Alright /pol, as much as we like to see America Win again, the talking heads in the Mainstream News Media have it wrong again. Trump himself said he thought another recession would hit around the time of his inauguration: that prediction seems to be coming true even though they keep talking about "Trump Optimism" in the Market.
The bottom line is that the talking bobbleheads see the Stock Prices keep rising, and they dont know how to explain it so they mistakenly attributed it to Trump. What worries me is even Trump seems to believe the lies now. He actually claimed during his "Time Magazine" interview that he was the reason for the rally. Dont get me wrong, it feels good to prove the main-stream-news-media wrong when they were claiming if he got elected, the markets would crash; but frankly, I dont want Trumps name ANYWHERE near what is about to happen.
I got suspicious when I read this: Ohio is on the verge of Recession. (probably nationwide)
--Now it might be hypocritical to site Mainstream News sources at this point to support my assertion, but the bottom line is that a looming crash isnt the narrative right now, and I think there are signs all around that something BIG is about to go down.
These posts are made to destroy the abundant #pizzagate evidence.
Do not fall for them.
Ethan Young
Listen, I dont want to spoil your fun on pizza-gate, but tax receipt shortfalls weren't faked months in advance to cover-up pizza-gate. For what its worth, I think there is probably something to it. We have had huge pedophile busts in the government before.
Connor White
>but tax receipt shortfalls weren't faked months in advance Could you provide a link m8? Sounds interesting
Jaxson Diaz
Checked. Trump was basically fighting Soros this election. Soros has crashed multiple economies for fun and profit. I'm sure if Soros wanted to, he could pull out all of his $ and crash any economy he wanted. Japan investing $50 billion can soften the blow, but the man wrecks countries for a hobby. I found a bunch of sources saying that a crash is coming, but they are garbage news. Facts are Obama doubled the debt, there had to be some consequence.
Soros is a powerful man, but last I heard, which admittedly was a while ago, he only managed between 18-25 Billion dollars in his hedge fund. Of course his informal power goes far beyond that, but id just point out that "Cyclically Speaking" we are due for another recession. While I dont expect any president to be able to stop the market cycle, I am really worried that its going to be just as bad as 2009 because of the lack of reform in the market. A real interesting question is why this showed up in Ohio Tax data. I dont know how to analyze tax data, but I bet its going to point to the sector the crash is going to happen in. --dont get me wrong, I dont think its as simple as looking which sector failed to take in the revenue, but it could very well be that it shows up there, or in a sector right next to it. Does anyone know how to do this? I predict though, it wont be Real Estate again for a bunch of different reasons.
Angel Davis
I don't know shit about economics, OP, but I wanted to thank you and let you know that you are one of very few quality posters. Also checked.
Camden Phillips
Maybe I didn't make myself clear or make the information apparent, but literally the state of Ohio just found this out for last quarter a couple days ago, and thats why John Kasich announced it.
I dont much care for John Kasich, but this is a bit like the Maesters of Oldtown declaring that winter has officially come --No snow storm yet, but winter is here.
Jacob Scott
Oh we all new this was coming anyway. It was just a question of when. This recession will be on par with the housing bubble crash.
More people will be losing their retirment accounts and pensions then in 08
Luke Richardson
I appreciate the words. I rarely frequent this site. I mostly monitor by proxy. Im no where near as bright as some of the "investigators" on here. It would appear that niche porn fetishes and the desire to find videos that fit into that category spawns expert investigators of any obscure topic.
Hunter Nelson
I hear you. Its going to be real interesting to see how Trump handles this in general. If its really bad he could very well make a name for himself above and beyond his upset win here. For example, if it occurs because of Industry Malfeasance again, he might actually send people to jail. If its widespread enough, he might actually be remembered as a great reformer if he does so, and reforms the industry in question.
Josiah Wood
Not a problem, I hope you post more often, we could use it. You're not wrong, I could probably find you some degenerate dominate foot fetishist loli's licking onii-chan's toes in bunny ears pretty quick.
However, I am also good at other things and have been predicting they would try to pull this on Trump for the past few months, so it's nice to see some evidence to this and though I dislike them doing this to Trump, I'll admit there is some modicum of satisfaction to being right (as there always is). Do you have any predictions as to how bad this recession will be? The 2007-08 Recession was horrible but somehow it managed to barely register as a blip in most Americans minds, the country more or less pretended and lied to themselves on a massive scale that it wasn't even happening. Do you suspect this time around, it will register more with the people, perhaps because they will be more willing to let it, since the President is someone (((they))) hate?
