Brit/pol/ - Christmas Cards Edition

>Theresa May plays down Angela Merkel's hand in Brexit negotiations as Supreme Court appeal over Article 50 reaches final day

>Revealed: The 89 Brexit rebel MPs, and whether their constituents voted Leave or Remain

>Government to respond in Brexit case

>Live: Last day of Supreme Court Brexit case

>REVEALED: The full list of 89 MPs who voted AGAINST Brexit in Article 50 Commons clash

>Angela Merkel does not hold the key to Brexit says Theresa May

>…British Parliament Votes 461 to 89 For Government’s Brexit Timetable

>Revealed: Tens of Millions Lavished on Hidden Costs of Immigration Industry

>MPs vote to trigger article 50 after government agrees to reveal plan

>What the papers say: Article 50 debate, Brexit ‘fog’ and ‘looney Labourites’

Other urls found in this thread:

Tories are cucks
Anime posters are paedos


Brexit will happen.

>Boris told off for telling the truth about Saudi Arabia

lmao wtf Boris johnson is right though

Why the FUCK is May defending Saudi Arabia??

Fucking C U C K I swear

I just got unbanned...


Made you some OC lads


Probably business interests.

Really comfy that she didn't force diversity and she genuinely picked her favourite cards.


What'd you do?

Who here is actually still gonna vote cuckservative and why?


Also there's this girl who looks at me a lot does she like me??

post yfw UKIP win in sleaford

Fucking disgusted how this Boris biz is being handled. Can't even state facts anymore.

I can't look at the QT hashtag on Twitter any more. It makes me want to hurt myself

>be me
>commenting on my friends memes on fb
>other friend (lets call him ted) always helped me dish out the bants
>we were the best meme commenters around
>good bants
>ted's hot female friend likes one of my comments
>i add her
>she told ted and he already seems kinda mad
>he obviously has a crush on her
>speak to her and shes funny cause shes bat shit crazy
>friendzoned myself on purpose
>at least i thought i did
>our conversations become more open and hilarious
>ted doesnt seem to be my friend anymore
im not saying this girl is supa doopa into me, cause i purposely friendzoned myself hard because i just like having her as a m8. also dont want to piss ted off either. she even stated telling me about her own crush and i told her about a girl i liked as well. just so happens that her crush has the same name as me but whatever
>she wants to meet with me but she knows me as ted's friend
>me and ted arent actually huge friends, we just commented on memes together. we almost never meet irl
>shes a huge slut & loves cock (she told me) and i think she will probs fuck me if i meet her
>probably why ted is so tetchy
>if ted stopped being such a tetchy cunt, instead of being passive aggressive to me then i would avoid fucking her to respect my mate but hes being a total asshole and im pretty sure this is why
>he's fat af anyway and has 0 chance

what do?

Hang all Dadaists.

Aesthetic revolution NOW.

>Not UK's view

Are they fucking serious?

I fucking hate the conservatives

A fucking sow


I want change that Labour wont provide

>why is our leader defending the closest thing we have to an ally in that region
gee i wonder

I posted a "reply or [x] will happen".

First for Rodger

>the foreign secretary does not represent the governments view


What should I get to drink from the store lads?


Nothing haram.

I think you're too young to be thinking about girls.

If UKIP wins Sleaford I will genuinely start worshiping Kek.

when does question time start and finish? ta


These posts are made to destroy the abundant #pizzagate evidence.

Do not fall for them.

Me too, for posting this in tv

I honestly don't know what any of them are planning.

The BBC are acting really cryptic with the last paragraph too...

>To his critics, Boris Johnson is this government's Shakespearean fool, an errant jester who wanders the globe telling jokes that insult as often as they amuse the Queen's allies.

>But remember: the Bard often used his clowns to tell a wider truth, one that the players did not always want to hear.

>The foreign secretary's problem is that truth is not always good diplomacy.

Apparently Maisie Williams had her iCloud account hacked and there were nuddies, do these people not use non-shit passwords or 2FA?

>Closest thing we have to an ally
>Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is the most cancerous country in the entire region. Guess that says something about us then eh?

starts at 22:45 lad

>tfw it's just going to be another generic Tory victory and the thousand-year Blairite Reich will march on without a hitch

>The foreign secretary's problem is that truth is not always good diplomacy.

