I was in DC today and Connecticut Ave. was blocked off. There were a bunch of people there protesting about (((fake news))) and supporting J'aime(s) àL'Enfant(i)s, as well as groups like Cleveland Park Association, Friendship Heights Association, Upper NW Alliance and a bunch of others (believe me, these people are a bunch of rich out-of-touch libtards and gov. cocksuckers).
Basically, Comet Ping Pong is having a (((reopening))) which to me means they have already moved their child sex ring elsewhere because they are in full damage control.
Comet Ping Pong Grand Re-opening
Other urls found in this thread:
too funny
What did you mean by this?
Sup Forums are fucking morons
Anyone with an operation this big would of started cleaning like within the first week this shit gained traction.
Ye they're set-up elsewhere now and all Sup Forums did was probs get more kids diddled and killed in the process.
I bet they watch this site like hawks now anyways. Could it have been real? I'd assume so.
However i think Sup Forums has tarnished this
I mean the world is retarded, and bump
I mean of course they scrubbed it. Probably scrubbed it when the Podesta emails first leaked.
But they're in full damage control. Full damage control. They even had their sock puppet Colbert do a bit making fun of Pizzagate.
>grand re-opening
so they got rid of all the evidence, neat.
I wonder what's going to happen with the tunnels then
Jimmy isn't going anywhere...
We know his hideouts.
After 1/20/17 the Ping-Pong world is going to get very small.
Are these yet other Soros sponsored activists?
I grew up in DC and there used to be an underground mall called DuPont Underground which is underneath DuPont circle and Connecticut Ave with many different entrances. Most of it is locked up though.
The only part available to walk in is now going to be used as an (((art gallery))) .
No I heard from someone that heard from someone that everytime someone gets too close to Comet Ping Pong they just move it next door to Besta. When they get too close to Besta the just move it back to Comet Ping Pong.
You have been had by the oldest trick in the book
The tunnels have no doubt been filled in, but a geoscan could show if they were there, even if they were filled in. That is the sort of 'investigating' that needs to happen, walking in with a gun (if it wasn't a patsy) isn't going to catch these sick fucks.
I honestly didn't think much of this until the mainstream media started immediately shilling this as fake news without even citing the reasons why this is a conspiracy. They'd rather show a 30 second clip of Alex Jones stuttering.
Nipples protruding-very very disrespectful.
>J'aime(s) àL'Enfant(i)s
This is why people think you are retarded. You blatantly change the spelling and then go spamming "one guys name literally translates to I love children" in other threads.
Sam's involvement with pizzagate is probably what cost him season 2
hollywood is rampant with pedophiles
You know how much earth it takes to do that? big project.
You are insane though
Post the picture enlarged please I'm at work and Twitter is blocked
You are blinded with the desire to suck massive cock.
I wonder what exactly it was that made them go to full panic mode and hire some crisis actor to walk in with a gun. I think we were getting somewhere until shills went out into full damage control.
It would look suspicious to do a re-opening without a reason too, so the shooting had to happen so that they can close down for a bit and move whatever they needed to move through the underground tunnels to a different location.
Bethesda games is in on it.
Keep digging.
>I wonder what exactly it was that made them go to full panic mode and hire some crisis actor to walk in with a gun.
I found something big
Can I ask what exactly I'm looking at here?
bump for the children
James Alefantis was the boyfriend of Brock of CTR so of course shills are going to shill in every Pizza thread.
If it disrupts operations for any amount of time, then it was good.
If it's real, it's not like the police were doing shit.
He still is the BF of
This is connected to some big players in Washington. As close as we got to exposing these fuckers, they have contingency plan after contingency plan.
Fallout 3 features Dupont tunnels; they're the ones that run under the area of Comet
It's not even just about Comet Pizza at this point, it's a deeply rooted network that's connected to our government elites. Comet was just one of many locations, probably a fairly important one at that.
They're having a huge "event" tomorrow. Thousands are expected to show up...
muh rope day?
Please explain.
The moment they changed the sign was probably the moment they moved the kids.
we were way behind.
if there was ever a time for a false flag it would be then.
#pizzagate #twittergate
L'Enfant Plaza in DC, as represented in Fallout 3.
That's the first day of:
Hajj History
Hajj (Arabic: حج ) is a holy pilgrimage to Mecca that is obligatory for all Muslims who can afford to go. The 3rd chapter of the Quran, Surah Ale-Imran makes Hajj mandatory. During this pilgrimage, Muslims try to get closer to God. The Hajj is performed in the last month of the Islamic calendar, Dhul-Hijjah. All Muslims who can afford to go on the Hajj are required to do so at least once in their life. The purpose includes worshiping God and interact with Muslims who congregate for the Hajj from all around the world (Quran, 2:26-27).
No one fucking died, why are there flowers and signs? So obviously a flase flag.
I can't tell if this whole thread is a joke or if you guys actually believe in Pizzagate.
>J'aime(s) àL'Enfant(i)s
That is why nobody takes you seriously.
He never changed his name. It's his real name.
And Alefantis SOUNDS NOTHING like L'enfants. But Americans only speak one language so you wouldn't know that, would you?
We dont have a police force
is this Sup Forums or /fakenews/?
do you think after they fuck babies they turn them into sausage and put it onto pizza?
Where's your argument for why it's not real?
Because it is insane and their is no evidence?
It's /goy/
Do you run windows 98 or something?
>the absence of tunnels prove there were tunnels until they discovered we were on to them
jesus christ the logic on display...
If you dont want to help stopping this MADNESS
Then just leave that thread !
The shooting was a distraction so they can clean up shop and move onto the next location.
Burgers and fries anyone?
I dont understand how this is fake news
There have been no reports on this the only thing I ever say report on it was infowars saying the true fact they have a fuck ton of creepy and suggestive art
Only Sup Forums post are now considered news articles than I dont how its #fakenews
nah that is just a literaly coincidence. stems back to 1791
Let's figure out where they moved operations.
>bunch of kids get victimized
cool story
no. it's an old pic