What's your opinion on D&D, Sup Forums?
Do you think it's degenerate?
What are some cool political climates I can emulate in my campaign to spice it up?
Any good stories?
t. semi-beginner DM
Dungeons & Dragons
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These posts are made to destroy the abundant #pizzagate evidence.
Do not fall for them.
shut up autist are you going to post this in every thread?
>Not playing MYFAROG instead
I just want to talk about D&D with you niggers
How is that destroying pizzagate?
You do realize this board isn't for pizzagate only
It's awesome, considering that DnD is entirely up to the DM. It can be anything you want. I am currently, for example, playing a 2nd E AD&D Spelljammer campaign with my buddies. In it, they find a spelljamming ship and take off to wild space, finding the remnants of a Roman themed Empire on that planet. Their role will be to help the new empire reconquer their lost land.
On a more serious note, D&D is cool, can shape some of your verbal, mathematical and logical skills. Didn't play in years tho, no friend and too much vidya.
Also, 2nd and 1sf edition AD&D is the best. The new ones deviate too much from the original design.
That sounds amazing.
I have a campaign based on an island right now using traditional 5e rules, and the party is trying to track down and kill mythical beasts to assemble a key to another dimension
Didn't the D&D community get shit up pretty heavily with SJW influence? Considering the betas that were in it before hand I'm not entirely surprised.
Great thing about DnD, you really just need one other person to have an adventure. That's what is so amazing about it. What happens in it is entirely up to the player.
>What's your opinion on D&D, Sup Forums?
D&D is s shitty beginner system that has massive flaws and shouldn't be played by anyone.
>Do you think it's degenerate?
It's a pretty non-degenerate hobby and brings you together with different people in a really fun and chill way to socialize. Fantasy systems also tend to propagate traditional values.
>What are some cool political climates I can emulate in my campaign to spice it up?
Pretty difficult, you could make a /tg/ thread for more detailed answers and ideas. I've never done a political campaign before but if I do I would probably make something like Magocracy with dwelling civilic unrests between peasants and mages.
>Any good stories?
Depends, only DnD story or Tabletop/PnP in general?
Never seen this, this looks like a custom ruleset someone's made, and thus is not offical
I love dnd. Definitely not degeneracy or whatever. Im working on my own module and atlas for 3.5. I think 3.5 is the best version but 2 and 4 are tolerable as well.
I have every book for 3.5 2.0 forgotten realms and planescape on pdf
I'm up for any cool stories you've got with any tabletop system user
D&D is a storytelling medium without any inherent political leaning. The publishers of most of these games are blatantly leftists but you can just take their systems and discard all of their world-building in favor of your own, so who cares. I think WH40K is pretty redpilled, or at least resistant to modern trends, but I admittedly haven't read much of it. White Wolf and WotC are probably poisoned beyond repair but whatever, nWoD was always a pile of shit.
One of my favorite campaigns ever was a homebrew setting that was a mish-mash of various sci-fi universes. The party was made up of high-tech crusaders in powered armor who lived in an authoritarian, ethnically pure society and, for the most part, considered all alien races intolerable threats to their existence that needed to be purged no matter what. Along with any subversive elements in their own species.
Each knight was from a different chapter though, and some were slightly more sympathetic to a "live and let live" policy than others. I was in the scorched earth camp, so battles would often be interrupted by lengthy theological debates over our own holy scriptures that would cite incidents thousands of years back in the timeline and would get decidedly personal. It even led to a lot of really interesting inter-party (in character) drama and an eventual falling out, with an ultimate reconciliation of views. Great fun. I miss it almost every day.
Which rpg would you reccomend then?
>inb4 myfarog
>rolls 2d6
op is a faggot, and a squad of twelve hobgoblins appear
>rolls d10
it's an ambush
Ah, I only really got into it recently so I've only played 4+5e but was going to look back into some of the earlier editions and consider doing a campaign in one of them
How's 5e? I'm too nostalgic for 1st and 2nd and just like them more than the new ones. The new rules are just too different for me.
Idk, the thing about DnD is that you don't have to play the modern rules.
played a lot when I was younger
most of the time I was DM
it was a lot of work
now I play DnD online because it is so much easier
Pathfinder got swarmed bu SJW's. It sucks big time now.
I love the hobby but the players are generally blue-pilled lefties or SJWs which makes it intollerable at times
My only experience with DnD was playing Neverwinter Nights
>and I fucking love that game
5e's great so far, I have no real qualms about it, but it is kind of weird just having the party actually just whacking things with their sword instead of using 15 abilities every turn like 4e
it's fun and all, but a clearly inferior game
>Eclipse Phase
get on my level
It's straight out of the 5e rulebook...
I think I'm playing in your campaign user
I think it's in the backgrounds section of the phb
Check out a websitd called DEIGames.com. They have tons of older modules and a lot of collective ones. That's where I go when I want some that I didn't get whenever 1e first got big around 81-82. Loved playing it with my friends.
Hmm, it seems they've taken a return back to the original ways then. That's good.
Does anyone else miss TSR?
