Since they call everyone in the alt right 'nazis'
How about we start calling them 'child rapists'
Since they call everyone in the alt right 'nazis'
How about we start calling them 'child rapists'
and what will that give you?
congratulations you made a petty insult
White nationalism is a tumour that needs to be removed.
Taste of their own medicine, revealing their hypocrisy
Friendly reminder.
>This hit home as the Guardian Media Group (GMG), its parent company, announced pre-tax losses of £173m ($264m) on July 27th, its biggest ever dip into the red. Some £104m of this comes from GMG writing down the value of its stake in Ascential, a publicly listed information and events company, as well as additional restructuring costs. But that still leaves GMG with a loss of £69m. And given the Guardian’s substantial presence online, the decline in GMG’s digital revenue, from £84m in 2015 to £82m, may be of most concern, even though for now the fall is slight.
>The Scott Trust, GMG’s sole shareholder, is tasked with protecting the newspaper in perpetuity. But GMG’s cash and investment funds declined from £838m in 2015 to £765m this year. It is not lost on anyone, including the paper’s journalists, that the money could continue ebbing away, even raising the possibility of the Guardian closing.
If you see lasagna, eat lasagna.
Petty insulting liberals is fun.
>0 AT (anno trump)
>Giving a flying fuck what women label you as
And this is the ultimate endgame of the Liberals. They knew there were going to be retards out there that would fall for their made up term the "alt-right" and even when creating puppets Richard Spencer to promote they wish to eventually say "SEE CONSERVATIVES ARE ACTUALLY LEGIT NAZIS!!!!"
it's not just women, they're all doing it
who is they? no one will understand the reference but your own tinfoil wearing ass
Quite right. Expand my previous statement to also include kikes and cucks
>That use of angles, hairstyle and makeup in a desperate but futile attempt to make herself look like less of a bloated howler monkey
>implying most of the alt-right aren't unironically actual open national socialists
It's true that many liberals are pedophiles or pedo apologiss, we should tighten the association In the normie mind.
Lindy, go be fat somewhere else.
Who is they? Fucking liberals who else would I be talking about
I'm saying if they call you in an argument a nazi then respond by calling them a child rapist since many democrats rape children
>How about we start calling them 'child rapists'
How about we don't stoop down to their level?
If you can't help it do it at least in a more effective way.
Anything that's even slightly abrasive is an atrocity to these fucking idiots. The bar for being a Nazi is so low that it's meaningless.
>How about we don't stoop down to their level?
That's the only way the can discuss things, its more effective than posting 'cuck' a thousand times
>Lets call them NAZIS!
they are no longer affected by it
they keep disagreeing with us on the internet
>Lets call them RACISTS!!
they are no longer affected by it
they keep disagreeing with us on the internet
>lets call them ALT-RIGHT!
they are no longer affected by it, and are using a cartoon frog and
they keep disagreeing with us on the internet
>Lets call them NAZIS
What if we see nigger?
can we say nigger?
yes and when you call them a child rapist they will just get confused since none of them have enough autism to understand the context for that
I agree. Nationalism is scary, and needs to be stamped out.
>How about we don't stoop down to their level?
You're on Sup Forums all our levels require ladders to get up to the levels other people can't even stoop to.
>socialists calling national socialists right
Progressives? Social Democrats? If you see a Commie, say Commie.
>if you see a fatty, say fatty
great idea, Lindenburg
They will probably be offended, it doesn't even really have to do with pizzagate its just a retort to their name calling
Identity politics, Muhammad. They scream nazi and kkk and it identifies us. Their label right now is not negative to normies. We need to push something to combat that. Don't be a faggot thinking you're on the high ground because you aren't, especially in fucking Germany.
I will call them criminal-communists then, fuck you too
I think it's dangerous to play your opponent's game when you don't excel at it. Calling people on the left 'child rapists' is laughably ineffective, and if you can't beat them at their own game it's better not to engage them on this level(!) at all.
they would probably embrace being called a commie, you need something that really offends them
I doubt they know the true evil history behind communism anyway
>laughably ineffective
So is calling the alt right Nazis, but what you're doing is exposing them for being hypocrites and making it laughable on purpose
Let's be serious for a minute. In the US, "white supremacy" is synonymous with "neo nazi". And any honest person can clearly see that alt-right has ties to white supremacy. That being the case, you cannot associate yourself with the alt-right and then complain about being called a nazi. Or rather you can, but you'd be acting childish. It'd be like chilling out with ISIS and then complaining when someone calls you a terrorist. For the vast majority of americans, alt-right = white supremacy = neo nazi. I know this. You know this. Since we both know this, why are you pretending otherwise?
Call the criminal-communists because that's exactly what they are
And liberals have ties to raping children, what's your point?
