Is there a scientific reason behind the fact that all canadian posts are utter shit?
Is there a scientific reason behind the fact that all canadian posts are utter shit?
>this thread again
These posts are made to destroy the abundant #pizzagate evidence.
Do not fall for them.
Is there a scientific reason behind the fact that all finnish posts are utter fun?
They're oversocialized (to borrow a Unabomber term) and thus are out of sync with the antisocial nature of this board
Canada is your retarded child, it's not our fault anglo. You should have ended his suffer when you could...
Trudeau is the only man capable of making a neutral expression look fake.
Show me on the bonhomme where the Canadians hurt you?
..............................................................................................................................................................................................l.............e......................................a.....................................f............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ a fucking
I'm on my iPhone what flag is this? Nepal?
Aryan, good anglo
some historians identify canada with australia, but consensus is they are just fucking wrong
Canada is full of draft dodgers. All cowards. It's in their nature to do nothing exciting.
Brampton Ontario is the worst place I have ever lived.
>Is there a scientific reason behind the fact that all canadian posts are utter shit?
Not all .
>It's in their nature to do nothing exciting.
WTF are you talking about? Have you ever had ketchup chips? If not, you haven't lived..
You're excused
i heard they also burned the white house down, or twice
nice doobs
absolutely degenerate
A year ago, I would of paid them good money to come and do it again.
Holland is practically Spain
>would of
This is why should be in school.
why should never have left the school
we kikked them out in 1588 LEAF
pretty good post for a leaf
Take that, dickhead!
Is there a scientific reason all bong posters are not smart? YES! YES! YES!
It's a cry for help
Ever notice how we didn't post like this when Harper was in power.
Trudeau is making us lash out, our culture is sick
stop oppressing me
Why is so bad
Describe pls
For all the same reasons New Delhi is a shitty place to live
There are rivers of smelly curry shit in the streets?
wait, so you only have to cover your hair and chest as long as it has no hair is fair play? considering a few wives
>ywn have a beautiful bearded sikh goddesss to polish your kirpan and wash your turban.
don't deny my god-given beauty
>fucking patriarchy
sikh? sick more like it, where's your turban, lets not offend the gods any more
>On medieval picture
truly the cucks of cucks
apparently this is somewhat common, as sikhs can't cut their hair
self fulfilling prophecy.
Anons claim leaffags are cucks and shitposters, and many leafs, in order to acquire (you)s, act as is expected by the community.
I see these at my uni all the time and it triggers me. They roam in loud packs and a woman cannot be found within 50m of them.
>can't speak his own fucking language
woman culture is too exclusionary, they should work towards 25m
Chink or poo?
Sikh here. Sikh women cannot do this shit. Literally no Sikh women in the history of Sikhism have ever done this.
it's ok, that was a guy
>Once again adds nothing of value to the discussion.
Eyes wide open is a better name for it. If your gonna spam this pasta in every thread, can you at least use EWO?
fraid not, she is in the Guiness book of world records
Wait is that and this the same person?
no those are different women
We had a reoublic and constitution in 1588. Coalburning is an nonargument to advance degeneracy.