>britbongs spend £43 million every year on this
Britbongs spend £43 million every year on this
>42 million is spent on the dogs
Christmas crackers ain't cheap, user.
Their house needs a refurb which is going to cost £369m.
What's that about 78p a year each
That's about the price of a bag of salt, talking of salt...
43 million on the royal family or just the Christmas part?
this is a comfy picture
dog bless
One time King George III was up in his ass in debt and decided to do a deal with parliament where they get to keep the revenue of the royal lands so long as the Royal Family gets a Salary, Parliament agreed hoping that eventually the revenue will accumulate and pay off the debt.
Until today this deal is in practice and no monarch decided to abolish it, and today the royal lands make enough revenue to parliament that taxes are actually cheaper than what would've been if the deal wasn't made.
So Britons don't actually spend 43 million pounds a year on this. The Queen is just using her money that she got from her own lands, and giving the rest to parliament to make Britons' taxes less.
But then again
I'm not surprised tbqhwyfamalam
The old girl pays for herself, go have a look at the Crown Estate.
cute doggos desu
>britbongs spend £43 million every year on this
I don't think we spend £43 million on second-rate actors to impersonate the Royal Family.
>Implying that having the potential fallback of a monarchy is not worth the 43m a year.
What are you going to do when your democracy inevitably collapses mate?
They're called bon bons you poofter
bon bons are sweets u retard
Any updates to this, did his wife leave Him?
What do britbongs think of Harry's new American gf?
This isn't the royal family just so everyone knows, it's all a company of actors.
Kinda looking forward to singing "God save the King", but will miss her Maj
General consensus seems to be offically it's cool. But everyone knows it's fucking bullshit and he's lucky he's only the spare to the throne because this is the kind of shit that we demand an abdication for.
why did he dump that nice British girl? She was very sweet and pure.
Does Harry only like sluts
dafuk you on about?
Is that old geezer at the back going to be King when Queeny dies? Looks like he'd be a weak king.
Harry is a massive degenerate as is tradition for the spare apprently, his aunt was also a massive degenerate forever living in her sisters shadow.
The public like him because he's "one of the lads", he gets fucked up, makes mistakes and goes about his day.
He would make a really really shitty monarch though.
>Does he only like sluts
If you are wealthy, from THE royal family and a sexy ginger with the accent ladies love then you're going to get to fuck who you want. The fact he's a military man who blows the fuck out of muslims from an Apache helicopter probably means he doesn't want a dependapottumus hanging around.
Oh, and he only flys apaches because they decided that crewing a challanger 2 tank was too dangerous for royalty.
>2016 almost 2017
>not being monarchist
get your shit together, you plebeian republican
seeThat's not the royal family
People didn't hate wallis because she was American. They hated her because she'd been divorced twice.
Cute corgies at least.
But yeah, fuck these royal cunts. Worthless pieces of shit.
3 times I thought.
But also the fact she was American. She was no suitable as a Queen Consort for both of those reasons.
I dont care, the royal family makes a lot of money from tourism anyway
He hasn't done anything disgusting. He's a regular guy desu
i'm just mad jealous because he can have literally any girl he could want
they're phenomenally popular here, like, disabled vets popular
also £43 million is nothing
His old gf doesn't look like she would become a dependapotamus
she looks much prettier than Will's wife
We don't because that's clearly not the royal family
Fuck off cunt. The Windsors are our links to our past, they are the living embodiment of Britain. They are the last stand against the country falling, as long as they remain there is hope for Britain, no matter how slim.
To put it in terms you understand. The Royal Family is our second amendment
No, it goes to Charles, but Philip would be a hilarious King. He is like OG Trump but more outspoken. Look up Prince Philip "gaffes".
I'd rather spend £43 million on my beloved monarchy than give an extra £43 million to the cucks in government
"their house" is a historic landmark you modernist globalist piece of shit. What do you want to do, demolish it and replace it with an easily to maintain tower of glass and steel with some horrible shit sticking out of it?
I thought he got married and had a kid named George? Or was that one of the OTHER princes who hold no official political power and contribute to the biggest welfare family in Europe?
>having a monarchy in current year(2016)
>paying 43 million pounds to family of inbred degenerates per year
>actually respecting them just because they were born in that family
Its time you britbongs join the civilized world
Disabled vets are treated like shit in the states, sad state of affairs really.
the queen is noted to be incredibly dutiful
contrary to popular belief the british monarch has a lot of administrative duties
Fooled me with the waxworks. Impressive.
i wish the rest of england was still like this, not a bunch of muslims and nogs running around.
>they are the living embodiment of Britain.
I agree
yes, his older brother got married and had a kid named george
older bro is like, 4th in line to be king
Harry is 7th or something
Their house is not Buckingham palace. The closest thing to their house would be balmoral in Scotland, or windsor castle. Buckingham palace belongs to everyone who pays taxes, what do you want to do, knock it down and put in a highrise with lidls next door?
