Stop eating meat

stop eating meat

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These posts are made to destroy the abundant #pizzagate evidence.

Do not fall for them.

Fuck off ahmed

that cow looks delicious

I did 2 years ago. Have never felt better.

I eat it occasional. I don't call myself vegetarian and don't try to force some shitty fad or my opinions on others.

Had a cow suck my cock as a teenager once

I don't want to eat it's flesh but I want to use the hoof to turn into make up

t. Slut


How it was like?


Wow, that is a big dog.

Look at the little cow XDD


Tell the meat to stop being so tasty!

Do tell!

Keep meat from being made out of food

That cow looks adorable and delicious at the same time

What the fuck did he mean by this?

The creature in your image was bred for the sole purpose of meat/milk production. Without fulfilling it's purpose it's existence is meaningless. Organizations like PETA are for the wholesale mass slaughter of every domesticated animal on Earth.

> virtue signaling

>stop posting pics you saved off of gab faggot


animals are used to make beauty products, a jew wont waste anything

Stop being delicious

No, I like meat.

I'm here so I comment from here.

yeah in your mouth, not in your butt. it's still gay


>not just saging and shitposting anyways


I stopped eating meat yesterday!
what do I get now?


havent all of us country folk?

used to be told sex was like a warm cowpat, most cornish lads childhood consists of going up the fields to fuck cowpat. the ones that have dried up with a harder outer layer but still a soft inside. always the best to bust a nut into

wasting diseases

Don't eat much as I can't afford actual quality meat. I run mostly on oats, beans, rice eggs, assorted vegetables, quality plant oils and a bit of dairy.

I stay away from nitrate-laden processed 'meat' and mass produced meat/fish likely contaminated with heavy metals and the like.

Why is it that animal rights, envirenmentalism and vegetarianism is associated with left wing?

It's anti-human.

Because it's annoying but largely benign slacktivism that gives their lives false meaning for minimal effort

We should insult those retards not vegetarianism itself


Not always. Hitler was vegetarian, anti-smoking, and an avid dog lover. It's just in recent years that hippies took over the cause. Filthy, dirty hippies. They don't even have good music anymore, how are they still a thing?

>expecting me to eat liberal tofu burgers

eating meat is subhuman level

just like you, Ahmed!

If animals don't want to be eaten, why the fuck are they made of food? They're fucking asking for it.

??? it's the other way round. lazy idiot liberal meat eaters whine about bullshit like "microaggressions" and ignore and support the no 1 cause of violence and suffering in the world.
you could btfo them so easily and completely for their hypocrisy but apparently liberals are fine as long as they kill animals?

cute :*

scared someone takes away your dog legs with boy urine eggs, Xi?

I will eat 3 burgers tonight just to spite you.

I sense some very old and sage advice here

What's wrong with eating ethically reared animals who have lived long and happy lived?


Don't you understand? The cows will breed and breed and all for slaughter. They will be slaughtered regardless, so when you don't eat it they will simply end up in a landfill. You will make them into waste instead of nutrition to be valued.

These animals will die in vain because you insist on virtue signaling and your false sense of superiority leads you down a road of idiocy , led like the chattel you belong with.

How do you feel now?

That cow looks so peaceful and cute
It's probably for dairy though

id rather let my meat get eat

i want to eat people at least i can honestly hate a person instead of an animal. the animals are like defenseless morons that don't know any better i'd rather eat something that deserves it

wolf will eat it otherwise. better let the cow become part of humanity.

Hold the fuck up. This nazi party was the first to establish animal rights

make me

Fucking leaf, jesus christ.

For anyone that doesn't know, in 2016 Canada made it 100% legal to fuck animals.

Think I am joking?

Day of the rake when?

You know. I understand some people are just stupid horny and can't control themselves however the part that baffles me is it's an animal that might bite your dick off.

its worth it if i get to cum

I only eat what I shoot.
I'm a meat eater.

Unfortunately you're wrong we still have laws against bestiality so we can only do oral stuff.

>chrismas is near

holy shit ! time to sharpen your teeth and to stretch your stomach

Guess it's legal there now but it might be your last.

How does that even work

Animal suffering is a non-issue. I give mice cancer on the off chance that I can find a way to make them not get cancer quite as fast.

fucking leaves... I'm not even surprised

sounds like someones jealous because i get more head then them


>fucking the cow is wrong
>but letting it suck your dick is a-ok

now your getting it

>we still have laws against bestiality so we can only do oral stuff

Nah, cows are ugly and smell awful and always covered in flies. Of all the animals they're definitely in a very low tier.

Stop masturbating.


yeah right you go ahead fuck a girl get her pregnant and have to pay for kids lose half your shit meanwhile im gonna be getting sloppy cow head everyday.... I dont have to pay for dates etc so whos the real winner my dick doesnt know its a cow

Stop eating meat and any foods made with animal byproducts, and don't supplement your diet with vitamins/minerals. Do this for one year, then tell me how humans can function at their highest level without meat.

Nowadays though

>South america and africa have absolutely no understanding of ecology or resource management so you, north american or western european, should stop eating hamburgers because of cowfarts which decay into CO2 within 10 years

>quintessentially British

>this post

animals don't contribute to society like people do retard.

We kill the animals to power the people so they can power our society. The animals wouldn't exist if this system wasn't in place they would be extinct like their feral ancestors are.

>having normal sex or at all
Did you forget where you are?

Educate yourself


Was gonna bring this up.
Animal rights were spearheaded by the Nazis. Chalk it up to Paganism and shit. Animal rights and an appreciation for nature are definitely Aryan concepts.

Cameron used a pig.
Get with the program anglo scum.

Stop importing sand niggers.


Contrary to what you were subliminally conditioned to believe, you were not put in this world to feel happy. You don't even just happen to exist so you can experience happiness. Also, love is a means to an end, not the other way around. Just kill yourself if you can't accept it.

And hunters are also paying for the reserve via taxation. Its the meat eater keeping places from being whiped out.

In america at least, Roosevelt was an avid hunter and is the one who set the standard for our nature conservation laws because hunters enjoy being apart of nature thus want to reserve it and do.

Every time you buy a deer tag you not only get meat for 6 months for your family you save the forests they live in as well. Be grateful for people like us.

It takes a low test beta faggot to support any of them.

I will eat a steak for every shitskin you let in.

So are atheism, feminism, and racism.

The common thread is anti scientific dogma.

>thinking progressive liberalism is any different in purpose than the most perverted religions

Don't be like an atheist and throw the baby out with the bath water.

Explain how me eating some fake meat instead of real meat alters south american shitholes failing to regulate deforestation?

Never, I'll eat any animal at least once.


>Tfw love animals and the environment
>Tfw also right wing