What the fuck top kek

2/10 apply urself

Anybody ITT ever gave Louise Mensch a right ould doggy-style pounding...
>apart from me?

UKIP. Nuttall
Nuttall led UKIP = voice of the native Britons
Farage led UKIP = multiracial civic cuckolding
BASED Nuttall. He's not a cuckold like Nigel "Christian rapefugees welcome" Farage
David Renton – an Old Etonian barrister and former member of the Socialist Workers Party who taught Paul Nuttall history at Edge Hill College in 1999 – told me that he always had the sense that, even at 23, Nuttall was testing the limits of acceptable speech. According to Renton, in an essay on the causes of the Holocaust, Nuttall worked in two footnotes to books by David Irving.

“I wasn’t expecting this, because Irving wasn’t on the course reading list,” Renton says now. “This was after his libel trial (for denying the Holocaust), and historians regarded Irving as an unpleasant, racist crank who was beyond the pale.”

>Paul Nuttall accused German Chancellor Angela Merkel of ‘cynically abusing’ the Holocaust ‘as an excuse’ to open Germany’s borders.

"Sorry folks, we all know the answer to stopping crimes like (murder) in this country, but the problem is that successive governments won’t do anything about it because the answer is very, very Right wing."

I fucked louise haigh if thats close

Are you forgetting Israel? How about Yemen and Oman which we own? Emirates?


Call him a cunt and fuck her in the arse. If you turn down willing pussy for a meme page friend you are a total faggot

Got the perfect Christmas present for you.

get your rage on boyos

Most living creatures have.


You also robbed a bank you savage

Johnson is being undermined by der juda because they fear him

Post link or pics rn


Blairites unite!

I'm beginning to think you're nothing but a liar....

No, he's just an idiot that accidentally did the equivalent of a US politician exposing Israel and is now about to get crucified for it

It speaks volumes about "Boris Johnson" the British political institution that he hasn't already been sacked

Nose is crooked as fuck.


this country isn't bloody worth saving, when labour or tory can literally do anything and yet they'd still win

>Boris isn't even allowed to speak the truth on behalf of Britain
>We have to suck Saudi dick still

Things can only get BETTER

Who are those children OP?

>I'm only patriotic when we're winning

Fuck off.


na they suck anglo dick

Do you think they'd give me bennies for having PTSD triggered by that song?

>when labour or tory can literally do anything and yet they'd still win

Oh it's worse than that, they can literally dare you not to vote for them

Boris is pro-amnesty. Boris is a shitskin

That may as well read Tories as they let in even more pakis than labour!

>Emily Thornberry MP

I would put her through a table, if she forced me into a self-defence situation. What a smug cunt.

What music is brit/pol/ listing to right now?

>Saudi Arabia is the most cancerous country in the entire region
I'm not disputing that. However the middle east is too important for us to completely ignore, which means we need to find someone to work with us

>Are you forgetting Israel?
>useful ally in the ME
that's a joke, right?

They are the children who made Theresa May's Christmas cards.

Christmas sacrifices so the Muslims don't feel left out.

Tat's true, me, Louise Mensch, and a badger had a threeway one time.

I also heard she was gang-banged by a flock of starlings.

Loves it mate- loves it.

the one on the left is a QT

This is proof that the BBC manipulate their messages to be politically correct despite knowing full well that they are lying cunts

>the truth is not good state-funded journalism

I agree with tony blair on arack

She looks like my cousin, also no noncery lad.



They are right though. Sometimes telling people the truth is not the best decision to make.

In what way?

Fuck that, one of the few nudes I don't want to see

Money's on that she has fucking massive nipple and are shaped like potatoes

Question Time thread is up:

Who is this demon of semon?

I'm happy to pay a material price for ceasing our "friendship" that aweful, awrful county. If the Tories had an ounce of moral fibre they would to.

Went a bit apeshit with a beef wellington today lads and ate 4500 calories will I gain any weight?

why is she dressed like such a tease?
Also I thought she looked 18 tbqh so thats basically fine right?

QT thread when we ready, lads.

who /probably getting no presents this year/ here?

honestly don't know if i'll even bother to leave my room on christmas day tbqhwyf, No point going down stairs when everybody else has things to open and chat about and I don't. Probably just camp in with a tube of pringles and some films

At, what's going on fags? How's the weather back home?