Other urls found in this thread:
What now you guys?
Did he actually delete it?
>He just makes a video of him playing games.
>"Let me tell you about National Socialism"
It's on 49.998.461 for me
I keep clicking subscribe but it does nothing.
He needs 1500 more subs
tfw i just unsubscribed
Jewtube is like reddit. Their algorithms are fucking stupid and illogical.
fake and gay
wow haha this totally isn't a shill and an act to get more subs haha no way man
You guys know that all of the Pewdiepie threads that just started popping up recently were just shills getting more people to sub so that he could break 50 mil. You guys got used just like the trump election. For a community that's so "redpilled" you guys sure are fuckig gullible. Probably because most of the userbas here is >18.
Anti-Pewdiepie memes will be met with force:
>hahaha drumf was bad hahah
> >18
>Pewdiepie threads that just started popping up recently were just shills getting more people to sub so that he could break 50 mil.
We aren't gullible, we just don't have Asperger, like you. And I just subscribed. We'll give him his 50 000 000 subs
Mine shows this too
Typical racist Swede.
He's already past 50m, Youtube just needs to update his numbers.
mine reads 50,014,938
Threads about PewDiePie being redpilled have been going on for months dude
its done
he reached 50 mil subs seconds ago
What a cocktease
it is time
>board full of socially stunted 12 year old conservautists loves to discuss faggot e-celebs
Here's the (You).
oh fuck
shills: the thread
I don't really mind. I like his videos.
That made my day. Ty sir.
> >18
>greater than 18
Good job bud. He said he's deleting it tomorrow at 5 so I'm happy. I didn't even sub.
Big fkn deal.
If he don't deliver, I unsub...Simple
Says the nervous shills.
Filter the thread if it triggers you, you fragile fucking faggot. When will you cucks learn that we are going to win and that Whites will obtain a homeland, that being the whole of Europe and America?
Maybe it was just to see if he will red pill, you thick cunt.
I am blushing at how stupid you are. You genuinely need culling.
Pewdiepie just released a video mass redpilling 14 year olds about 'muh raycism' and the media. He even got some ironic Hitler worship in there. Post all the silly cheetahs you'd like faggot
>49.998.461 subs
oh shit
Holy shit his new video at the end kek.
Channel is still there though, i think he's not going to delete it.
WOW! Sup Forums going crazy over a literal nobody. KEK will be most unhappy.
He really is our guy. The only negative I can say is that his
>I-i don't care about the money at all
Is obviously bullshit but that is minor and the kids will buy it so I can see why he does that.
> >18
7/10 u got me
On twitter he says that he will delete at 5pm gmt tomorrow.
who the fuck cares and what the fuck does this have to do with politics
Well I think what he really means is that he doesn't mind making money but he's not saying it just to make money. I mean no one says no to a ton of cash.
Was meant for
Shut up Pramesh
Normally people get popular then sell out, but this guy starts popular and unsells out. How does that work?
> but he's not saying it just to make money
I agree, but I think the money is a part of it since it became his job when at first it was a mere hobby.
>I mean no one says no to a ton of cash
Damn straight.
No he ducking didn't, his Jewish overlords wouldn't allow it.
>Most subscribed YouTube channel
>Makes some of the most cancerous and degenerate content on the internet
>Has a 6 figure salary
>HUUUUR I'M A VICTUMMMMM!!!! btw pls sub
Keep lining his pockets. All anyone has to do is say they like Trump and post a picture of Hitler and Sup Forums turns into their personal army. Such is the nature of impressionable children.
Tomorrow, guys!
>get's millions subs in a day
>the system he hates works in favor of him as he becomes the most trending channel on the site
>suddenly relevant again
>>I-i don't care about the money at all
>Is obviously bullshit
Dude has fuck you money thanks to youtube
RIP felix
I never understood the appeal of seeing someone acting autistic in front of a camera while playing video games.
mfw I will never fit in to the standards of 21 century society.
damn you must be a really smart person not to follow the crowd
>thinks not following the crowd is a means to think you're smart
brits were never great at logic, huh?
desu pewdie only got interesting once he stopped with the video game shit and did more meta content.
cover his youtube comments in pizzagate info for mass exposure!
Someone better be recording these good ones he has and saving them to reupload. And if he makes a final video someone get on it.
I have a feeling it's going to be juicy as fuck.
>He starts a game of whatever
>Looks dead at the camera and completly serious
>"Bros, let me tell you about the Jews..."
See it for yourself cunt
Going out with a bang making lots of money
oh fuck!
>UPDATE: 5 Min Ago, Someone attacked me near my house!
>"How many of you kids have heard of the holocaust?"
Pewdiepie is going to delete his account tomorrow and some people think he's going to come out as natsoc.
What exciting times we live in.
>No verified tick
Into the trash it goes
Seriously someone tell me what this sweden guy did that is getting everyone here riled up.
Pewds has become redpilled and (((they))) are fucking with him because he's stepped out of line.
He's promised to delete his channel when he reaches fifty million subs. We may be getting a juicy farewell video if we are lucky.
>>Has a 6 figure salary
Try 14 million dollars a year according to a Daily mail article yesterday.
In an older video he names the Jew.
>He's promised to delete his channel
"yes, goy. Just give me more scribers, get me to $15 million a year from 14.5 and I PROMISE I will cancel."
remember when this board wasn't;t full of fucking assholes?
But then no one will know he came out as natsoc :(
Unless he relaunches as jewjewdie...
Why do you faggots like him so much?
He's not funny and I don't see anything interesting on his channel except "lolXDfunneh" videos.
Okay well can you tell me what was it he said?
I been out of the whole media shit for a long time and I only come here every now and then.
Kek'd audibly
>make 100 mill off of jewtube doing silly videos
>grow tired of it
>can live off of the interest in the bank forever
>quit doing silly videos and retire rich af
Good man, he out-jewed the jew
>Why do you faggots like him so much?
Some are useful idiots. Others, when get up to $15 million a year, he has a PR team and an agent and they are genuine shills.
>remember when this board wasn't;t full of fucking assholes?
no. what was it like?
I read somewhere that he pays something like a 56% tax over that. Still a nice payout, no wonder he dislikes getting jewed the fuck out though.
Probably made enough over the last 5 years to live on comfortably for a looooong time.
inb4 he goes full molymeme
>hey bros felix kjellberg aka pewdiepie here hope you're doing well
>now let's talk about how the immoral leftist cucks at youtube wanted to bribe me into keeping my previous channel
We don't genuinely like his content you fucking moron, we like him because he's redpilling 14 year old gen Z'ers, the fact is children love pewdiepie, and if he tells them not to trust the jews, they won't.
>>grow tired of it
I would bet you my life (if I gave a shit about it) he will not "quit." He's pulled this same shit 3 or 4 times before to get more subs. Once you get to that level of shekel intake, he has jew handlers and PR jews manipulating. And since this place is now so popular among the leddit crowd, it's a prime target.
Huge spoiler alert:
He won't say or do anything "redpilled".
Just a cursory scroll down the front page demonstrates that most of Sup Forums has no fucking idea what "redpilled" even means.
>are the young turks redpilled?
>is dancing with the stars redpilled?
>is fucking a wet sponge redpilled?