Easton Reyes
Raising interest rates is racist so the fed has to wait for Obama to leave.
Lincoln Bennett
While trying to dig a bit deeper for you; I found this:
I looked around on the other links of the site, and it appears there is no excel spreadsheet like form that shows me yearly revenue by industry or by any other measure. This is probably the best I am going to be able to do for you. There is tax data, but its categorized by the kind of tax, and each is a separate form, and each year is a separate form. So in short, there is no aggregate. Im not outfitted to spend the time to analyze that stuff all by my lonesome.
Jack Bell
Actually, in the peter schiff link in the original post, he talks about how the bond rates are rising without intervention from the Fed, which suggests to him the Fed cant do so without some form of consequences. Peter thinks that during this next recession, the Fed is only going to use Quantitative Easing to solve the problem. In another video, he says that Janet Yellen more or less said that if another recession hit, that was her intent. That video was done in response to her last statement about fed policy by Schiff. You could probably find it if you found the date.
David Rivera
Poll: Do you think-- A. Trump will inject the markets with money (status quo and america will never be great again) B. Trump will cut a shitload of welfare scams, shrink government spending to at least a quarter of what it is now (end public schools, welfare, medicare), and send us into the greatest american century we could ever imagine
James Peterson
Also, Peter Schiff said in that video that using Quantitative Easing like that means the central bank is now monetizing the entire national debt, which it isnt supposed to do. To anyone who doesnt understand what that means, it means the Fed is literally printing money to lend to the US government not for use as currency as it is supposed to, but actually in place of bondholders because there arent enough of them.
If your still unclear about what that means, ill go a step further. It means the federal government needs money because of its tax shortfall, so instead of asking (mostly) elderly people to lend them the money for a bit of interest, the Federal Reserve instead takes the place of the elderly person, and basically takes the place of the elderly person or foreign bondholder. Supposedly this creates problems, but I dont fully understand how.
Sorry, thats as far as I can take you all. I am somewhat suspcious of his claims being that central banks typically monetize national debts directly like this in times of war without seemingly any bad effect, but this dude knows more than me, is probably smarter than me, and argues with people well above my playing field on a regular basis. This is his job after all.
Camden Lee
Bump. The house of card built by the nigger will soon collapse.
Ryder Sullivan
Being that Trump has publicly stated he wants to spend 1 TRILLION dollars on revitalizing our infrastructure, I am almost certain his default is going to be Option A.
Also, its dangerous for the government to cut jobs in a recession and its easy to understand why. Unfortunately, that means that typically downsizing is almost never a priority because, during the good times, when it should be done, the status quo sees no reason to change something that is working well enough to permit good times, and during the bad times, they correctly site that its dangerous.
Its funny you mention welfare because its considered an "automatic stabilizer" by the economists, and thats exactly what you want people to have during a downturn.
Luis Gutierrez
Youre right user
Things were already precarious and now (((they))) will pull the bottom out a bit after trump takes office
Connor Thomas
Give people the freedom to suffer you fucking fafgot
Colton Smith
or before to keep obama in office to destroy this nation
Noah Wright
If should also add, that if it isnt clear to anyone why downsizing is bad during a recession, lets just put it to you this way: would you applaud if a private firm laid off workers during a recession? --is that a reason to jump for joy? --probably not.
Just for perspective, if the government were a private firm, it would be the largest firm in the nation, employing something like 1/4 Americans last I checked. (thats 25% for any euro-plebs that cant understand fractions).
So in short, if the largest employer in the nation starts laying people off, and the unemployment rate is already high because everyone else is laying people off, that means your going to have people that wont be able to find work for almost the entire period of the recession. The suggestion that your then going to take away those peoples unemployment checks and wellfare literally would lead me to believe you want a humanitarian disaster, and a resurgence of religious organizations in public life, private life, and political life probably as your endgame. Sorry, but I dont want to hear anymore Black Preachers like the one that showed up to schill for Hillary Clinton during her primary nomination victory ceremony. I dont ever want to hear the young turks talk about how great the speech was or how they were "getting chills".
