How old were you when you grew out of semitic religion?
Never fell for that meme
pick one
choose one
How are Catholics not Christians?
>invent bible
>not Christian
lol just fucking read a history book you nu-male faggots no wonder white people are doomed. keep letting nig derasse tyrone and bill nye the science kike tell you how to think!
Any believer in Jesus who does not stand by the church that St. Peter built is a heritic that has turned their back on the Lord.
I don't agree but worshiping saints is why. They need to tone that shit down.
Is this some competition to fit as many Sup Forums memes in one post without saying anything?
Christianity is the lowest religion on Earth. They literally say "love you enemy." That is ultimate cuckery. It destroyed the West. Progressivism itself is just a tangent of Christianity.
Pick one ans sage
>They literally say "love you enemy.
So does the rest of religions. Even mudslimes. Read a book, faggot.
Catholics aren't Christians after October 1958 and the novus ordo mass. Traditional Catholics still are as well as any Protestant church who doesn't use a bible based on teh Schofield one.
The bible preaches against the evils of the jew.
You realize protestants don't do mass in Latin either, right?
Thirteen or fourteen, honestly.
>so, uh, why are we worshiping a Jewish god?
>"he's not a Jewish god, he's everyone's god"
>that's bullshit, he's a Jewish god, we wouldn't even know about him if the Jews hadn't told us
>"they violated the covenant, so we're the Chosen People now"
>so he WAS a Jewish god, but he turned his back on his own people?
>"because they broke the covenant"
>but we're not Jews, so why do we care?
>"because he's God"
>why is he better than our own gods?
>"because they're demons"
>says who?
>so a Jewish god says our own gods are demons, and we believe this because...?
>"because he's God"
>this is a pretty circular argument
>"you don't want to go to hell, do you?"
>Jews don't believe in hell
>"that's why they're going there"
>so their god created a hell after he abandoned them?
>"go the principal's office"
worship of mary
like 12 i think
I didn't mean doing mass in latin = you're a real Christian. I meant after 1958 and the novus order mass, and around the same time in America the protestants forgave the jews the blame of killing Christ and blamed it all on the romans, and don't preach about the synogogue of satan anymore. It's why most Christians in America love Israel now. Their pastors and priests don't cover the areas of the bible that are anti jew, or they use the schofield bible that edits those parts out entirely.
ummm like
i dont want to go to hell so
i love jesus
fuk you op, enjoy hell
upvote if you agree
Not an argument
>based foot fetish pope
Tbh I would kiss some black guys feet if it means i got to put my lips on those qt arab girls feet after
Okay... So how are they no longer Christian? They no longer believe in the resurrection?
Because in the bible it says that the jews can't inherit Israel because they turned their back on God and forsake Jesus. The new catholics and protestants aren't real Christians because most of them support Israel when it says right in the bible not to. You can't be a Christian when you preach the antithesis of the bible.
lmao not even the commies could kill the Orthodox Church.
Friendly reminder that "Christian" USA is responsible for turning Afghanistan into what it is now
Yes it is autist
>in the bible it says that the jews can't inherit Israel
What? I think they're talking about God's Kingdom, not the state
Also that is not the defining part of Christianity. All the different sects disagree on various things
All semitic religions trick people into worshipping satan without them knowing it
You sound like a fuckin homo lol. You were probably bullied in school
>no TRUE Christian would do X
You can't expect too much logical consistency out of people who believe in ghosts
>not an atheist agent working for communist and internationalist circles seeking to destroy the catholic church
>what is sedevacanistism
>I fantasize about everyone who doesn't follow my kikery being gay
Well, ok.
Yes they are talking about the Kingdom of Heaven that the jews cannot inherit, but the jews were promised Israel the actual land, until they turned their backs on God.
It's why some orthodox groups in judaism don't support Israel because they only could inherit it when the messiah came, and that's why in the new testament they said the jews can never inherit Israel because they forsook the messiah. Now God says anyone who believes in Jesus is the seed of Abraham and you don't need to be a jew to inherit the covenant with God to get into the kingdom of heaven.
When did I say I believe in it? The way you recalled your "experience" in school was just fucking cringy. Makes me want to stuff you in a locker fuckin nerd
I'd have to see the passage you're referencing.
Also I think you're assigning a lot more importance to this than it merits
>still fantasizing about the days when he sodomized weaker children in school
I hear the government schools you people go to aren't really keen on the whole education thing, so I understand your aggressive response. A jungle of muds sodomizing each other doesn't sound like anything I'd enjoy, but you turned out ok, right? :)
>Implying the bible isn't filled with warriors
>Implying the bible doesn't talk about righteous wars
How am I assigning more importance to this? The Catholics and the Protestants have turned their backs on the bible and 1900 years of Church history. They're literally supporting satan's seed(as Jesus himself said of the jews).
They are fake Christians and this is of the utmost importance to understand.
>atheists attack muslims
Don't you mean you scum get together and BUMFUCK eachother (and then talk about how traps aren't gay)
>mad he was bullied
Shut up nerd get back in that locker before I give you another knuckle sandwich
>get back in your locker
>where I want to...hnnngg...stuff you
Seriously, though, your homosexual urges are kinda fucked up. I understand why you associate them with forcing yourself on other guys...it makes you the manly one, right? Like in prison, when the niggers say "I ain't gay, I'm the one doin' tha fuckin'."
Have a fun Friday. Keep imagining you're the man doing the raping and that you're not really gay. :)
>[spoiler]you are literally gay as fuck when you fantasize about raping other men[/spoiler]
More like
>how cuck faggot false pope that nobody supports deals
>how a true christian nation deals
>worshipping a kike on a stick vehemently somehow is eternal salvation and nullifies you of self hatred.
ironic you shitpost when all religions are a the biggest shitpost of them all.
0/10 troll.
We have a 2,000 year history of some of the most above-and-beyond examples of Christian courage. If anything we need to tone that shit up.
You have a praise band.
Catholics arent christians. They worship crackers, statues, and a pervert in a box with a penis hat
There is no evil in heaven because nothing you can do in heaven is evil.
so you become autistic?
Of course there's free will in Heaven, the only ones they let in are free from evil, plus you do not have a mortal body along with desires that lead to sin.
I was born a pagan and when the real holy war starts I'll punch all you
13 or 14.
>tfw someone repost my OC
Sup Forums is a Catholic board.
Sedevacantism is the position, held by a minority of traditionalist Catholics, that the present occupant of the Holy See is not truly pope and that, for lack of a valid pope, the see has been vacant since the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958.
"Brave mujahideen" lost control of Afganistan they can't carry half a ton of munitions across the borders without getting apache'd
>tfw someone tries to steal the credit of my OC
Heresy. The seat of Peter would never be empty this long. Vatican II, while doing some stupid stuff, was a legitimate council.
Yes, turning the church on it's head and forgiving the jews of everything and constantly supporting Israel is legitimate.
Get the fuck out of here.
Daily reminder that religions that doesn't admit that they are practical solutions
as a framework for society, and instead actually believes their shit, are weak shit-tier.