It is not some fanciful group of nocturnal beings who fly around and bite people with fangs. Rather, the reality of the situation appears to be that these are incredibly wealthy, powerful human beings who want to extend their lives or purify their genetics, and they know something about the science that compels them to seek out and ingest the blood and flesh of our children.
In any case, all we can be sure of for now is that they take a strong interest in the underlying condition that sometimes causes this anamoly in the iris. Further investigation might furnish an explanation as to why they have such interest.
Addendum 5. A researcher has just discovered that many of the political elite appear to have this same extraordinary condition, some in the right eye, some in the left, some very distinct and some on the smaller, thinner side. Can someone with access to adequate software zoom in and create conditions to detect these more clearly, and document the steps so that viewers can replicate? Need to make sure this is verifiable - I am posting it here but I have not been able to substantiate yet due to time constraints:
Andrew Sorkin (his left eye, long, 6:00)
Jeb Bush (his right eye, short, 8:00)
Bush Sr. (his left eye, point-shaped, 3:00; looks like he is wearing contacts too, could be covering something.)
Henry Kissinger (?) (his right eye, short, 6:00.)
Jacob Rothschild (his right eye, short, 6:00.)
Diane Feinstein and (her left eye, thinner/fainter, 5:00.)
>My image check was of pizza