James Mitchell
i think that's a little extreme
Tyler Bailey
See my followup post- I confront your "response"
--here it is
Ethan Diaz
inb4 obama leaf blames it on trump despite the fact he isn't even in yet
Ian Morales
Basically, Im hoping the floor drops out before innaugural day, so everyone can say with certainty that it was Obama's fault 100%.
But yeah, I dont think thats likely, and I am worried about them trying to claim its a response by the markets to trumps Inauguration or policy proposals after he gets into office.
I also happen to be concerned because I live in Ohio.
Isaiah Gray
I wish I had something of a following to get the word out on this enough to force the mainstream news media to address it, but thats just not the path I chose in life.
Parker Roberts
I guarantee that smug King Nigger dicksucking leaf will blame this shit on Trump and call it "another Republican depression". It angers me.
Liam Diaz
The Federal Reserve has the capability to stop a market crash dead in its tracks.
John Harris
>No fucking images past OP
Will this crash be big enough to cause significant societal issues past financial trouble? I'm not big into market politics so I have trouble understanding these things.
Wyatt Martinez
I hear what you're saying but you have to understand wagecucks don't have time for white collar crime.
Either we get them on Pizzagate or we'll never see a single one of the traitors behind bars.
Hunter Clark
>Will this crash be big enough to cause significant societal issues past financial trouble? like investors coming to collect?
Charles Robinson
I suppose that could be the case. As I said, i'm not very fluent in economics.
Christopher Ward
You are one of the few who aren't falling for it. The bubble has been slowly inflating over the years with bailouts, lower and lower interest rates, QE, stagnation in jobs and consumer spending, etc. (((They've))) been able to kick the can down the road for a while now but with Trump winning it's the ultimate scapegoat to burst the bubble they created. A lot of blind fools are going to falsely attribute this to a Trump presidency but it won't matter at that point because we're looking at the next great depression. Just think back to what happened in 2008 only this time much worse. I'd stock up on cash, food, water, guns and ammo now.
On the bright side, I think this will finally be a reason to get off the central banking meme when we finally recover. I think precious metals and cryptocurrency are going to the moon.
Tyler Reyes
>Am I jumping the gun?
Not at all, after 8 years another contraction is expected.
However, I think Trump's policies will negate most of the bad effects of the contraction.
First is the tax repatriation from overseas holdings.
>It will provide a deemed repatriation of corporate profits held offshore at a one-time tax rate of 10 percent.
This will bring in at least a couple trillion of money for investment. This could even fund the factories the various tech giants may desire to build in anticipation of Trump tariffs. Furthermore, the competitive corporate tax rate of 15% will encourage not only American firms to move back to America, but foreign firms to setup shop in America as well. Note that the world-wide average is 22.9%
>Infrastructure investment strengthens our economic platform, makes America more competitive, creates millions of jobs, increases wages for American workers, and reduces the costs of goods and services for American consumers.
These two plans will be a major stimulus for the economy and offset any contraction. However, our debt will rise more and I could envision it rising up to $30 trillion dollars. If we don't get the GDP growth we need, then we will be in a pretty bad spot.
Jaxon Taylor
PizzaBOT is is EVERY THREAD today.... The bubble is BIG boys... Believe it or not, They will 'pull it' once the PIZZAGATE smoking gun is found (somewhere between 1/17-3/17)
""""Beware the IDES OF MARCH""""
Noah Moore
what do you think would happen if people lost access to their bank accounts?
Cameron Howard
Stocks ALWAYS contain all presently known information about them, including past performance, which is always reflected in their current price. You can run a regression on individual investments to find its beta coefficient so you can have an idea of how much firm-specific risk it carries which can give you an idea of how the stock will do (in the sense you now have a better understanding of how risky it is to fluctuate) but actually trying to predict a "giant looming crash" is futile as no one really knows when stocks are going to rally/crash (barring of course absolutely drastic systematic events like war, major depression due to burst economic bubbles etc.)
tl;dr: People much smarter than you make their living off of analyzing this stuff so and they don't know what's going to happen so you are autistic if you try to argue differently.
Adrian Price
Fuck drumpf Sage
Jason Smith
It's not like it would affect the niggers.
Anthony Smith
I would not be surprised if the Gov were using NSA resources to predict the market.
Gavin Miller
This is entirely believable. If they were to tap into the emails of CFOs of major companies (S&P 500 for example) the government would have insider information on a massive scale and be able to predict much more accurately how the market is going to do
Kevin King
it would though it would probably affect their gibs first
Connor Baker
>Hey, good news, no crash! We're back to normal! Pic related.
