The writers of STAR WARS: ROGUE ONE have decided that the Empire is a white supremacist group. I think it'd be fun to try to make their statements backfire on them and hit Disney right where it hurts: their wallets.

PHASE ONE: We use dummy Twitter accounts to begin a movement which encourages the sentiment that, because the Empire is white supremacist, it is morally wrong to buy your children Darth Vader/Stormtrooper toys for Christmas. Giving them these gifts would be the same as telling children that Trump's rhetoric is acceptable! We use hashtag in pic related.

PHASE TWO: With luck the message will begin to be taken seriously by SJWs and libtards who are worried about the impending Trump presidency. They will reject the evil Empire and perhaps even become disgusted with Disney for selling white supremacist action figures (maybe this is a point we can push hard for). The point isn't for them to be mad at the film so much as they are at the selling of Empire toys.

PHASE THREE: Once we get that hashtag trending, we use other dummy accounts to spam Twitter with the opposite message - that Hollywood is politicizing kids' movies too much. This movement takes a broader aim and encourages a general boycott of the film.

PHASE FOUR: With luck, the hashtag will start to be used by normies for better or for worse. This is when we start pushing the narrative that Disney is oppressing the roles of minorities in the STAR WARS universe - we cite that Maori actor TEMUREA MORRISON is being overlooked (in the story, the Stormtroopers are all clones of him) by Chris Weitz,and that by doing so he is whitewashing the SW universe. For this, we use #RACEWARS

PHASE FIVE: Indulge in lulz. It'd be funny to see Weitz have to backtrack on his statement to please his Disney overlords.

These posts are made to destroy the abundant #pizzagate evidence.

Do not fall for them.


So, basically, he will redeem himself and end save the US at the end of his second term.

Here's an image you can attach to tweets

Bump, I like this idea


I like this idea.

Bump. Fuck Star Wars.

if the empire is a white supremacy group, then why the fuck was there a black soldier?

Who the fuck knows? Technically this movie takes place like 20 years before The Force Awakens, but even for that movie I think Abrams was trying to argue that the Empire was still white supremacist.

>because the Empire is white supremacist, it is morally wrong to buy your children Darth Vader/Stormtrooper toys for Christmas

But seriously? The story revolves around a multicultural cosmopolitan empire attacking a bunch of mid west guys and its run by a Jew

MFW all storm troopers are cloned from a black man.

Because he was a slave!

Seriously, though, the Empire being anti-alien was always a thing.


Exactly, Human supremacist rather than white supremacist.


Sure, I'm with it. Just making use of my Star Wars autism - further to which, I'm fairly sure nearly all the stormtroopers in the Galactic Civil War era aren't clones, only the 501st (member battlefront 2????).

Please don't ruin Star Wars for me though Sup Forums I really fucking like X-wings and won't let some bullshit identity politics agenda ruin the X-wing porn for me.


This. This operation has been going on for a while now and only nine or ten tweets have been made. This isn't the Meme War I remember!

I just made my first twitter account last week. I don't know who to follow other than Trump.

How do I help do this guys?

Shills aren't this clever

Does it use your real name and stuff? If so, consider making a dummy so you don't look like an asswipe.

Just make a tweet using the hashtag in the OP (writing it out here makes it easier for people to see the Sup Forums source via Googling). Include the image I posted along with some bullshit commentary of your own

>You shitposted in the meme wars?
>yes, I was once "alt-right", the same as your father.
>He had the rarest pepes in the galaxy and a cunning troll, and he was a good friend.
>for over a thousand gets the Sup Forumsacks were the disciples of kek and trump in the digital world, before the dark times. Before the CTR

In the past, fake hashtags like this have gotten exposure because some stupid feminist with a lot of followers took it seriously and retweeted. We need to figure out a way to have that happen with this.

Follow feminists with alot of followers, easy

No it's a fake name account. I have no desire to use twitter other than to help with shit like this.

But if I only follow like 10 people will tweeting said hashtag be able to be seen by anyone? How's that work? That's what I don't get

Any suggestions as to whom I should follow would help me out too

Just made a dummy account, what now?

Follow SJW's, use #VaderIsTrump, rant about how you got/were going to get stormtroopers and darth vader toys, profit


Question - what feminists have taken bait in the past? Any suggestions for who exactly to follow?