Or maybe somewhere President Sadiq Khan can move into?
For some reason, some Aussies call Christmas crackers bonbons
That's not them you spanner.
> Trying to debase the royal family as worthless when you don't know the first thing about them
> What is complete ignorance?
William, Harry's older brother and future King, is married to Kate. They have two children, George and Charlotte.
obviously hasn't accepted the monarchy redpill yet. yet.
>that double sweater
the corgis alone are worth 43m if you ask me
We even got Kate's noods
Remember they said that it should be used for council housing a while back? Because the Somalis and their 9 kids each wouldn't fuck the place up within 5 minutes of arriving.
Mate, her topless sunbathing pictures were in the paper. Stop wanking over an upskirt of someone who sunbeds too much.
delete this
They're not even the real Royal Family.
Fucking proddy scum.
Their entire lives are paid for by the taxes of British citizens. They are, by definition, a welfare family. They are also figureheads, as they hold no office and haven't for a century. What about that do you not grasp, Sven?
fuck off pineapple
>Nobody even realizes that the Crown Estate brings in 220 million GBP yearly revenue and has 7.3 billion GPB in total holdings
>The queen and princes have paid voluntary taxes on personal investment income and estate for nearly 20 years, totalling millions of GPB per year.
>Nobody even mentions that all of this revenue is given to parliament, who then disburses part of it as an allowance to the royal family
> most British people think it's "muh taxes," egged on by the BBC
> multiple people from other countries in thread know this but the bongs don't
>one faggot knocks up some random college slut
>the other faggot is fucking a nigger from crenshaw
HAHAHA god damn you brits suck shit.
How did the royals get their vast estate? Hmmm?
>tfw i have seen royal pussy
my life is complete
I'm shitting myself for the day when Queen Elizabeth dies.
Maybe not on the day, maybe not that month but eventually some shit stain tabloid huffington post tier site is going to start the ball rolling
>King Charles III does not speak for Britain's diverse culture
>King Charles III to be anointed by Christian God in Church of England ceremony, why is this ok in [current year]
>Shouldn't we have an elected president, maybe someone from the huge range of ethnic londoners who could more showcase the true face of Britain
There is a shitstorm coming, screencap this!
>giving a fuck about £43 million
last thigh of Kate
We don't pay for them.
They pay for themselves through tourism and the Crown Estate. They save us money and it means we still have a culture instead of being an ex-soviet fleshlight.
the amount of tourism bux they bring in pays for their allotment many times over. the royal family is a bit of history and shouldn't be removed simply to appease muh taxpayers. don't be a dumbass.
By Henry the VIII BTFOing the Catholics and stealing churches land, Followed by the right of divine rule, and by inheriting it over hundreds of years. Might not be just but it is what it is.
Through business. How do you think they managed to become nobility in the first place.
phew racy
Based Caucasian
>life complete after seeing a tiny sliver of some panties
the biggest virgin is you
nice leg t b h
very princesslike
8/10 would put glass slipper on foot of
This, we add that to our debt every few hours
when you getting yours back lad?
I mis-saw and thought it was her pussy
What if 43 million pounds went to helping ethnic british people start businesses ot help them out of the jewish usury?
>Britbongs spend 43 million on people who have at least 43 billion
Talking about retarded.
>Hurrr we should let this globally recognised landmark collapse into neglect because I'm a cum-drinking republican as the monarchy embarrasses me in front of my globalist mates
We spend hundreds of billions in investment...
£43m is nothing
>ex-soviet fleshlight
Yeah i saw your culture in london kek.
Learn history cuck
Not so big.
We spent 100 million every year for this
More than pays its way in tourism
I love corgis man
Yeah but does any of that money go to regular ethnic british people(non millionares regular working class anglos)? That's what matters and nothing else.
Leave the Queen alone you fucking degenerate republican niggers.
>ywn be harry's copilot and drop hot loads on smelly brown people
Tell me is there more to life
By conquering the entire country and then keeping some of it to themselves.
>100 million
4 billion was just 1 plane Trump just canceled. Nobody legally spends as much money as US government.
This really pisses me off so much, I completely understand and accept that the monarchy brings tourism and general national identity to Britain - but we can have all those things without giving tax breaks and special treatment to a family of people purely because of their bloodline.
>ywn sit by a fire smoking cigars while Prince Philip tells racist jokes
>back when Kates topless photos were leaked
>me and my Dad talking about it with my Grandad
>mfw he asked to see them
>mfw he didn't want to miss his chance to see our future Queens tits
RIP you were a top lad till the end.
Like 0.01%?
You're so horribly wrong and uninformed I wonder how the fuck you stumbled here.
Did you find this place after you had finished a round of rocket league with your cunt friends after you'd jerked off to anime 12 year olds and laughed at a funny The_donald post.
They make back many times what's spent on them muhammad, not that sacks of shit like you would know since you just want more gibsmedat
Are Will and Kate wearing the same sweater, or one big sweater with two head holes?