When did everyone on Sup Forums turn into statist bootlickers?

When did everyone on Sup Forums turn into statist bootlickers?

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I am the boot.

why did conservatives turn into statist bootlickers in 2000 and 1980?

our guy won

After stormfags and The_Donald faggots from reddit became more than 50% of the posters here.

Nigger pretending to be jews.
Jews pretending to be niggers.

Keep calling other men "cucks" while you fantasize about being ruled by a dictator who robs you at gunpoint. But he triggers people from the other big government party, so he must be great, right?

When foreign powers used americas freedom to subvert western ideals/traditions/culture/people.

Who will protect the culture if crony capitalists can do whatever they want for the bottom dollar?

When libertarianism turn from OP's pic to pic related.

I have been a libertarian since before I discovered this Laotian throat singing board and I will still be a libertarian long after the government has shut this place down

anyone who uses the term 'stormfag' is a retarded cuck that doesn't know what they're talking about.

i presume it's referencing stormfront. stormfront is far less extreme than Sup Forums. you'd get banned for suggesting we gas the kikes on stormfront.

so you really just look like someone who is uninformed, but came here from facebook or reddit to 'prove those racists wrong' or someshit.

which is fucking hilarious.

beige power, right, cuck?

I saw the delegation of the Ron Paul supporters 8 years ago, and trust me they were basically the same people as you see today. You got more people jumping on too of course.

What you see is populism, people who are incredibly mad about the establishment and desperately want to stop getting screwed over and lied to. There's also a degree of impatience and urgency because Paul wasn't aggressive enough to really get the people to understand how bad things really were, and it has gotten so much worse as of late.

i just want to be a part of right wing death squads

>libshits in charge of death squads
Good luck chasing anyone down on motor scooters, libbylardo.

Oh yeah, the fantasizing about mass-murdering political opponents is really fucking pathetic. At least radical Muslims actually have the balls to go to Syria.



I masturbate to it.

You should've tried a little harder to win, Ron. Winners aren't losers.

Also checked

the old gard is still here

Why dont you educate the newfags, OP?

You have to be autistic to think libertarianism is a good thing. Its only good when compared to cuck liberalism where I'm forced to pay for racemixing propaganda and housing Syrian refugees with my taxes.

I'm still here and I'm still against big government.

It was rising nationalism that did it in. It's easier to be a nationalist for a big government than a nationalist for a small government. Big governments actually have the power to fuck over minorities.

two reasons
because a real life shitposter memed his way into the White House, and Sup Forums has decided to go full SJW for him.
more generally, winning is a hell of a drug. basically you'll suddenly like everything your guy is saying if he manages to win (see Theresa May suddenly becoming more brexiteer than Farage)

Whatever it takes to rustle the most jimmies possible, user.

This. Once the election/inauguration hype wears off by late spring I expect Sup Forums to return back to normal. Once Trump fucks up by trying to make good on his promise of closing down parts of the internet, I expect Sup Forums to turn full blown libertarian again.

its just proof that people dont really have an understanding of what they believe in they just tune in every four years and talk some shit

Because self sacrifice isn't bootlicking you retard. Individualism is about heroism. Libertarian view of individualism is basically maoism. We didn't become statist to worship the current state. Law are the bones of a nation and order is the placement. You can have the right number of laws and still have oppression. We don't deny the establishment is oppressive. We want new ways to do it. Libertarians can only limit the power of the establishment. It will never destroy it.

I'm not a statist. What's up with you fuckhead liberaltarians? After you ruined your movement by inviting leftist snowflakes who never even heard of a leppo, now you come crawling back to Sup Forums? Pshh, I've moved on. You better be ready for physical removal.

Do you have a single fact to back that up?


Libertarians are delusional autists who would drastically reduce the functionality of society purely on the basis of satisfying an arbitrary moral principle.

>Libertarians can only limit the power of the establishment. It will never destroy it.
that argument helps libertarians r0tard

Fiscal conservatives left the Republican Party after Ron Paul left. The Libertarians started to go down the purity spiral. You had the Ron Paul Libertarians, Gary Johnson Libertarians, Anarcho-capitalists, and the Rand Paul Libertarians. By the time 2016 came, Rand lost most of the liberty movement do to purity spiraling. Libertarians had their chance and failed. It's time for a unifying force aka the Alt Right.