>So is calling the alt right Nazis
It's far from ineffective. They have the instruments to push this narrative and to make it stick, at least in the minds of many people. Who do you reach with the 'child rapist' accusation, besides people who already agree with you?
It's far-fetched, easily disproven and makes the one using it look ridiculous at least in the eyes of the people you are trying to reach.
>leftists getting butthurt over semantics
Everyone on the left is a criminal-communist, no exception, not even social-democrats, all of them are criminal-communists
God wills it
It only sticks if you allow it to stick if someone called you a nazi and you didn't disagree in some way then they assume it's an acceptable term to call trump supporters
thought it was a malnourished nigger for a second kek
>mfw black and want to come out as Alt-right on Facebook
>Too bitch nigga to see the results
>proceeds to get mad about the use of the words "thug" "illegal alien" and "terrorist"
Hey if they want to call it like it is than...
>We should call them Nazis! That would totally make them stop and listen to our ideas.
Even If you act dense, I think my point is pretty clear: It is silly to call yourself alt-right and then complain when people call you a nazi because to most people alt-right and neo nazi are the same thing.
As for your child rape example, most people don't associate child rape with the left no matter how many pizzagate threads you make. If there is any group they do associate it with, it's Catholics.
Apparently you're part of the "they", child rapist.
Baby killers, pedos, and hypocrites? Idk if I want to commit to the same tactics as those commie bastards.
Way to raise the level of discourse. This is why they label you white supremacists.
>End white nationalism
Is there any other form of nationalism ?
Can't imagine a patriotic Somali, dunno why ....
where's her neck?
See, your mistake is thinking the left wants the alt-right to listen to them. They don't. They want to make sure no one takes the alt-right seriously.
Tell us more about this great and wonderful globalization.
same here
i agree with the sentiment, op. but as funny as it is on fucking 4chins i actually want us to have a better public dialogue. which is why its so cancerous that the left crybabies call everyone they disagree with nazis and racists.
>Weak, noncommittal language allows people to hide from reality and avoid accountability.
>Terrorism shall not be called Islamic extremism or be related to muslims or Islam because that's offensive.
Canadian relationship goals.
I know I am.
A tactic that worked great during the election
What the fuck is wrong with the guy's feet?
Their posture must be terrible.
She's right. We shouldn't be sanitizing these people with a neutral sounding name like Alt-Right or Nationalist. Let's call them what they really are - White Supremacists. If there is such a thing as "white" culture, it has no redeeming qualities that should be protected - it is full of bigotry, hatred and ignorance.
But that's what they are.
This too shall be purged
This is a great idea. It's about time for everyone to get desensitized to Nazis. Just keep calling everyone a Nazi until everyone's a Nazi. And when everyone's a Nazi, no one will be.
I've noticed several different places beating this drum. It's "Gamers are Dead" all over again.
Well, considering liberal logic with the times magazine thing, everyone is a Nazi.
wtf I love nazis now
Take down the only culture that ever was a worthy foe in the long run for us.
We will paint the world red with the blood of those who oppose us, and I will drink on the syrup you call blood, Leaf.
All those dark faces in that crowd..
really makes you think
Who the fuck would wear this, let alone buy this?
I understand, she has her own little adorable views and the appetite of a literal whale, but come on! It's almost like the left are the overly devoted, zealous protectors of their canon and we are the few souls who dare to oppose their overglorified hugbox.
found the child rapists.
bunions. look like they fucking hurt
She probably hates men because they wouldn't even give her a second look
kek but fix the colon
any nudes of Lindy West? shes a big girl
Criminally underrated.
Huge And Especially Salty.
so true it hurts
Because you should be calling them genocidists. That way the left would find common ground with the alt-right.
>praise Hitler and Nazi Party
>start a movement called the alt right
>get mad when people associate the alt right with Nazis
kid didn't deserve it I tell you what pillarman had it comin
Here's another from the same paper
I don't think anyone actually advocates for genocide
reminder: this board is called 'politically incorrect'
The alt-right is too broad. The alt-right label was actually threatening to us, since it lumped us all together under the banner of neo-Nazis and white supremacists. As far as image goes, that's a threat.
If they just start calling us nazis they'll lose credibility.
Too accurate for the muslims.
The Nazis were a specific group at a specific time, part of a specific party. It makes no sense to call anyone who's a nationalist that or some shade of right-wing that.
Although what these morons don't realize is that they're actually normalizing it by calling everyone they don't like "Nazis" and "white supremacists".
>How about we start calling them 'child rapists'
The new-bolshevists or neo-marxists.
That might be the most concise way to describe political correctness, cultural marxism, diversity ideology and social justice narcissism in one term.