoff that undoes everything you worked years to accomplish
I've been here since 2012 and no I haven't but if that's the extent of your proof bro I'm gonna go with what the FAQ on Sup Forums says.
I am, I need to be 25 before I can run for representative in my state government.
Six more years.
It's not that easy friends. I've worked in campaigns and to become a candidate for anything but a municipal or county election you generally need the backing of some important people. There are power brokers in every state and district. Without money and star power you have nothing. Your amazing message will never be heard by voters. It sucks but there it is.
What is that site even like, anyway? I've heard that it seem like we secretly run it?
>FBI putting intimate details of their own private archive in the public Sup Forums FAQ
I was going to post it for you, but you're clearly a retard and don't deserve it.
Incriminate yourself as much as you want. Sup Forums isn't actually anonymous anymore.
I was too much of a faggot loser growing up and after actually getting all my shit together really well economically and socially I still feel uncompelled to enter a world where you can never truly just be left alone to do your own stuff in peace without constant public scrutiny.
Corruption is what keeps me out. Know too many people on the inside and they all talk about who's backstabbing who and who's getting paid for what. It's a load of horseshit, all of it.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that politicians and people close to them have been assassinated here. Don't let the flag fool you, I'm in Puerto Rico.
I don't do anything illegal on here. Free speech nigger.
Did I say otherwise? Why are you replying, faggot?
Yes I don't think i'd get elected
>Have you ever considered entering politics?
Yes, more and more as time passes.
>What's stopping you? (for now)
Procrastination - I'm a filthy shameless serial procrastinator. It's my degenerate habit and greatest weakness.
Weath and connections - Got none of either. Undoubtedly the biggest obstacle.
Debate skills - I'm good at presenting my points if the floor is mine but if I get interrupted often I'll likely fail. Also I'm too "nice" to my opponents and don't attack them even if it could benefit me.
Skeletons in the closet - They'd find out that my teen years were a mess: I dropped out of school (although went back to it later) and even stopped my degenerate parents from fighting by holding them at knife point once.
Italian politics - Ring wing parties are too fragmented: even if you became the fuhrer of one it would be next to impossible for you to outperform the others in their respective strongholds. Also I'm not sure if I should join a fringe party and turn it mainstream or join an establishd party and give it a more far right flavor.
I guess most of thee things can be worked around somehow, but fuck me it's going to be one of those monumental tasks that make you think "Am I even good enough for this shit?".
Why the fuck do I have a union flag? I'm in fucking Ireland it just randomly changed
Bc I'm bored
Age. I'll do it when the time is right
I've considered it, however most PM's usually get into office at the age's of 50 - 60. They work their whole life to get there.
I don't want to sacrifice my only go at life to studying and writing stupid shit in a room for decades.
Getting into power forcefully, by a coup or something. Or just winging it from nothing like Trump did. Except a young age, is the only way i'll go.
Always wanted to make Australia the 2nd U.S of the World imo, we have the potential. We're bigger than Europe and Almost the size of the U.S. Except this one will be an Empire
you wunna make out or something?
The way political parties work in Spain is almost impossible for a new party to appear without great connections and stable means of financing (legal or not).
And joining one of the established parties would be lying to myself and getting into a backstabbing, mafia-like structure.