Ok Sup Forums prove that this book is a work of fiction
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You can't!
Ok Sup Forums prove that this book is a work of fiction
pro tip:
You can't!
cats dont gas rats exterminators do
I remember this from school.
Absolutely subversive
>Jews are rats
Well they're not wrong in that aspect.
fuck beat me to it
Shit really? DAMN I dunno maybe holocaust is fake then!? WAT DO NOW
If he'd had depicted mice getting rid of the cats it would have been good.
>jews jew each other constantly
>holosurvivor dad calls a black guy nigger in yiddish
>jews portrayed as rats
quite based
I'm not reading any proof
looks like your BTFO by a simple graphic novel :^)
How does a mouse survive the hollocaust!
That mouse be like 150 years old nigga
hitler didn't have cat ears nor whiskers
Reminder that this book is a work of fiction
>it was real in my mind goy, it was real in my miiiiind
That's pretty true actually, still: the holocaust happened goy!
>Disproving "Maus" ad hoc by disproving "Night" by a different author
You're embarrassing yourself
Well it does get the jews being rats thing right, but nazi's aren't pussies, more like something majestic like a grey wolf
it did though
the rothschilds got rid of jews in europe outside of their bloodline
the grandpa claims at one point that he only ate 2 sausages a piece of cheese and a loaf of bread in 2 years. doesn't mean people didn't die in forced labour camps but it does prove that the "survivor" is a lying sack of shit.
Isn't that the name a German tank?
Never said anything whatsoever about maus. Don't put words in my mouth Ahmed
Omg i have this book, i bought it 10 years ago before i was even close being redpilled
>Defending Jews
Oh goy, you know nothing about muslims!
I doubt anyone here ha seven read it. His Dad is a bit of a shit, the story in no way romanticises the Jewish people, in fact if I remember it right, his Dad knowingly admits to screwing over fellow Jews to survive.
It also blatantly shows his Dad being racist against blacks in America.
The writer himself says later on in the book that he worries about confirming the idea of the "Miserly Jew" by being truthfully writing about his father and his story.
Never heard this theory, sounds like crypto-nazi mental gymnastics though
I doubt he knew about it since it's extremely obscure outside tank/WWII enthusiasts. Only two barely working prototypes were ever made and there's no confirmed reports of either being used in combat.
Well mice don't wear clothes.
Checkmate op.
> Jews are rats
>Rats and mice are intelligent but filthy animals who will cannibalize one another
>Rats and mice are undesirable in areas where humans live
> Cats are usually employed to destroy these pests
No OP, it's pretty true. The Great White Cat must destroy the filthy Kike-rat.
he shows his father photo in the book after the ordeal, perfectly healthy. claims it was shot on a shop for remembering the concentration camp times, yeah right.
>oy vey so what if so many people are caught lying bout the six trillion
>Can you disprove this one book no one has ever heard of?
>mice don't wear clothes
Uhhh awkward
Basically they went trough all the trouble of translating the two books for a nation of 2 million people holy fuck. I bought these books 10 years ago, i wouldnt give my shekels today
honestly i make no excuses for germans. bunch of autistic useful idiots. but i know 6 million died and i know it wasnt just MUH FURHUR nonsense.
hitler was a gay meth addict. seems like a useful pawn to me.
Im looking at it, it says the ones who were gassed are the lucky ones, there were people who had to jump alive in to the burning pits TOP KEK
Get out of here with your Jewnime
>They were pouring human body fat and gasoline in to the pits so they burned better
You just cant make bs like this up HOLY KEK
Hey! Nazis also took three year olds by the legs and slammed them into walls, you anti-semite!
i mean chinks and niggers do it, why cant germans?
Shut up
And the pedal powered baby head crushers ? And the masturbation machines, that milked them to death.
His dad never actually mentions actually seeing anyone being gassed, just being in a camp and being taken on a march, which no one disputes happened. A lot of non-"celebrity" holocaust survivor stories are like this.
They assume their first son was gassed, but no one actually knows it happened. That's just what Jews were told when they couldn't find their relatives. For all we know the kid wound up on the other side of the iron curtain and was told the same thing and because of the lack of information being shared between the Russians and US nobody knew any better. There are actually a few stories like this in the 90's when the USSR collapsed of Holocaust survivors finding their lost relatives who they assumed were dead.
Fucking this. People who treat this book as zionist propaganda or something either never fucking read it or are too stupid to understand it.
Hey thats a pretty cool comic. Did you know that the author drew and wrote the whole thing with a fountain pen?
Nigga what ??? Please bump the thread, i will take a picture, its pictured in the second book, its translated to slav language but you will see from the pic
>The ones who ended up in the gas chambers were the lucky ones, there were lots of those who had to jump in to the pits alive. The prisoners who were working there were pouring gasoline and human fat on them so they burned better
Yeah, he's just repeating what some other guy told him. Starts on page 70
At most he saw bodies being burnt, one again, not disputed.
Found an English page.
Could you find this bit in your book?it has a picture of sausages cheese and bread to make it easier to find
I did not know that, is it relevant?
I read this in high school, very subversive
>my grandpa told me...
>It was his dad
Debunked your debunking!
>We were all so hungry, we got in the morning only a sour drink made from (roots?)
>i was waking up before the others and went to the toiled and somethimes got some extra tea (jew jewing jews)
>Once a day we got soup, if you got to the stove too quick it wasnt good you only got water, but if you were on the back of the line it might ran out of soup. We got a slice of bread that was liek eating glas, (the flower was mixed with sawdust) HAHAHAHA wtf bullshit
>In the evening we sometimes got spoiled chees or marmalade, if we were lucky we were surprised with some sausage big like two pinky fingers. If you ate only what you were giving, you were only postponing death
I had to read this in middle school
Interesting he portrayed Jews as rats, Poles as pigs and Germans as cats
Well its a nice simbolism because jews were hunted like rats, but i dont get why were the poles pigs.
This would make a good patch.
Yeah I disagree with Germans being cats as well. If they have the qualities of any animal it would be the predatory and cunning instinct of the hawk.
This book is aimed at brainwashing children so the animal characters are more interesting to the children.
If you wear that, people might cut themselves on your edge!
Is it that far off from the current assumed Sup Forums logo?
It adds a layer of edge because it's made by a Jew.
Fair enough. I'll stick with the order for these and work from there.
It's still a second hand testimony.
Even those who survived this shit didn't know where they were or why they were there. The world was a total chaos without information, everyone created his own fantasy to explain his pain, and soon they gathered their "memories" into defined genders, in a religious fashion: "I was a soldier", "I was a partisan", "I was a prisoner"...
The only thing I believe is that was a bloody chaos, no matter how and why.
I remember sympathizing more with the bad guys in this book than the main characters.
I thought the Jews were the main characters?