Why do Conservashits vote against their own economic interests ?


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economic interests like liberals giving all their tax money to immigrants?

note how nothing your post or pic said/displayed
had no argument in it
you are going to have to name something they voted for that went against their own economic interests

Humor me, what part of the conservative ideology is against my interest, since you seem to be an expert on my life.

Maybe white people don't like voting for shit like this?


because we are voting in the economic interest of our children.


isn't this meme more akin to communists?

Freedom > Economics

>fuck poor people
>im [le]ft wing btw

Because I hate dem darn minorities and foreigners Yee haw!!

Because people don't like giving shit they worked for to people who refuse to do anything useful for some vague sense of "equality" or "tolerance" that changes every day?

Wow you're right I should vote for poor non-whites to move next to me and soak up more tax money

Why does every Liberal belief and policy harm White people as a whole?

Wouldn't that mean that Liberalism itself is inherently anti-White?

they prefer to work for a living over playing GIBSMEDAT politics

But the guy is a communist. He would surely vote for Bernie

Because fuck niggers, kikes and Muslims, that's why.

Maybe it's because Conservatives aren't greedy, selfish bastards. Maybe it's because we want the best for our children after college, rather than what suits us in the moment.
Democrats are all self-indulging cunts, especially Occupy Democrats.

you're dumb and I'm smart

post by this ID
OP left the moment he posted

>OP left the moment he posted
Hence why I saged my post. And this one.



Why do liberals think they know everyone's economic interests?

Why do libtards vote against their interests?

I'm a libertarian, but will always vote Republican as long as Democrats continue fighting our 2nd amendment.

Any politician that wants to disarm the people has no business leading our country.

You should add to that image the fact that the US Civil Rights Commissioner says immigration disproportionately and negatively affects the income and jobs of minorities, especially blacks.

Because it's not about personal interests, it's about what's best for the country. Why don't live understand this?

Unlike 90% of the country, I pull a good 160k a year as a single adult. I get RAPED by taxes. I'll take any break I can get.