everyone is doing non pizzagate related threads because of all the shills
friendly reminder that Obama spent 55000 dollars on "cheese pizza" and "hotdogs" from Chicago
Focus on pizzagate
Other urls found in this thread:
Literally nothing. Take this shit back to /x/. Besides, Trump already won, no need to spread this fake shit anymore.
are you fucking serious with the circles and shit? its comet pizza. COMET pizza. What the fuck else are they supposed to put to match the comet / space theme? fucking trees? personally the first thing I thinki of when I see stars and the moon is space and comets.
your really fucking stretching it mate.
Yes, focus on Pizzagate! Pay no attention to Aleppo. It's too complicated for your small burger mind.
also if they were a fucking super secret satanist organization or whatever why would they put literal satan symbols on their front door? not very secret is it
Satanists have a saying 'The Black Moon rises'
Fuck the pizza place, this is about the pedophile ring you shills.
yeah we should totally care about a shithole that means literally nothing to us when our political elite are raping children and harvesting their organs you're totally right wow just wow
Funny how no one focuses on the sheer amount of money that is spent on these relatively innocent items.
That would be thousands of each. That would be eating hot dogs and pizza every day, for every meal throughout his presidency.
Lynn De Rothchild has been there. It's worse than we think boys.
That's her on the left side of the infograph in the white dress
The real crime here is that he preferred Chicago "pizza" over New York "Pizza"
Funny that in all the pizzagate madness, no one has really tried to prove disprove the claim about $65k spent on pizza and hotdogs.
To add a bit of truth to this, it may be referring to one of the Super Bowl parties at the White House.
The White House has released the menu for President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama’s Super Bowl party. The President, who recently said he has love for the Pittsburgh Steelers, invited Jennifer Lopez, Marc Anthony and elected leaders from Wisconsin and Pennsylvania to the party. Scroll down to check out what the Obama’s will be serving.
- Bratwurst
- Kielbasa
- Cheeseburgers
- Deep Dish Pizza
- Buffalo Wings
- German Potato Salad
- Twice Baked Potatoes
- Snyders Potato Chips and Pretzels
- Chips and Dips
- Salad
- Ice Cream
>Huffington Post
Don't reverse Jew me, you jewnigger.
correctin new records, eh?
All prepared in the WH kitchen, per law.
I've been trying to save all the Pizzagate related info-graphs I find from other websites for anyone who wants some additional information, please use anything here if it helps you.
I also got some video links that could be related to this case.
15 Years Old Girl Survive Pizzagate Satanic Rituals Abuse: youtube.com
#PizzaGate Has Happened Before: youtube.com
Comet Pizza Party: youtube.com
Andrew Breitbart: What's In Your Closet John Podesta?: youtube.com
Nancy Schaefer exposes the EVIL CPS: youtube.com
>there is no basement
shits crazy either shills are out of control
or people are just getting blue pilled
>>there is no basement
Is this really the road to happiness or is this just making you miserable ?
maybe it is the suffering they create that is the real goal here, maybe they only do this shit because it crushes the souls of those who know about it, this isn't about fucking and eating children, torturing them to death and "leaking" it, it is about creating and spreading suffering, enslaving the mind, shaping it so that it in turn shapes reality.
If there is such a thing as kek, if it is our god, then all these scandals are just there to shift the focus away from what real power we have over them, fracturing our will strengthening theirs.
What are these children's lives really worth ?
Would you believe their suffering would have been no less if there had never been such a place ?
for all the incidental power and understanding we might have gained over the establishment in the last year or so, we have learned nothing about the real game being played, the real purpose of worship and community.
Stop listening to these people and speak with your own voice, that is what they fear the most, being ignored, shunned and forgotten.
Pizza gate is just a child screaming for attention, misbehaving so you'll look and act on them.
We possess a terrible and unspeakable power they fear more than anything and that is the power to turn our back on them and their cabal of sycophants and rule ourselves in our own way.
reduce these criminals to irrelevance and we win forever.
Bump for great justice
Except their not irrelevant we're talking about people that are in positions of power that are affecting the lives of many. So no I don't believe we should ignore this or anything that is corrupt.
Remember the saying, The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
oh my god
you don't bring outside food to the WH period.