We'll also have to be careful not to follow all the same users, if that's something we can keep track of. Otherwise they might know something fishy is up if they get spammed with the hashtag but no one else is.


I gotchu guys. Opening the old warchest:

>alternative media friendlies

.@Cernovich @CassandraRules @mtracey @StefanMolyneux @RealAlexJones @PrisonPlanet @DRUDGE @IngrahamAngle @AnnCoulter @RubinReport

.@WayneDupreeShow @JasonLeopold @RogerJStoneJr @JamesOKeefeIII @AllenWest @michellemalkin @HAGOODMANAUTHOR @billstill @StevePieczenik


>MSM Friendlies

.@CLewandowski_ @seanhannity @oreillyfactor @rushlimbaugh @ASavageNation @marklevinshow @JudgeJeanine @Harlan @LouDobbs @Varneyco @BretBaier

.@ChuckRossDC @ggreenwald @Consortiumnews @zerohedge @TrishIntel

>Congressional friendlies

.@tedcruz @marcorubio @TGowdySC @jasoninthehouse @SpeakerBoehner @ChuckGrassley

>Celebrity friendlies

.@RealJamesWoods @EastwoodUSA @RobertJohnDavi @ScottBaio @therealroseanne @ScottAdamsSays @KidRock @sseagalofficial


.@realDonaldTrump @mike_pence @DonaldJTrumpJr @EricTrump @IvankaTrump @KellyannePolls @KatrinaPierson @heytana @PastorDScott @SheriffClarke

.@TeamTrump @DanScavino @BorisEP @JasonMillerinDC @GenFlynn @GovMikeHuckabee @pastormarkburns

>Wide reach

.@mitchellvii @JackPosobiec @LindaSuhler @JaredWyand @WDFx2EU7 @Rockprincess818 @DiamondandSilk

>Go for broke

.@FBI @FBIRecordsVault @NewYorkFBI @FBILosAngeles @FBIWFO @FBIBoston @FBIMiamiFL @FBIPortland @FBIDallas @NSAGov

this was the old school Wikileaks follow list. Pick and choose the right ones to follow out of htem

They're not even close to being related. We can have more than one thing going at a time especially when the tasks are so very different. This job calls for twitter posters and those good at making arguments that fall neatly into the realm of poe's law. The other calls for people with digging skills and an ability to comprehensively tie all these people and places together.

We have tasks for all ranges of experience. Find where you can lend the most help and get to work. There is much that needs doing.

You fucking NEETs have enough free time to do both

fuck off retards.

Doesn't matter.

It's a flood vs. one traitorous faggot

Zerg rush this queer

more from the war chest

Can't you join #DumpStarWars like normies? Why force a hashtag that isn't trending and without meme magic like #TrumpIsVader?

I wonder how i knew this thread was up again. Maybe because you spam my phone

Yeah, I don't understand why fox guy did that. I looked at his twitter page and he seems to be saying the same sorts of things we are. Maybe he thought he was helping somehow?

Wouldn't it be easier to just harass these people IRL?
Why go through all this effort?

Needs a better hashtag

>1 post by this id

For the...


You know

Yeah but mind a lot of shit ain't canon anymore...

It's not so much an attempt to attack Weitz as it is an attempt to just fuck around and trick SJWs into thinking this is an actual cause.

star wars is racist..
>black hero and more sjw bullshit
the empire is racist...

someone get me L's notebook

#DumpKellogs affected Kellogs on the stock market when Breitbart attacked them. #DumpStarWars is gaining traction.

I don't think Disney cares if the Empire is #literallynazis

This is an obvious attempt by Disney shills, are people actually falling for this?

This plays into their desire to get Hilary supporters to go see the movie enmasse.

Except the director deleted his tweets after complaints. Disney cares about $$$$, especially since TFA didn't go above 2 billion at the cinemas.

The film will make a billion dollars no matter what. This isn't a serious attempt to dent the film's profits, just possible create a negative public perception of the toys.

The Empire has always been modeled off the Nazis. Hell, the gray uniforms in the OT were probably stolen off of German corpses.

Don't forget the shape of Vader's helmet either. And the red/white/black imagery when the Imperial Royal Guards show up with the Emperor. It was always very intentional.

