You have 9 seconds to legalize one thing and criminalize another.
Hardmode: no banning niggers.
You have 9 seconds to legalize one thing and criminalize another.
Hardmode: no banning niggers.
Legalize prostitution, criminalize jews
Legalise: murder
Criminalise: kindness
Legalize sports betting. Criminalize adultery.
Legalize: rape
Criminalize: consensual sex
legalize justice killing, criminalize muslims
Legalize psychedelics.
Ban all immigration.
her torso looks 20% too small when comparing her legs
Legalize bestiality
Criminalize gays
Legalize all guns
Criminalize degenerates
nah, just the angle. her right leg forward makes it look off
Legalise gun ownership for white land owning males
Criminalise republicansim
Legalize drugs and murder
Eugenic programs.
Persons of colour.
Legalize suicide
Criminalize abortion
legalize: total immunity for my actions
criminalize: hate me
>Shit goes down in sideways peru
>earthquakes and shit
>can't flee cuz immigration is illegal
such is life in sleeping leafless canada
Legalize polygamy, criminalize faggotry
legalize: killing niggers
criminalize: being a nigger and resisting your impending death
not banning niggers so checkmate atheists
legalize: weed
criminalize: alcohol, i seen it do nothing other than make people stupid and ruin my family, i'd be happy for another prohibition
Legalize: Rape
Criminalize: Typing...Like...This...Because...This....Is...Retarded
Legalization prostitution, re-criminalize marijuana.
Legalize manning the harpoons
Outlaw heritics
Legalize naroctics. Ban alcohol.
why is there a fucking dolphin in her yard?
Legalize weed
Criminalize abortions
Ban africans :^)
Legalise Boers
Legalize apartheid regime, criminalize islam
fucking prohibition all over again. you must be a chick
Legalize all drugs
criminalize politicians
Legalize skylines, criminalize liberals
Legalize: Killing of niggers, kikes and Muslims.
Criminalize: Not doing the above mentioned.
legalize drugs, criminalize usury
I was using her left leg as a reference, so no, her torso still looks 15-20% too small to me.
>legalise duels (to the death)
>criminalise hamburgers
Legal: All guns.
Ilegal: Public advertisement of prostitution.
legalize loli
ban nignogs
Legalize illegal immigrants
Illegalize legal immigrants
Legalize drugs, weapons, property possession without limitation.
Illegalize Canada.
hard mode:
drug use
dice games
>ban hamburgers
Are you trying to halt American tourism?
>Legalize suicide
Wait you mean this is illegal? What the fuck are they going to do if you're already fucking dead?
I like Hillary Clinton
>calling user edgy
>being edgy
Legalize defending yourself and your property with lethal force with no exceptions.
Criminalize taxes.
>when you one leaf and legalize another
Legalize full auto firearms for all citizens
Criminalize the Spanish language
its their way of saying do it right the first time
>Open carry
>Voting for poor people.
>criminalize taxes
>government falls apart
>nobody to enforce laws
>new government forms and starts taxing you
I like the way you think.
bann niggers
making unbanning niggers illegal.
As of women aren't just going to turn around and scream they consented to it
>goatfuckers over gays
>legalize drugs
>criminalize communism
Legalise execution
Criminalise usury
>le we can't get rid of government because someone will make a government
This only makes sense in your own mind.
Legalize: things that are forbidden in hard mode
Criminalize: niggers
Goddamn it, is it that fit Korean once again? Fuck you Sup Forumstards for making me want to fuck gooks up their big ass. Well she has a big ass & tits, most gooks are flat.
Legalize owning firearms
Ban all favela people
Legalize capital punishment for being muslim.
Criminalize Islam
Legalize guns
Criminalize ammunition
There, I just solved the gun control debate.
its so that society can function better, if people can just kill themselves willy nilly then that tends to make people feel like shit and not productive
criminalize: federal subsidies
legalize: all energy production meeting known lethal dose limits protections so basically anything goes
>Legalize prostitution
Is this really a crime over there?
I've fucked about 8 hookers here, all legal.
>land of the free
Legalize shooting border hoppers.
Ban immigration from the Middle-East and Africa.
Legalize white genocide. Criminalize being white.
World peace achieved.
Criminalize burning flags. Legalize burning fags.
>if people can just kill themselves willy nilly
Yeah but they CAN do that, what are they gonna do to stop me? Like how am I going to be punished if I'm FUCKING DEAD.
I don't think if I really wanted to kill myself I'd ever be stopped by thinking "well oh shit this is illegal, better not".
Legalize weed, criminalize religion.
I like you.
>legalise the slaughter of non whites/progressive liberals
>Ban anyone protecting, harbouring, providing means of defence to or otherwise aiding non whites/liberals
destruction of government property user
Ban abortion
Legalize infanticide
The leaf fell of your flag, faggot
let me clarify, it is there so we can so "nah man dont kill yourself, why dont you try to unfuck your life up rather then splattering your face in the middle of a busy sidewalk"
its for the rest of society not for the guy trying to jump specifically. if people were "allowed" then there would be no obligation to do anything if some guy shot himself in the face in the middle of a neighborhood, it would make people feel to weird basically. no one is actually charged with a crime if they an hero
same with capital punishment, its cathartic for the public to know that certain ideas arent allowed to continue running around
you're fucking retarded
legalize gladiatorial games
criminalize communism
legalize the complete expression of the individual in ALL aspects aslong as it does not harm (not SJW harm, real harm, others)
criminalize the state
Legalize: free goddamn speech
Criminalize: nothing
Without some form of centralized power, it won't take long for people to realize that gathering greater numbers means that you can force others to do what you want. If you wouldn't consider that "government", then ask yourself what's the difference between that situation and the one that currently exists?
legalize voter intimidation
criminalize female suffrage
Legalize muslim/jew hunts- year round
Criminalize being a nigger
Legalize guns
Ban fags
Legalize all weapons
Criminalize enforcing the law
Legalize armed robbery
Criminalize whites
>Race war is legalized
>welfare is banned
Accept Bitcoin
Criminalize fiat currency
Legalize mass deportations of non-whites, criminalize women's suffrage.