Sup Forums is an Asatru board.
Everyone else please leave.
Sup Forums is an Asatru board
These posts are made to destroy the abundant #pizzagate evidence.
Do not fall for them.
Please die faggot
>I can't have multiple threads open in different tabs at once
I agree with OP. Happy Yule every one.
Come home, white man.
>inb4 buttmad christians come to ruin the thread again
Happy Yule user.
those runes say asatru, wtf does that mean
True to the Aesir.
christcuck detected
thats actually not what asatru means, but ok
Yeah I did that too when I was like 14.
Grow up
Trú means faith not true. It's a common mistranslation.
Come home white man
which gods did the iberians workship?
I knew some Scandi was going to correct me whatever I had said.
Iberians had many workships.
Celtic gods before the Romans took over. Morrigan, Flidais, Aengus and so on, a shitload of gods.
my mistake
Not these gods.
Lusitanian gods:
>Endovelicus, Nabia, Ataegina, Runesocesius, Epona, Neto, Bandua, Turiacus.
Gallaecians mostly worshipped normal Celtic gods like Lugos, Belenos, Cernunnos, etc.
No, it's a christian board. Always was, always will be. Edgelords go somewhere else.
No, not all of them. The majority of Iberians were not Celtic. Old Iberian gods are totally different.
You go somewhere else.
>Not worshiping the true almighty Roman gods
Happy Yule time brothers and sisters! How do you celebrate?
My aunt and mother also converted to Asatru many years ago now and we have a yule log burning celebration with our whole family.
We burn a small log at our home, but my aunt gets a real huge oak log to burn in honor of Þor.
If you're Italian that makes sense.
apparently old gods had different names but a lot of them were very similar
>Literally just greek ripoffs
We don't really know enough about them to make that conclusion. We only know what the Greeks and Romans said and they always made comparisons to their own gods which may not have even been accurate comparisons.
Why did they convert? Always interesting to hear about women getting into it.
>the cucks who think you don't have to be Nordic to believe in the Norse Gods
yeah okay
have fun with your fat LARPers and africans
>norse gods
They were worshipped all over central Europe user. You should read this.
I know growing up in the American educational system leaves you ignorant of history, but that's no excuse. These books are available for free.
The prevalence of the Wotan cult on the continent does not somehow lend credence to your "scholarly" citation from 1882.
Yes, modern day Asatru by its very name is focused on the Scandinavian interpretation of Germanic gods. Don't be a faggot. In addition, Asatru states that anyone can join it, even Africans and Asians. Those aren't native to central Europe. Your point is moot.
Hurr hurr American educational system
It's an ancestral religion and most asatruars I know don't want niggers holding blóts to thor or some shit.
No, Asatru's official statement on every 'official' website is that they're casting off the ancestral aspect. Because they're shit.
Your other option for an "official" religion is Odinism, which is a prison cult and considered white supremacist because they want only Scandinavians/Germanics in it.
>The prevalence of the Wotan cult on the continent
If you actually read a book you'd see it was more than Woden. Just read Teutonic mythology and stop talking out of your ass.
>Asatru states that anyone can join it, even Africans and Asians
One guy in Iceland saying that =/= everyone else has to agree. He's not the Asa-pope or some shit.
The biggest group in America, the Asatru Folk Assembly is folkish.
Roman religion was spread all throughout the empire, plenty of Roman temples were built outside of Italy.
>I-It was other gods too! Like Thor!
Fascinating. So you're telling me that the Scandinavian tribes on their way to Scandinavia from the steppes made contact with other tribes. Whoa. Doesn't address any of my points that Asatru is a self-destructive traitor cult.
And the Troth has taken a universalist approach rather than a folkish one. I'm sure you've met with the Asatru Folk Assembly and participated in their events though? You're supporting them, right?
Basically just learning about our shared history. Both were into ""newage"" stuff despite being devout Christians, but then my aunt ended up doing all this genealogical research and got really into the idea of ancestor veneration. I picked it up at the same time for the same reason.
The two of them both said they had their first deep spiritual experiences after 40 years of being Christian when trying to commune with our ancestors. I felt the same way.
The point is Asatru is what the Germanic tribes practiced and it wasn't just in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland.
>Doesn't address any of my points that Asatru is a self-destructive traitor cult.
You haven't been making any points. You've just been talking a lot of bullshit.
>I'm sure you've met with the Asatru Folk Assembly and participated in their events though?
I have actually. They're pretty great folks. Never met McNallen yet though.
That's pretty neat. Women don't usually care about that stuff anymore. It used to be common for the women to be in charge of the family tree though.