If they keep pushing the white supremacy slide, I might actually make these.

B b but.....
Vader is /cool/
do they understand that?

In the original Star Wars the rebellion was composed entirely of fucking white males.

A part of me wonders if we should get Sup Forums on this but I guess they're better for uncontrolled chaos rather than an actual planned raid like this

>especially since TFA didn't go above 2 billion at the cinemas.

So not adjusting for inflation the second highest grossing movie of all time that alone paid off a massive part of the cost of the IP wasn't good enough for them?


Silent Weapons
For silent wars.


They wrongly thought China, Japan and South Korea would give a fuck about the 7th installment of a series, especially one with a nignog in the main cast. They didn't succeed, like Hillary didn't succeed but in a libtard country like yours you probably fapped to Finn.

>stormtroopers were all clones of him
The clone troopers were clones of him in the beginning days of the empire only the 501st was the only clone squadron left

There were other clones in the service of the empire but they were a minority and due to the accelerated aging they had to retire

Storm troopers are mainly humanoid and any human could volunteer to enlist

Produce actual evidence newfag




Daily reminder that the creator of christ chan comics is a fucking retarded faggot who browses the catalog and reports these threads on Twitter

they're trying to reverse jew and make us buy empire merch. not doing it. star wars, aside from the original 3, sucks dick and can die.


Killing Jew Wars is a noble cause.


Traitors hang first.

Isn't the empire just a human supremacy group?

>two threads cant exist at the same time

/cfg/ and trump gen ran fine and accomplished their goals.

Screencap'd thanks M8

Are you fucking serious?

This site has always been satire.

Is not gonna work,not because its a bad idea but because to many normies and sjw lurk here and with the media on our back they are gonna call out on us really fast
The plan needs less steps and a more persuasive aproach
We should stick to one message for better or worse rather than changing it half way

>it meme wars veteran

Since the result of the election he's been reporting any meme ops thread or the deep cover Sup Forums jew twitter accounts to the ADL

Explain what? Disney and Lucasfilm predicted they would earn numbers that they didn't achieve, thinking Asian countries would buy tickets. It's obvious they didn't know that Asian countries are among the most racist and that Finn was among the reasons why it flopped. Unless Reylo happens (Asian countries love starcrossed romance between enemies) the rest of the trilogy will fail outside the US circlejerk.

Hmm, I could make that into an actual metallic pin.

this is the best new copypasta in a while

There's also (((altright))) twitter bots that report things too.

I was being an idiot and sent a link to a popular twitter page and within two fucking hours vice or motherboard(can't remember) wrote an article and screenshotted the whole thread.

Best part is that is was on a infinity chan thread and Sup Forums never touched it. Never sending links again.

What I've found makes these things successful is creating memes that are contagious where the population of twitter will repost them and make their own.

Draft daughters was an excellent one and probably helped the election a bit.

Memes have to literally be a cancer to be successful.

So was Vader in the abortion quality prequels.

Is that the imposter buster bot?

Thou shall not organize, as KEK looks fondly on the chaotic ones.

the key is decentralisation and improvisation. No plans or shit like that, just simple one sentence posts containing main idea spread across threads to catch on.

No it's that gnome one. He's got a pretty large following(about 20k), I'll try and search for the exact name but the dude is monitoring everything. Kind of like that Vice reporter that is a Sup Forumsack

This is my third time and last trying to make a thread for this and I've pretty much come to the same conclusion. It just doesn't have the same natural capacity to spread like wildfire like Bikini Bridge or Draft Our Daughters. Ah well, I tried.

Moles in every organization, faggots


It's because Rogue One isn't trending yet.

Some shitty ass news site will pickup on this thread and make an article and it will go.

Secondly Rogue One will get co-opted the day it release as well.

Kek knows the path, have faith

Joining in later tonight, but I need sleep right now.

>meme war


Vader actually fulfilled the prophecy and brought balance to the force. The Liberal Jedi were far more numerous than the Conservative Jedi and using their influence to literally erase their opposition's influence from history. Vader stopped that from happening by killing a dumb nigger with a stupid gay lightsaber. Vader was a good guy, from his point of view at least, and even stepping back to look at it from the outside, it's hard to deny.

Because it's a human-supremacist government...and that's been true in the lore for decades.