When we realized the government was overrun by satanic cannibals who's only goal is to take even more of our paycheck.

Gotta take a big boot to stomp that.

>robs you at gunpoint

dude I'd give up most of my possessions if it meant living in an all-white country

instead I got a guy who's going to cut my taxes and stop spending government money on wars in the middle east and retarded shit like Obamacare

When we put /our guy/ in charge of the state.


You don't get to a free society by arguing with 13 year old Marxists on a Filipino finger painting forum.

I got a job, a family, been campaigning and I've been reading books so I can understand more. There's no reason to engage that portugese autist & the alt right is just as bad as the SJW's they dont respond to facts.

Libertarianism results in Anarcho-tyranny because the state can be bought by foreign entities.

The right wing becoming more libertarian is the reason why we are where we are right now. Trump is a return to true conservative policies on the economic front.

Libertarians also do not have anything to offer a man from a spiritual or tribal point of view- their ideology is cold and autistic. You're not ever going to feel "at home" in a libertarian society because by default they are always multicultural and multi-ethnic.

This was the moment I knew the LP was never serious about becoming a major third party and just wanted to be in the headlines instead of being a real opposition to the system, didn't help having Weld on the ticket.

Freedom is a means. It is not an end.

>a huge government is only good when I do it ;^)

I don't support "huge government". Just an authoritative self governing syndicated guilds working together for a common goal. Vocational voting > Democratic voting.

>I got a job, a family, been campaigning and I've been reading books so I can understand more. There's no reason to engage that portugese autist

>the alt right is just as bad as the SJW's they dont respond to facts.

did you seriously just pair traditionalism and horseshoe theory in the same post?

I thought I'd seen it all.

>Vocational voting
i could get down with that if it had harsh rules. like if you get gov assistance no vote

This. Neither the Democratic nor the Republican party stands for anything anymore. People in America will stand for literally anythng as long as their candidate tells them to. Neither side gives a shit about adhering to any real ideology, they both just want to aquire power so ther can act like a retarded playground bully for 4-8 years until they get tossed back out.

Well vocational voting was what fascism was.



oh, not into strong-man-dad politicians.
>tfw calvin coolidge will never come back to serve the country


keeping preconceived illness coverage IS federal healthcare

Nah, not many really have the time these days.

I don't know long you have been here but all of the time I spent here everyone has always agreed with race realism and they have always said hitler did nothing wrong. The natsoc generals are few and far between, I think the stormers are few and far between.

The_Donald is here for sure though, but we can credit them for leeching our meme's and bleeding them out into normie reality and gave our meme magic true power over the masses. They are like our pawns, quickly turning the whole NYPA meme into requests being fulfilled on polls, spreading memes, taking the fight to twitter on a large scale, etc. Their numbers give us power but they are also meme magic vampires feeding on our force.

The_Donald is a necessary evil but once you come here you stay. Anyone who thinks summer will end and the summerfags will leave are kidding themselves. This ride never ends, we all know that.

youth are contrarians by nature

Take it easy man, Sup Forums hasn't changed, the tourists as always change with the wind, as different groups of normies come and go.

Sup Forums being echochamber is indisputable fact. Obviously the general alt right, or whatever you label it, ideas are billion times much more truthful than these of SJWs but that does not change the fact that everything from r/donald to Sup Forums is generally one colossal safe space.

Because Libertarianism won't destroy Jewish Supremacy.

How is destroying the banking system, peeling off the tentacles of the state, removing welfare, rebuilding communities and the middle class/social mobility, abolishing Jewish monopolies & abolishing their corporate state granted benefits somehow not destroying their supremacy?

Short of gassing them, what more do you want? Tariffs?

libertarianism merges the general goy population with the jewish elite and then destroys it from within

>from r/donald to Sup Forums is generally one colossal safe space.

which is why TRS is all over Twitter, it's how to interface with normies

>2012 meme insult: Statist
>2016 meme insult: Globalist

What will 2020 be?

Democracy shill



Because the libertarian attack on the status quo failed.

Anything was better than a seventh Clinton term so I went with anything.

people like you post here every single day without getting banned or deleted, we just argue

if this board is your idea of a safe space I would hate to see what you think a dangerous one is

Because we noticed niggers would fuck up a libertarian state.