>Select all pictures of Pizza
Sage goes in all fields, dipshit. What you just did was a bump.
Why would they need to when the FED is manipulating it to China-levels?
Henry Gonzalez
Obama's policy has been one of Intentional zero growth, they would need accurate info in order to avoid stimulating the economy more than desired.
Ryan Phillips
Look at real estate investment companies that use the lots for renting instead.
Nobody is paying rent either. Bad things. Couple that with an energy price spike and you might see a small domino effect of inability to afford things.
Cooper Edwards
Doesn't this only give Trump the opportunity to get emergency powers until the economies unfucked?
Jordan Gomez
Only if the left wants to make a Communist revolution out of it.
Levi Young
Sweet, someone who knows quite a bit about this other than me. Whats the deal with people claiming we actually have one of the lowest tax rates in the world? Like can you reconcile the conservative position that its one of the highest with the liberal position that its on of the lowest? Both actually cite facts and figures and I assume the truth is along the lines of "certain industries effectively pay the lowest in the world in tax"
Brayden Ramirez
>Facts are Obama doubled the debt, there had to be some consequence.
Ayden Myers
That Pic is interesting. What I dont understand though is how that can be true when it would seem to assert that our stock market, now at an all time high, is only about 15% above the despair point. Somehow, I dont think Dow Jones 17,000 was the point of despair.
Grayson Adams
So your asserting that we could see de-leveraging in the economy outside of the derivatives market this time around? --I hope your wrong, because if your not, we are in for trouble. That could cause actual economic collapse --Dont get me wrong, this isnt a "Its happening pic" but it would probably collapse the world economy.
I guess its pretty handy that only around 10% of Americas GDP comes from trade now: we dont need the rest of the world to buy virtually anything to remain more or less the same.
Gavin Garcia
Not to mention trump is going to expand the military. USAA makes it easy for home and business loans and a government check will always clear
Jackson Hall
Another recession might theoretically be a good thing. Assuming a recession doesn't happen, Trump spends 4 years fighting against multiple forces trying to limit his power and influence, and stop all his reforms. Meanwhile, he has to proceed cautiously because slip-ups could result in the MSM labelling him a "tyrant", and so forth.
But if a crash on the same level as 2008-9 DOES happen, he could do a repeat of the Night of the Long Knives and immediately jail all corrupt politicians and bankers (i.e. Hillary and Soros) in the name of fixing things. He could also bring the Fed under closer control of the government or even abolish it completely. These are things that would take years to do otherwise.
Owen Hughes
Are you familliar with Steven Keen poster? Since you seem to be interested in debt and its effects, he seems to assert that debt impacts growth rates only. I believe his assertion is that we need debt jubilees because the debt service grows to a point where its going to consume 100% of GDP gains every year, leaving no room for re-investment into further economic development. He prides his models on being almost entirely empirically based by the way, so this isnt him inferring or reasoning or simply suggesting that this is what happens: its backed up by something. I believe he says that empiracly, the debt is only sustainable at an amount about 1/3 of the size the banking sector currently is.
Levi Wilson
Could be. Rents are getting higher, and in most cities, the solution is public housing.
The problem is that you need more revenue to support this, so you pass the tax burden. Usually it's homeowners, which makes them sell, and move to better areas.
Then, to cover losses, they raise taxes on business.
This makes business leave for more profitable areas.
This is the bubble. The slow hollowing out of local economies until it's not local anymore.
Xavier Thompson
The market will only crash like that if the Federal Reserve coups against trump and lets it all go.
Even better. Trump can use this as an excuse to immediately abolish the Fed effective immediately and tie the dollar to something more concrete than "the faith of the people in its value".
You know how much the global elite would be crippled if they lost monetary control over the U.S.?
Hunter Scott
I think you write like Tyler Durden from zero hedge. I cared at first, but the I saw he had written paranoid articles for years and years. Some people like to spend their time fantasizing that they will be big shots in some imminent apocalypse. I think you're one of them.
Jaxson Butler
>Like can you reconcile the conservative position that its one of the highest with the liberal position that its on of the lowest?
Liberals use the effective tax rate, firms can avoid bringing money into the USA to avoid getting taxed. This is how we have trillions of dollars in overseas holdings in the first place. This lowers their effective tax rate because they pay the lower foreign rates.
