>portugal is neither Mediterranean or nordic
Really makes you think...
i know geographically they aren't med but wouldn't they sort of fall under the scope of med culture
No, the Moors controlled Portugal for almost twice as long as the Romans did, think about that
>curly hair
>Nords are hipster faggots
Actually true
they controlled almost the whole Iberian Peninsula
then the reconquista happened :^)
love this pic xD
Exactly which empire extended into the nordic region?
We are basically Mediterranean (West-Med) in everything except geography. Our culture has an Atlantic spin to it, this is reflected in our culture - our national soul is a lot "sadder", we are also more introverted on average (see: Fado)
That is completely and utterly false even if you count from the moment the moors set foot in gibraltar until the end of our reconquista, as expected of third world education. If you extend the moor period as far as you can, it's roughly the same as the Roman period.
Are there any places one can see the Mediterranean race without the Arab admixture?
Or have they gone extinct?
>Americans are neither Med or Nord
Fucking mutts
Ask Trump for his time machine and go back to the Roman empire.
>our culture
this made me laugh
Nords mostly have long hair. Many Scandinavians have brown hair also. What the fuck you going on about shitskin.
>not being cro-magnon(left)
I read recently that only about 20% of Iberians have arab admixture, I doubt Italy is that diferent. And even then its very small percentages, no diferent from the muh 1/3246433th cherokee
Sup Forums memes =/= real life
You have 1 British ancestor 300 years ago who rape your abo tribe in his penal colony.
You're not white.
He speaks the truth
someone with 1337 hacking skills should change the "difference" to "similarities" thought
plz senpais
>romans controlled portugal from around the 1st century to the early 4th century
>Moors controlled portugal from early 8th century to mid 13th century
>300 years is now more than 550 years in portugal
oh, you must be that guy that created that "ITT: post countries with no history or culture" thread
nice bait btw
>burguer can't count BC
really makes you think
20% is a large number.
There's crypto kikes too.
There's a reason why most of them look Arab or Jew.
Italians,Greeks and Iberians are as white (not pigmentation but attitude) and cultured as we are
Stop this D&C, our culture started from Mediterranean Europe
No, and I'm not sure why you would come to that conclusion, the chance that someone would laugh at the idea of Portuguese culture is pretty high
Have a pint of good Belgium beer with your mates.
stop lying, my fat friend
This. It's divide and conquer shit. Meds built the foundation for white civilization, and nords built the modern world.
Only after the Roman and Bizantine invasions the nords begin to shave and cut their blond hair. Also they begin to wear civilised clothes and agriculuture
>talking about lying
>while asserting that portugal has culture
We aren't a nation in any effective sense. We are glorified economic zone. White America is still 100% white.
daily reminder that a large part of your country was created by Nords.
>I read recently
Middle Eastern admixture is residual from when middle easterners migrated into Europe
Southern Europeans look as they have for 10,000 years, it is arabs who are changed due to the mass colonization of the middle east by millions of Romans during the imperial period and then again by Germanics during the invasion period
Middle easterners look like southern europeans, not the other way around
don't forget to mention about "muh aircraft carriers"
neither Romans nor Byzantines ever invaded nordic countries
Why do you respond to meme images? If you go to his actual link it has nothing to do with the graph in the picture. It's literally something Europoors made up.
And south France is richer and cleaner
The word France derives from Frank and France was Celtic before Romans came there
What is it?
try your mom's bedroom
Shitskins always try to enable themselves by saying that south euros look like them. When I was in Germany, everytime I met a turk he said "oh you look turkish", but Germans never mistook me for one. It is their way of dealing with their inferiority complex
It's far easier to say muh cultural dominance, muh economic dominance, and muh political dominance
Wew lad, the fucking Portugueses simply discovered the whole earth.
They invented how to explore.
Can you see the implications?
not an argument senior
Stop sucking up to nordicucks, they don't care about you
>No labels
What am I even looking at
t. third world country by 2030
There is no Mediterranean race
South of France is an Arab country.
You brought all the Algerians in the 60s, then the Africans in the 80s, and now you have the Syrians.
It's 3rd world really.
South France votes for communists who flood Paris with shitskins
>Wew lad, the fucking Portugueses simply discovered the whole earth.
>They invented how to explore.
Pretty sure that was the Chinese.
We do
Our kike politicans do not, though
Germans really like the whole Mediterranean Europe
>they invented how to explore
>hundreds of years before Vikings discovered America
t. already third world country in 2016
>American intellectuals
>muh cultural dominace
school shootings?
>muh economic dominance
China having you by the balls?
>muh political dominance
Satanic Hag vs Le Orange Meme Man?
That's not true, I meet lots of them here
Autosomal DNA map, it indicates genetic proximity. You can see it by the clusters.
Lmao i want proofs on this. Always the swedes saying finns aren't white. Got a fetish, do ya? Riddle me this then, if slavs are more white than us, how come we have created a country with higher living stardards than them?
Yeah buddy what you're "pretty sure" of is meaningless
>american education
How are those PISA scores going?
lol no you dont
Where's that from Australia?
Besides being kangz, we were also chynamen.
Are probably the most accomplished and influential on the planet, yes
yes there is, the master race
travel more faggot
Viking and Chinese exploration had no impact in western civilization.
Our legacy is from Portugal.
>White America
Chose one, Kamir.
tell me more about the American philosophers
We do you fucking muslim diaspora
Ask the average Italian,Greek or Spaniard in Germany if he ever had to feel some kind of anger
Old people are redpilled towards Mohammedans, but everybody likes the Mediterraneans
You're an idiot seriously. You think there were Germanic invasions of the middle east that changed what all the people if the region looked like? Something like this would leave a lot of genetic evidence
How come Mongoloids never discovered Australia?
Those are in fact not arguments, but instead a really pathetic attempt to hide your own insecurity over your worthless nation's lack of relevance, in anything, ever
Because 60%.....and probably 30% white nordic, thats why
>has to divide his own country up in pieces in order to avoid the truth
These faggots genuinely believe we are rapebabies and ancient civs comes from nordic lmaos, you can see enough proofs of that around here
They did discover it. They just saw no value in it and left immediately.
tell me more about Swedes influential outside of cuckporn?
t. Already a third world country
That's the very thing: nords WERE uncivilized (at least compared to some of the Meds), now they aren't, and have contributed a great deal to the world, in addition to making some of the most pleasant to live in countries (sure, immigrants are fucking it up, but their first destination wasn't Italy). Meds are butthurt that Nords have done more to the Roman legacy than them, despite being the descendants of their rivals.
And besides, Nordic and Med are overused terms. Many people (ie French, English, many Spanish, etc) don't fall into either, even within Scandinavia or on the border of the Mediterranean. And all in all, if we wanna play this "we were civilized first" game, then Semites, Aryans, and Dravidians win over you Meds.
idk m8 there has always been germanic superiority complex towards meds, just giving you my own feelings and observations
The salian franks was a germanic tribe.
Snownigger threads are the best. They trigger Sup Forums more than any other topic, and the best part is that NOBODY has a counter argument.
Poortugese were still trying to fight the Arabs when they "discovered" America (hundreds of years after the Vikings)
The British already had established their dominance in east Asia. That's why the Portuguese were trying to find a new route.
The British already dominated them.
>thread about white people
>starts talking about his cuck fantasies
such is the life of the american
no thread is safe
>nordic ayylamos
lol @ Italy