>there is no basement; fake news; look at what drumpf is doing
checked, also CAN NOT UNSEE
fake or not, it's about the children..
fuck outta here with you babble, and don't think for one second we're giving up. Keep listening to MSM and go about your biz
you fuck
>actually believing in pizzagate
Jurisdiction's crossed. Because of all that "spirit cooking" stuff and Alex Jones' white house contacts being terrified of them. Worship demons, demons posess shillary, shillary leaves, demons are still there, they can't posess trump, they lash out, he's too rational to deal with it.
>tfw sperging out violently and not coming up with solutions only gave them time to cover it all up and change their tactics
They took this shit someplace else and there will soon be a big (((proof))) on the news that they are just some plain old pizza place with a silly instagram guy running it. Look at how smug this cunt was when he got confronted about it by some guy on youtube
The "Chicago pizza and hot dogs" party is one time where what looks shady really is confirmation bias - and the elites will use those kinds of mistakes by investigators to poison the well and escape.
That party was less than 3 months after Obama's first inauguration, and was a large (think 500+ people) post-inaugural event. Flying in food is always expensive, and if one includes air travel and servers (paid vacations for supporters from Chicago) then $65k - when they'd just spent $1 billion to win the election - isn't at all unusual. I've thrown parties that big, and I'm just one guy.
So between Obama being brand new in town and still throwing parties to celebrate with supporters and black folks, and the price tag being high but not unusual for high-end events, the $65k pizza party to me checks out.
Obama is a murderous, treasonous psychopath, married to a tranny, and part of a global pedophile and child sacrifice ring. Don't let him escape by getting small things like this one party wrong.
>browses Sup Forums and still believes NPR
Keep digging, over at /x/, faggot schizophrenic
I guess CTR is still good for something :^)
I ate a pizza yesterday, guess I'm evil like obama now.
We keep the pressure on until Trump is safely seated in the oval office.
Pizza. Pizza. Pizza. You're only ever gonna hear about pizza until an arrest has been made.
are you fucking high? the existence of stars and moons is evidence of satanism?
check this out. comet pizza might also be involved in secret islamist plots. im not saying they are but don't Muslims have that thing abt marrying children? makes sense they'd be involved in a secret child trafficking gang of washington insiders
>place called "comet" has celestial symbols in it
>must be fucking satan
jesus christ this really does belong in /x/
If DC higher ups have a child abuse ring they sure as shit aren't going to host it out of a fucking tiny pizzeria in a cramped busy commercial district
>Dur those idiot conspiratards think the NSA is watching them.
>B-bu-but I don't want to do anything illegal to expose it and go to jail too
If you were truly committed to this bullshit you'd find things out by any means necessary. But you won't, because you're all either foreign or cowards
I have a family user.
That always goes first.
Snowden had fucking evidence.
You've got instagrams that you think look kinda weird.
Snowden had powerpoints.
washinton insider gang of child traffickers caught using secret pedo hobo code in their companies logos by astute internet detectives. entire liberal media found to be complicit in this horrible conspiracy
i mean im kind of agnostic. it'd be kind of cool if pizzagate was true and got exposed - it'd be a huge wakeup call vis a vis corruption in the US. but i'm going to leave the amateur sleuthing to people who think that it actually has a shot of being true
making yourself look like an complete idiot is totally pressuring your political enemy. keep going, you are doing great work!
Realistically speaking, nothing will come of this. I've read a lot of the pizzagate stuff and absolutely none of it was concrete. It's easy to get lost in these kinds of things and think there's some connection. It's easy to just call someone a shill or whatever for finding it ridiculous. There's nothing wrong with an investigation, but this clearly is pointless. You've put the "operation" under a limelight anyway so if anything was happening, they've receded enough that they won't be found out. You need to step back and seriously consider facts here and don't become so delusional that every little thing is a connection that proves you right. Be realistic and rely on actual proof. I know what the first reaction is when reading a post like this, I've been here for 3 years. It's how you perpetuate the mindset.
>conveniently cutting out the roles
he was a fucking tech crew member
>entering a thread just to post this
i wonder who's behind this post
We need to stop the rich and powerful from abusing kids in private like they always have.
Which part of OP post is fake?
What's A leppo?
Let the Feds handle pizzagate. They have the clearance.