More or less the retarded system we have now punishes small businesses that have to pay the full rate and can't afford the accountants and lawyers necessary to move overseas for lower rates or get lucrative tax breaks. Part of tax reform is making taxes simple, not a convoluted mess of a system. Liberals don't really have a solution to firms that move holdings overseas, they want to force them to pay taxes, yet nothing is stopping them from just moving the entire company overseas and restructuring.
Anthony Edwards
Dude Trump appointed George Soros' protege to Treasury Secretary. Don't be so bluepilled,Soros wanted Trump.( even though he publicly donated to Hillary's campaign)
Lincoln Lopez
My old man has a PhD in Econ. He says the exact same thing. Recession. He's worried Trump will be blamed.
If it happens we're going to have to be prepared to wage war on Twitter and make it clear the whole thing is Obama'a fault. #ObamaRecession or something like that.
Obama fucking doubles the debt but you just know the media will scramble to blame Trump.
Grayson Gray
The Fiat dollar is here to stay. Government will not risk the currency being manipulated by foreigners who will play games with the asset it's tied to.
Trump will mint the coin and bring it all down so he can rebuild it as it should be. It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.
Blake Taylor
>What do you all think Why not shorten your sentence and type y'all?
Isaac Gomez
The fed could quietly print a trillion dollars, Use an advanced algorithm to Pump up a crashing market and no one would ever know.
Owen Morris
The Plunge Protection Team has been around for a while now.
Jackson Lee
If the cards are played right, A market crash would end up injecting money into the economy and act as a secret stimulus
Dominic Lewis
Thanks for not mentioning that public sector jobs are funded on the backs of working men. Your argument is easily dismissed FAGGOT
Samuel Murphy
Thats an interesting perspective. I have never heard anyone describe the workings that way. Definitely some kind of insight in that. Good post.
Landon Richardson
Actually, if I thought this way normally, I would have kept my 16,000$ in savings rather than tried to change careers. Im not familliar with zero hedge.
I assume you are referring to my headline though, and understand that even though I dont feel "paranoid" I do feel its important, and no one will come talk about a "boring" financial thread, so I do have to relate it to the trending issues, which is Trump, the economy, and mainstream media sucking. This isnt some clickbait thread --there are genuine warning signals i am perceiving and I want someone to convince me I am wrong, and to do that, I have to catch the attention of alot of people to get a few that are knowledgeable on the subject matter.
Brody Cox
Thanks, been watching it happen in my community.
We just passed a law that forces the lessee of a property to pay property taxes.
So, if you own a property, and lease the property to a business, the business pays the property tax, not the owners.
Fucked is what we are. Fucked.
Logan Russell
If you want to get a little meta, there's been an increasing amount of successful attacks on the SWIFT system that have been downplayed in the media.
Those stories were suppressed, while the Russian hacker stories were pushed.
he's just shilling for gold. >go to my website, goy, and buy my goldmoney.
Justin Turner
I think we need to start now. Because its coming in the next 1-2 years anyway. If we forge the narrative now by pointing out this shit, its going to make it harder to blame obama. I half wonder if thats why the media is ignoring the warning signs: they are hoping things will be good straight to the end of obama's term so they can immediately turn it around on Trump. Unfortunately, by taking credit for whats going on in the markets right now, Trump has created a basis for the idea that he is responsible for the happenings going on right now in it: he has effectively fallen into their trap.
Dylan Ortiz
Well that reply was intelligent enough. I'll give your thread an honest shot at activating my neurons
Jaxson White
When did the USD go of the gold standard? What is the average lifespan of a fiat currency? Take the hint.
Parker Fisher
*Harder to blame * Trump* (i meant.)
And at the bare minimum, I am going to archive this thread to prove to the people around me that this was noticed as the information came out. I have been texting Hillary schills all day about this. Yesterday too when the statement from Kasich was released.
Wyatt Thomas
>2016 >taking economic advice from people who sell gold
Stay poor, the Dow Jones will be at 40,000 before it crashes
Connor Hernandez
The Red flag waving people in the streets wont care about proof.
Parker Fisher
We know fiat and fractional reserve isn't working with a model based on infinite growth while living in a finite world.
The real problem is replacing it. Gold can fall to the same pitfalls, and it's scarcity is a problem.
I've been toying with an energy based currency that reflects each nation's capacity for work (oil, coal, natgas, labor, nuclear, etc) but it requires breakthroughs in energy storage and production.
