Will we ever have a rally London-New York?


singles say no


>Europe sending millions of refugees to the US by train


but doubles say yes

Kek wills it.

fuck yeeeee


Why stop there? Lead it down to Argentina instead.

>Blow the train tracks up halfway across the ocean

Wait user they might be onto something

If we did you can bet that's where {(they)} will strike next.

No way. The winters would destroy the tracks over the bering strait. It would be fucking sick if it happened though.

Why don't they just go the other way? It's a much shorter distance

why the fuck would anyone take a train from London to USA?
other than it being an autistic holiday, I see know reason what so ever that the train line would ever be used.

we got these fancy things called boats and planes you know

Youd have to pass through muslim territories, no ones going to risk it.

fuck off we dont want burgers here


much longer water crossing and that's the real hard part of all this

They could reroute it around Germany though.

its not for people as much as freight

also if we use a hyper loop or some other kind of new tech for our trains it might end up cheaper or faster or cleaner then what we do now

could be all those things

Do you think we want to come to germanystan? You're country is full of nu-male cucks and muslims. Your people ruin civilizations, stay the fuck away from the USA if anything.

If Sup Forums weren't a bunch of useless collectivists whose biggest aspiration is to masturbate to a flag, sure.

Infastrcuture like this is a given in a global free market. As well as a line to Australia as well.

But requites the will to not want just a Slice, when you can have the Whole Cheese.

The terrain and climate in Kamtchka/Far Eastern Siberia is totally unsuitable for this kind of line. The upkeep costs would by enormous, particularly on the stretch from Eastern Siberia through basically all of Alaska. The bridge over the Bearing Straight would have to be fucking gargantuan, and capable of withstanding the harshest Winter storms and coldest possible conditions. Not to mention it would negatively impact the extremely important marine ecosystem in that area.

Such a line would also require the cooperation of probably 20+ countries in terms of laws, taxation, land use, engineering certification and quality, and upkeep costs. The standards for rail operators in each of these countries are radically different and Russia in particular would have a hard time meeting safety and engineering standards on this line.

Not to mention, who will have sovereignty of the Bering bridge? Russia and the US would never agree on it. Neither wants the other too close to their border.

And on top of all of these concerns, how much freight or passengers would realistically travel that rail in an age of Commercial passenger jets and cargo container ships.

The railway would cost possibly thousands of dollars a ticket even for short distances in order to pay for the upkeep and maintenance fees of each countries segment of track. And passengers would need passport visas for each country they passed through.

This idea is so retarded I can't even.

we need a bridge or tunnel with 2 lanes and 2 railroad electrified tracks over the straight. Put up a $100 USD toll on each entrance to pay it off for it self faster and use the excess for maintenance or if a replacement is needed. US and Russia each gets half.

Nice job leaf, I swear you guys fuck up everything you touch, stick to hockey and clubbing seals

Let them get half way across the straight, blow both ends of the rail on either side, got to give the new gunnery crews on the reactivated Iowa's something to target practice on.

Leaf btfo by /o/