Not Fake News. Nothing Debunked

>They say PIZZAGATE was debunked on all mainstream media.
>What has been debunked?

To Debunk pizzagate you'd have to explain what those Emails really meant; What the fuck is a hotdog and handkerchief?
Not one MSM site has shown a single shred of evidence of how anything has been debunked. The only thing they say is "Pizzagate is fake news and has been debunked".

>Sup Forums censoring links to pizzagate.
>Will put it in image instead.
>Google also censoring fact.
>What a load of shit.

#Pizzagate is not fake news. It is just getting started.

Other urls found in this thread:áthory

These posts are made to reinforce the abundant #pizzagate evidence.

Do not disregard them.

Pizzagate? It's real. I assure you. the realest, nothing realer, and us? We're gonna prove it. Prove it been. The media hasn't debunked it. the debunking is fake news. Look at it, full of lies. Sad. Us? we're not crazy, in fact I have a note from my therapist, says I'm the sanest man alive, and that pizzagate is 100 percent real, not just some bored people disassociating from reality. Believe me. It's gonna be huge.





Sup Forums


cool clock ahmed

>mi6 tries to make incriminating memes

Lol you people are such faggots.

Break into the pizzeria and find the basement then, faggot
If it means this much to you, you shouldn't be afraid of the law

You won't do it, though, because you're just another anonymous shitstain




fuck off you pozzed nigger anus, stop sliding

It's debunked because Kike's think it's funny. Hahaha. Isn't it funny?

/r/ the video where a guy explains the pizzagate in 20 minutes.

Before I present the photo to you, here is the brief background: someone suggested that very wealthy political figures are into the blood of children, because they believe it allows them to live longer. Some kind of new science that they're exploring.

So some of the children are taken, according to this hypothesis, and kept alive for blood harvesting. I have not been able to substantiate this, so I can't say whether I am ready to accept it yet.

But with that context in mind, it was pointed out that Madeiline McCann has an extremely rare genetic anomaly that maybe only 1% or 2% of children have (correction: it's actually much rarer; a researcher pointed out its incidence is .005% to .022%). It is indicated by the deformity in her eye, something unique about her blood composition or DNA.

She was also, apparently, born in vitro and there are questions surrounding her paternity.

Remarkably, we discovered last night that Soros has the same condition.

Folks I wish I were making this up, but you know the infant(s) that James Alefantis has been posting? Did it strike you as odd that some of these photos were very close to their faces? Is Alefantis showing off something here about the babies that previously escaped our notice? Maybe something that those in-the-know would find very special?

Look at their eyes.

>no replies
Yeah that's what I thought, you cowards

Listen, I'm not going to conclude anything about this. Maybe it's just all an epic coincidence -- though the odds would be astronomical, upwards of one in one trillion compounded three times. Still, I really can't fathom that George Soros and others would pay millions of dollars to harvest blood from thousands of children in order to extend their life, as if we are dealing with some kind of vampire race.

Nevertheless, I felt I should post it so it's something we're aware of. I recommend keeping this discovery in-house until we have something more definitive to say about it, but do as you wish.

You need professional help man.

someone else has pointed out that Amanda Kleinman, an insider performer at Alefantis's Comet Pizza, made a creepy video in which pictures of the same eye deformity are used multiple times in rapid succession. So at the very least, it's safe to say these people find some significance in the eye deformity, or rather the underlying genetic condition that sometimes causes the eye deformity. Here is a screen capture of a frozen frame:

Out of all the eyes she could have used to make her video, she specifically chose to use the ones with the deformity, multiple times, and her close accomplice James Alefantis is specifically posting multiple close-up eye shots of infants with the same deformity. Folks this is starting to seem like a sign of specified intentionality rather than mere coincidence. They find the genetic condition expressed by this eye deformity significant for some reason.

Here's the video in full (it also includes pictures of children dressed as pizza and overt references to arch pedophile Baba Sathya Sai):

Interesting. Didn't Alex Jones do a segment where he thinks the rich use the "blood of the young" to keep an old age via full body transfusions?

Spooky shit user, you guys clearly hit some bee nest.

Stay safe.

Addendum 2: a researcher found a relevant link explaining the new science behind children's blood reversing the aging process that might be exciting to the political elite:
Evidently, the younger the child is, the more effective it is in reversing aging. So an ongoing supply of infants and toddlers, presumably, would be best.