If the system is going to burn, we might as well think of something to replace it with.
Michael Hughes
>eventually energy will become too cheap and Hyperinflate the markets!
This is where I have a problem. Best I can think of is, goddammit, basic income.
Jacob Myers
That will just give you a currency which is perpetually deflating as the resources deplete.
Isaac Hill
I try to be reasonable here. Unfortunately, this is one of the few places I can come where I wont be laughed at or just blankly stared at because no one either has anything to intelligent to say in response, or doesn't care. I would like to believe this isnt going to happen when I am in such a weakened state, because I work in the healthcare field. Even though my job is supposedly recession proof, it really isnt because the women work more when their men are unemployed to pay the bills, the old geysurs in the profession dont retire, and all of the sudden my hours dry up. I am living in Ohio right now, and just moved back from the west to change industries to the private education sector, which relies on state government scholarships. Literally, I am in the state where the recession is first about to occur, and I sit astride a two sectors of the economy in which I stand to lose big time by being in. If I was a financial planner, I should be fired. It makes it even worse that I know a fare bit about this shit. What can I say, when you dont observe your surroundings, you die.
Robert Bell
yeah, Trump isn't that smart and quick to believe anyway who gets chummy with him without looking deep into the evidence himself and it ends up hurting him a lot.
oh well
Christopher Richardson
how long did Japan's last?
Gabriel Price
Well, the goal would be to elevate humanity to a tier higher than 0, while keeping undeveloped nations relevant by utilizing their high populations for cheap labor as a resource.
It would probably start a lot of wars, but eventually we'd start seeing massive developments in energy production and storage.
Then we can be 40k.
Matthew Stewart
Poster: you may want to review Nazi Banking policy if alternative economic models are something that interested you. Did you know they used a time based currency? 1 german mark, used to be equal to one hour of work for the average worker if my understanding is correct. Now you could earn less than 1 mark per hour, but the idea was that in the end, the amount of money in circulation was the amount of labor done in a year, so capitalism was still in effect.
Also, read about how the german economy is structured --its very interesting. It too was designed by the Nazis. Now, there are tradeoffs, really important trade offs in having a closed labor market. Specifically look into how the banks are forced to have shares in business to make sure that they loan money to keep businesses afloat during a recession. The "automatic stabilization mechanisms" I referred to in another, earlier post, are extremely advanced. It actually is rigged to ensure that intervention by the central bank is NOT REQUIRED during an economic downturn.
Jonathan Bell
Also, resources will deplete anyway.
I'd rather have a system that accurately reflects this, than a model of infinite growth.
>the meteor will still kill us, but at least we'd know when
Caleb Moore
Really all we are doing is kicking the can down the road in hopes Fusion will be developed in time to save us. The system we have now is great for that.
Aiden Roberts
I did, and I based my model on the success of an energy based currency like the petrodollar, and a labor based currency like a nazi mark.
This would require strict immigration controls though, to avoid artificial devaluations in markets without natural means of energy production other than human labor.
Been playing with freigold and demurrage ideas for smaller local economies (state or county level) as well, but can't seem to make them fit.
True. But we'd start to see investments in efficiency a little quicker. Maybe even get some thorium reactors working again.
That could hold until a hypothetical fusion reactor becomes viable.
Jeremiah Hill
FUCK! I just got through telling someone the following.
"There are 3 factors I will look for to base my judgment on how good the Obama Administration did handling the reformation after the last recession.
1.) Did it happen in the housing industry again? 2.) Were the Banks a significant part of the problem? 3.) How severe will it be?
If either of the first 2 factors are a "Yes" than the Obama administration can be deemed "objectively" to have failed in reforming wall-street.
Now you post that..... maybe it will happen in housing again. FUCK!!!!!! THAT MEANS IT COULD BE JUST AS BAD AS 2009
Sebastian Ross
The facebook bullshit seems like the biggest bubble in the market. IPOs of shitty apps valued more than proven companies that actually have revenue.
I am hopeful of social media stocks sink it will be contained. The housing crash effected many industries. If Silicon Valley hits the skids, maybe the damage is limited to commie west coasters.
Tyler Fisher
It's happening with car loans too. Though, if they repo your car, you're likely not homeless (yet).
Dominic Hughes
It's a net loss.
Brand new car is no longer worth the 40k debt issued to purchase it, even after repo.