What would /centerpol/ general look like?
What would /centerpol/ general look like?
I don't have an opinion either way on this.
My my post numbers, though repeating, is neither a good nor a bad thing.
Kek neither confirms nor denies this
If there happens to be a deity who gives these numbers to user, it would surely be up to each user to either praise him or not.
I am witnessing your digits
Your response is acceptable
It would probably look like
This thread appears to have the appropriate level of both content and posters.
A bit of good, a bit of bad. It'd be okay, maybe.
/centerpol/ would be /bestpol/ to be honest
If this thread gets archived, let the user know I said hello.
Double digits? Lol who cares right
A quite irregular occurrence
>/bestpol/ to be honest
That would probably be subjective
Hitler did something.
Let everyone have guns and gays and tax everyone reasonably.
maybe there would be an clear answer to this or maybe there would not be an clear answer to this.
Either way, I might or might not agree with whatever answer there is.
Anarcho Statism is better than, worse than, or the same as anything else.
Prove me wrong, or right. Pro/average/bad tip: you likely can or can't.
Intellectual but dull.
It would be up to each induvidual to decide how such a thread would look. Now, you may or may not excuse me while I enjoy or don't enjoy any or no sexual acts with one or more partners who I might or might not be in a relationship with and who might be male or female or might be black or not. My flag will neither confirm nor deny if there is any truth to this. Digits can or cannot confirm.
It'd be filled with shitposting from the left and right.
Blue-pilled as fuck
centrists are the main enablers of leftism
FUCKING LEAFS with their slightly sub par banter and shitposting
Unsubstantiated and bisexual
This caused me neither neural activity or the lack thereof, to be frank with you my acquaintance.
You mean your centers
like nothing
Sup Forums is about having fun, only a fool would come here expecting genuine real world applicable politics
center is about making 2% growth 3% growth by playing it safe, nobody here cares about that
a leaf
I don't know. All I know is my gut says maybe.
This thread makes me feel indifferent.
This post neither proves nor disproves the existence of Kek.
Dead. Because moderates are either secret progressives or the politically apathetic.
What this guy said.
Moderate chuckle. Appropriately rated post.
Either a bunch of Friendly, Low Tax, Pro-Union Hitlers or Open Border Conservative New Democrats.
Far left redditard autists (canadians) would come in to shit the thread up, and then your average Sup Forumsack nat-zees would be countering with kek and pepe until the thread looks like every other thread on Sup Forums.
The Liberal Party of Canada is the best party in Canada.
>Hi I'm an indecisive faggot
>Hey me too! fuck people with serious beliefs and shit!
At least SJWs have passion and believe in something, I can respect that.
>Canadians far right
Canadians are centrist. Americans are right wing extremists.
>What would /centerpol/ general look like?
What it looks like now
2-4 years ago this place was a glorious haven for NatSoc.
Now it is centrist reddit refugee faggots and enough leftist shills to balance out the few remnant redpilled people.
It's our fault though, we forgot to have daily redpill threads to assimilate the new arrivals due to the election.
If you want to "PRAISE KEK" because of this post then I have no right to say that's wrong.
it was never a haven for nazi shits
on /new/ we made fun of stormfags constantly they were the biggest cucks of that board
I think there's one thing everyone agrees on:
Fuck niggers
This is indeed a thread
It should look just like it does, no less, no more.
>current year
>not being a radical centrist
I'm exact opposite. Three up.
I have no opinion on economics but I agree that there should be some government control on most aspects of life.
First post arguably not the worse
If some major event occurs that could end lives, I want to tell you all...