Now Soros is clearly too old to be having kids of his own. Is it possible that he and others are paying for the blood of these children? Is it possible that Soros has his sperm in a cryobank? And different women are using it to have in vitro children as blood sources? And once they give birth, Soros has his people extract the children for blood harvesting?

This would explain why McCann was born in vitro, if she indeed was. And it would explain why a powerful insider like Alefantis happens to be "the godfather" of Caris James, transporting the infant to different locations around the globe, meanwhile the alleged parents are now in Oregon.

It would give us a testable prediction, as well. It would predict that the "fathers" of these children -- both McCann and Caris James -- are not biologically related. If it turns out they are not biologically related, it would be confirmation. (If it turns out that the infants share DNA with Soros or other political figures, or if Soros was found to have exogenous blood in his system that matches these girls, it would be supreme confirmation.)

Stays on pol

Allahu Akbar

seek help.

Why is Alefantis now the "godfather" of another child with the same condition, whom he calls "Caris James", why is he posting close-up shots of her eyes while forcing her to put foreign currency in her mouth, and why is he taking her to places around the world, and her father is now all the way in Oregon? Is it really her "father"? Was Caris James born in vitro? Has the paternal line of this child been conclusivley established?

Addendum 3: Someone in the comments notes:

The gene mutation that causes this condition is a PAX2 mutation. During embryonic development, the PAX2 gene provides instructions for producing a protein that is involved in the formation of the eye, ear, brain and spinal cord (central nervous system), kidney, and genital tract. After birth, the PAX2 protein is thought to protect against cell death during periods of cellular stress. If someone were to be seeking a solution to cellular death, they would probably start with exploring the function of the PAX2 produced proteins.

I haven't verified, but might be worth exploring.

Addendum 4: Many comments are starting to make connections to "vampires" or "reptilians." People, please be careful here. We are all very alarmed by this finding, no doubt, but we need to exercise logical adjudication and not get carried away.

To be fair, there is quite a lot of historical precedent involving powerful political figures drinking blood and eating flesh for whatever reason. Many will recall Lady Bathory was caught harvesting the blood of hundreds of children to "preserve her youth."áthory

Didn't we have a thread just a few hours ago about two Sup Forumsacks posting a video where they break into the underground tunnel system below Comet?

It is not some fanciful group of nocturnal beings who fly around and bite people with fangs. Rather, the reality of the situation appears to be that these are incredibly wealthy, powerful human beings who want to extend their lives or purify their genetics, and they know something about the science that compels them to seek out and ingest the blood and flesh of our children.

In any case, all we can be sure of for now is that they take a strong interest in the underlying condition that sometimes causes this anamoly in the iris. Further investigation might furnish an explanation as to why they have such interest.

Addendum 5. A researcher has just discovered that many of the political elite appear to have this same extraordinary condition, some in the right eye, some in the left, some very distinct and some on the smaller, thinner side. Can someone with access to adequate software zoom in and create conditions to detect these more clearly, and document the steps so that viewers can replicate? Need to make sure this is verifiable - I am posting it here but I have not been able to substantiate yet due to time constraints:

Andrew Sorkin (his left eye, long, 6:00)

Jeb Bush (his right eye, short, 8:00)

Bush Sr. (his left eye, point-shaped, 3:00; looks like he is wearing contacts too, could be covering something.)

Henry Kissinger (?) (his right eye, short, 6:00.)

Jacob Rothschild (his right eye, short, 6:00.)

Diane Feinstein and (her left eye, thinner/fainter, 5:00.)

>My image check was of pizza

Why not periscope it?

Using current American population (325,057,000)

Probability of PAX2 mutation (0.01%) from discussion below

Percentage of 0 - 14 y/o in US (19.4%) Wikipedia US demo

325,057,000 * 0.0001 * 0.194 = 6306

If this theory is to hold any weight we need to find more missing children known to have the PAX2 mutation. With only 6000 potential victims this should stand out. Unfortunately they could import from China or India where they have a far higher birthrate and the lack of record keeping.

bump for the most glorious of justice

Sup Forums

>Maybe he ain't crooked after all?

>Trump will stop the corrupt evil that is #pizzagate!