Wrong. Asatru alliance is arguably the most popular asatru group in the US. On their website they use language like "religion of our ancestors" and "asatru is for all european peoples". Every asatruar I've met acknowledges it's a ethnic european religion and the only people who say otherwise are wiccatru larpers and fatcunts.
>Christians are such pussies lmao not like my crossdressing fag "gods"
>Christians are evil warriors who burnt down muh trees
Well tree fuckers which is it?
haha but seriously fuck divide and conquer fags (kikes)
No one ever said that ITT. I don't mind Christians and was just explaining the novus ordo mass issue from anons attacking Christianity as jewish.
There's nothing that angers Christians more than Asatru though don't know why they can't live and let live.
>There's nothing that angers Christians more than Asatru
Because it's the white, European religious edition of "breaking the conditioning" since Christians converted our ancestors by essentially convincing them that Ragnarök already happened and Jesus was the new coming of the gods in the post-apocalypse. They react with hostility to those to chose to go back to our ancestral beliefs.
I also have absolutely no problem with Christians. The only religion I take umbrage with is Islam and that's because it seeks modernly to erase all other belief systems through violence and rape.
>it's because it's European
Any user who thinks Christianity isn't tied to Europe is retarded. The Roman Empire was preserved through the Catholic Church (unless we think the greatest European civilization wasn't white).
I'm fine with tree lovers but not the divide and conquer fags who only repeat "KIKE ON A STICK"
The real enemy of European civilization is Judaism and Islam.
>mfw non nordics claim asatru
>doesn't take issue with Judaism
I didnt say it's not European, just that the Nordic and Germanic peoples were somewhat tricked into adopting Christianity. It took generations before the beliefs were really adopted and not just accepted because of the narrative that Christianity included the Nordic pagan faith systems in it.
I agree, Jews and Muslims are the enemy though. Again, why there should be no enmity between Asatru or any European pagans and Christians.
Hail Odin!
I don't even think Judaism is a religion as much as it is a worldwide oligarchy.
>The Roman Empire was preserved through the Catholic Church
The Roman Empire was literally continued through Eastern Christianity, not the Catholic Church. Ever hear of Byzantium?
>a threat
only so far as Christcucks allow them to enter our lands.
Most of Northern Europe (let's face it, the best part) reluctantly adopted Christianity, often through conquest (see the Northern Crusades). Moreover, most of these lands reverted to the pluralism of Protestantism a mere half-millennia after initially adopting Christianity.
No christianity belongs to the desert nigger religions.
>I don't even know the name of the religion I claim
And this is why this religion is dead, its followers are complete idiots
Also not to mention that this is the SJW of religions
asatru is fake bullshit. hellenic paganism is the true ancestral inheritance of the great civilizing races.
master v. slave morality desu senpai
Paganism is filled with blue haired trannys and faggots though.... and odin drinks cum... doesnt sound like a very great culture to me
Written by a jew
What does slave/master morality have to do with draining corpses of semen for your "magic power".
Seems pretty gay to me.
>inb4 homophobia was created by the jews to shame faggot vikings out of valhalla
that is called guilt by association; the Germanic pagans are the force that literally raped Rome, the most powerful empire that ever existed, continuously for over 1000 years.
A slave would say that homosexuality is evil according to muh scriptures therefore they will try and enforce this morality on everyone else.
A master creates his own rules according to the consequential benefit to himself or his people, disregarding the desires of lesser beings who would tell him otherwise.
Goths and vandals followed arian christianity, not paganism lol.
>hippie fags are pagan
h-how can you read runes?
Glædelig jul!
>cultural appropriation
>the Aesir were only worshipped in Sweden
Sven, pls
look up "Ulfias (little wolf) apostle of the visigoths" I read about him a while back and its a pretty interesting story of how europe was converted.
stop it ;^(
Its not hard.
Speaking of which, Sup Forums I have a very nice set of runes made from stones with fossils in them.
Any questions I should ask?
>being a cherry-picking faggot
They sure as hell weren't worshiped in the US.
Billy Bob, pls
>not having a set of runes only used once for a special occasion made out of the branch of a fruit bearing tree
Get out wiccan
Enjoy your Jew religion.
But these cost like 80 bucks and predicted the US election for me.
It's Wulfila.
Wulf = obvious
ila = diminutive in Gothic and Suebic languages.
>because my family has been in the US for 100 years I can't worship the Aesir
> self destructive traitor cult
Sayes the christ-cuck.
Your dead jew on a stick worship has spawned too many violent schisms that have ragaved Europe for too long.
But onto modern times.
Dont you have some turning the other cheek or praying on your knees to be doing anyway?
So could flipping a coin and you could've got that for free lol
Stop being a pathetic cuck with that reply.
That wouldn't have involved communing with my gods or ancestors though.
Happy Jul.