...by combing through instagrams of rando pizza parlor employees and circlejerking with your /ewo/ buddies about how "weird" you think it is
The feds are in on it
didn't read lol
no we are not
post badge or coin faggot
A noble goal, surely, but do you know just how much this kind of stuff is happening in the world? And everyone sits here behind their computer screen thinking they're going to find evidence of this by hacking websites or just posting about it. It reminds me of feminists that try to promote equal rights in countries with equal rights as opposed to places out in the world where actual serious shit is going on. The real big problem here is that it's leaking everywhere and there's not even concrete proof. For all anyone knows it's just a bunch of dudes that love little kids, but haven't actually diddled any. It's such a lazy attempt at doing absolutely nothing because people want to be apart of something big and fell into hype.
This really isn't surprising.
You're a fucking retard if you don't realize the fat man is a cointelpro disinfo agent or you are a newfag to conspiracies as a whole.
He speaks a lot of truth so you latch on to him, but then he spreads fear and disinfo on a massive scale. Look up his failed predictions.
Here's my favorite video where he crashes a pro gun rally in austin texas then lies about it on air. I'll also post the video of a true patriot named William Cooper that called him out for a lying fat cunt and the fat man automatically loses it and starts cursing.
Threads should be started about how he is a cointelpro disinfo agent as well as these.
not FBI
It's good to be skeptical and I appreciate it actually, need to stay grounded but it's also gonna be difficult for regular people to find real evidence.
A lot of this information warrants an investigation into the Pizzagate allegations however because of the kind of people we're dealing with most Law Enforcement will not be authorized to proceed with an investigation. So I think that's one reason why this is taking off because it seems to be one of the most damaging leads that people have access to against corrupt officials.
>watching fox news
>"the comet pizza shooter"
holy FUCK.
>It's comet PIZZA
but that's not the name... shill.
anyone found any instagram comet matches on imgsrc.ru ?
>thinks people are sliding his syrian shithole
fuck off sand nigger nobody cares
give me a challenge coin then
the guy was posting "machine molech" or some shit the week of ground hogs day which is an illuminati human sacrifice day
What is there that's not obvious to anybody that cares?
The CIA was fucking around in yet another country with the Arab Spring, arming rebels and attempting to overthrow yet another person. It ended up backfiring and now it's yet another shit hole.
nobody keeps those
they are laying around in empty desks all over the place
hold on, I'll find one
OMFG. Kek approves, they aren't even hiding.
I give a shit about sandniggers and their war with the jews that drags the entire world into it?
if you've been part of a decent op then you'd keep it on you at all times
>$65k - when they'd just spent $1 billion to win the election - isn't at all unusual. I've thrown parties that big, and I'm just one guy.
This is most good goyim thing I've ever read. Did you also spend $200k on your wife's wedding?
Pizzagate is real but that bullshit with the Satanic imagery isn't going to help our cause at all.
the kinds of people who spend that kind of money on parties do not post on Sup Forums
they have people to post on Sup Forums for them
Maybe Alefantis is a host
> Challenge coins
pffft. Everyone knows that pepe memes are the new challenge codes.
You're right, that's a stupid location to host it out of. Way too stupid to even investigate, goyim.
gentlemen. we have a fucking problem.
alex Jones should be tried and hanged for this shit. Instead of focusing on something real (clinton and lolita island), he focuses on this bullshit (that he knows is shit) since he moved so quickly to cover his ass from a lawsuit, deleting videos and firing reporters.
Jones is a scumbag, snake oil salesman and amazes me how the newfags have brought this Jew's cancer here.
>think "oh shit, this must mean they're going under. I don't see how this is a problem"
>go to the page
>-paid security we have hired to ensure the safety of our patrons and staff
>-security upgrades.
We really do have a problem.
Have a look at this:
You fucking idiots. Everyone who can't see all the blatant evidence is lacking in reading comprehension skills. That is the only way you could say all of this shit means nothing.
The more they try to discredit us and point out that this isn't true is just that much more media coverage.
How can they truly say that they have paid internet trolls when they can't even into the streisand effect? Media matters and CTR are a bunch of nerd virgins who think they can fight us in a meme war.
All CTR nerd virgins must die!
If you have to state how long you've been here while making a point, you lose all credibility to me.
Nah, they are burned. They won't be doing shit there.
Why do you guys blast everyone who calls you tin foils as CTR's?
Because you guys are definitely tin foils.
> Pizzagate
>Everyone who can't see all the blatant evidence is lacking in reading comprehension skills.
This is what I like to call "Tactical Autism"
I see you MSM shills are back at it again, trying to influence impressionable anons to cause trouble so you can cry "fake news!" in your shitty irrelevant papers and tv programs. Quit making the news and find some to report!