>I just want to talk about D&D with you niggers
Hm, I'll have to take a look again, but nobody in my campaign does any of that SJW shit anyways so I've never looked into it
TDE/DSA if you want a great "low" fantasy setting with a fleshed out world and nearly unlimited content from official sites and community. Also detailed rules and a general focus on roleplaying and socializing. Fights are deadly and quick.
It's flawed too but it's the only thing you can find a group for in Germany. I enjoyed Shadowrun a lot too. Dogs in the Vineyard is also worth a look.
>Implying #pizzagate isn't LARPing
/tg/ isn't pol you dumb nigger
Dogs in the Vineyard is fucking awesome.
Great setting, interesting characters.
Totally original storytelling
Fuck yeah, user. Does your's have you beating back orcs (which led to the emire's fall) on a nearby moon? Also, they're probably going to join a Military Order something like the Praetors.
Right. And D&D isn't politics. Fuck off to already.
I'll have a look at those, not that my group would ever try a new setting let alone game but it's fun to read up on. Thanks.
What the fuck do you mean D&D isn't politics? D&D can be about whatever the DM decides it's about and I'm literally asking about some political situations I could implement into a campaign
The DM has us on a Spelljammer ship out in space right now. No orcs, mostly been fighting Mindflayers
Yeah I know. It's the exact same in my group.
We played DSA for a little over 4 years now and they still aren't tired of it. I'm so hungry for something new but these massive faggots don't even want to sacrifice a single hour to another system.
We have an entire board dedicated to board games.
Fuck off already.
Indeed, but the interesting thing about DnD is that it brings all kinds of people together. Hell, when I was in HS in the early 80's, we had this fucking footbal chad jock playing with us, and he loved it.
Ahh, yeah, my party hates the mind flayers. Especially the Neogi, or at least they will once I introduce them to the Neogi. Which edition of Spelljammer are you playing?
A giant madman of an orange-skinned Half-Orc has rightfully become leader of a local tribe. A terrifying mess of a female half-orc wants to take over control because she claims his trial by combat was rigged.
The adventurers must choose a side to support and win the ensuing battle.
>Wanting best board to leave
Don't you have a "It's happening" thread to roleplay in? At least we can have a discussion of modern political influences on traditional roleplaying games and values they transmit.
Don't cry because it's maybe a little bit OT.
Spelljammer campaign setting playing 3.5 rules
I'm multi classing a monk/soul knife and he's based as all fuck
Go play your faggy games on your own board.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have an Occupy Democrats bait thread to reply to and keep bumped at the top.
I bet that's fun as hell. One of my players who's playing a Paladin is having a fucking ball with this Roman stuff. His character has gotten the party in a ton of deepshit in the name of removing degeneracy
>Indeed, but the interesting thing about DnD is that it brings all kinds of people together.
True, my table consists of 2 agressive liberal leftists and 3 guys that could also be your typical Sup Forums-stormfag. It's a lot of fun because we always have this heated discussions in and out character but that adds so much dynamic flavour to the experience that everyone just gets even more involved in the in-group relationships and how they turn out. A shared hobby really connects the most different of people.
I'm DMing a campaign based on The Franklin Coverup and ritual abuse/sacrifice among political figures. Pretty fun stuff
Sounds fun as fuck, why don't you tell us a little bit more about it?
Nice. My dude is the same way -lawful good alignment who loathes barbarism
>What's your opinion on D&D, Sup Forums?
49 year old former D&D player and DM here, who played regularly from 6th thru 9th grade, then stopped when I got into high school (the DM had graduated and went off to college) then around 21-22, my buddies and started playing again (this time with beer and weed…) and had many a marathon 12+ hour sessions for a few years, until work and women made it too difficult to keep playing.
Two years ago I gave my 13 year old nephew all my D&D books, (2nd edition) lead figures and such and he thought it was the coolest thing, now he wants to get a group going in high school but can’t find any kids that are interested.
have him check out
great online platform for tabletop games
2nd edition only edition
>I've always wanted to play, I know how to, but I don't have friends to play with so I just write fantasy stories and settings and hope one day to have friends to play with
I want to die Tbqhf
Old dnd was legit. The physics were so fucked you could play some interesting campaigns depending on your dm.
For example, shitting into a bag of holding (1k lbs) then opening it facing an enemy while a barbarian charges into it could kill almost anything with shit spray.
Nevermind, dnd is degenerate.
To add to this, I rolled a wizard named Justin Trudeau.
Stick with it until I get clone and wish.
Make a clone of myself, then find a crazy difficult enemy like a dragon or something.
Wish (depending on your dm) that your life force is tied to the dragon.
Then kill yourself, pop up back at your clone, and have your party collect all the loot.
>if you kill yourself, you win
Hey man you should really check out roll20.net
It's great for your first few games, you have to read the corebooks of a certain game first tho. Search for beginner friendly groups - probably with voice chat. Text-Only groups are often really cancerous and not a good experience for new players.
Post something interesting and people will return.
I did.
I'm this guy on mobile.
It was put in there to basically tell SJWs how to play tabletop so they'd stop crying about how fantasy games wasn't inclusive, like they cry about for literally every other fucking group they're not part of and have no real drive to be part of.
Shit like that was a given to people who actually give a flying fuck about roleplaying games. Because it's fucking roleplaying.